

  • I weighed myself today and I maintained this week... weight before I got pregnant: 175 lbs current weight: 200 lbs
  • Neat thread :D I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant and just recently got over my morning sickness...I have gained quite a bit of weight so far (25 LBS) ugghhh...odd thing is i have not changed my diet that much...i eat as healthy as i ever did (i added 200 calories to my diet because my nurse recommended me to for the baby to…
  • I'd like to join if that is ok? ...My start weight 177 lb
  • Hey...My Physical Therapist has me doing all of those (accept for the jump rope) and more to help strengthen my hip mussels...A big thing that will help strengthen my hip mussels is doing CORE exercises...Glad to know that I am on track ;)
  • my sister in-law is on here and she lives in kent...if i were you i would definitely send her a message :) she lives down by the golf course...her screen name is fabiolaenvy; tell her, "kristin said to message you." her name is fabiola and i know she would be more than glad to be a part of your kent team that you are…
  • i weigh myself every morning...it helps warn me if i'm doing something wrong :huh: , and i usually am able to find out what it is since i weigh myself daily...as far as measuring i do that once a week :wink:
  • there is the much sugar in all cows milk unfortunately :grumble: ...i am borderline diabetic so i drink "almond dreams unsweetened almond drink" instead :tongue:
  • 4593 + my 80 = 4673 :heart:
  • I have wondered the same question...When I started MPF in Apiril of this year I put the weight I weighed then. I did start loosing weight prior to mfp (about 7 months before). I lost 50 lbs out side of mfp and 30 lbs on mfp...I think once I get down to my target weight I will then set my ticker at my total weight loss…
  • :heart: *WOWSERS* :noway: ..*YOU LOOK *AWESOME** :glasses: *I CAN'T WAIT TO SPORT A BIKINI LIKE THAT* :blushing: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart:
  • well jesse, i am on a gluten free diet because i have to be but i know people who went vegan (which would still exclude gluten) to loose weight and lost over 100lbs. it definitely is effective !!! i don't mind eating gluten free...i do mind though when people eat my favorite gluten foods in front of me though...i have a…
  • I <3 Almond Milk...I drink it in replacement of regular milk...regular milk no matter if it is fatty, or no fat at all, has 12g of sugar per 8oz no matter what...I drink Almond Dreams Almond Drink Unsweetened Original and it has NO SUGAR !!! That is VERY important to me because I am borderline diabetic.
    in almond milk Comment by kjrosa June 2010
  • my goodness...my prayers are with your friends family...one of my childhood best friends was killed in afghanistan back in march '02 in the first big battle that was labeled "the war on terrorism" ...it is tough; i'm not going to lie... but finding peace in God and forgiveness in your heart helps when times get tough... i…
  • wow :noway: ...thank you for sharing July24Lioness :flowerforyou:
  • *awesome job* !!! you should be proud of yourself; that is a great time for someone who doesn't run everyday ;)
  • you're so sweet :blushing: love the encouragement...thank you :flowerforyou:
  • * ewired.biz * ...that is about it ;)
  • *awesome* !!! i broke mine a couple of weeks back then gained 10 lbs back to 200 exactly plateaued and lost 3 lbs today...now i'm 197...sharing the happiness ;D !!! *ConGrAtS GiRl* You're doing fabulous !!! =D
  • first of all my dad and brother are the ones that are avid "hard core" cyclist not me...maybe when i get down to my target weight :) ...my dad road across the united states and back when he was 17, and my dad and brother together, more times than i could count the fingers on my hands, have ridden from canada to mexico (my…
  • I like: Classic, Cranberry Gape, or Tropical XS Energy Drink: 8 calories/ 0 sugar/ 0 fat/ 15mg sodium/ 35mg potassium Jagermeister: 103 calories Total: 111 calories/ 0 sugar/ 0 fat/ 15mg sodium/ 35mg potassium for a 9.4oz drink It takes great, is healthy for a energy drink, and is low calories for an alcoholic drink !!!
  • here is a drink that my husband made for me last night...i had a caffeine free xs on hand but there are caffeine xs as well...i would have had one of those instead of the caffeine free but oh well it tastes great !!! 1 Classic, Cranberry Grape, or Tropical XS ENERGY DRINK: 8 CAL / 0 FAT / 0 SUGAR / 0 CARBS / 15MG SODIUM /…
  • i ended up tweaking my mfp percentages as well...i just tracked what i ate and watched my daily rate of weight loss for 1 month...i found out that if i have my calories right around 1200, my carbs less than 130, my fat less than 27, my protein high, my sugar less than 10, and my sodium less than 1200; as well as do…
  • height: 5'4 age: 28 193lbs 1200cal goal weight: 150lbs
  • how many days have you gone with out wheat, sugar, and caffeine? i'm trying to do the same thing; also watching my sodium! i am allergic to gluten, am pre-diabetic because I got pregnancy induced diabetes in all 3 of my pregnancies, and have hypertension which now is under control from not drinking any caffeine and and…
  • So far I've lost 1 lb and 5.5 inches since my last Wednesday. I only danced twice last week and I'm intending on being more frequent this week.
  • WOW...I lost 4lbs doing 4hrs of exercise yesterday (3hrs of it dancing; 2 hrs of that dancing while holding my little girl)...I can NOT believe it 4lbs in 1 day!!! Today I danced for 1 hr while holding my daughter; my boys and I kicked off with "The Mexican Hat Dance", while listening to a personal mix of variations of the…
  • Thank you for putting this group together! Shedding the lbs is going to be much funner this time around! In the past I've been just using my treadmill and cleaning as my exercise. Yeah to getting fit abs =D
  • Just finished my last round of dancing for the day. I put in a personal CD mix of Gloria Estefan; about 5min into the CD my youngest son sat down on the couch and crashed and my oldest so decided to stop dancing and take a bath. So I ended up walking back and forth doing the conga while carrying my daughter for an hour; I…
  • Just finished dancing to the "Shrek" soundtrack with my boys. My daughter did want me to hold her and dance with her this time around; she watched my son's and I while sitting in her high chair. We did a mixture of moshing as sprinting, mainly sprinting (while playing tag with my sons baseball cap).