I love Plyometrics <3

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Plyometrics is one of the best ways to improve power. Plyometrics are any exercise where the muscle is contracted eccentricly then immediately, concentricly. In plain English, the muscle is stretched (i.e. loaded) before it is contracted. A good example is push-ups with a clap in-between each push-up. Your muscle (pectorals in this case) is elongated and loaded by the downward force of your body, then immediately you must contract the muscle to push yourself back up. They add a whole new level to your workouts, try to incorporate a few of these moves a few times a week to your workouts for that extra calorie burn.

Seated Twists Start with a medicine ball infront of your body. Bring the ball to one side and other side quickly and controlled. This exercise is great for developing core.

Stabilizing on the ball. Start with the ball under your knees while holding on to something, then let go and try and balance. Eventually you can work up to standing on the ball (bare feet, however, do NOT try this until you can safely balance on your knees for 1 minute at a time and ALWAYS HAVE A SPOTTER who knows what their doing).

Clap Push Up Start lying face down with your hands out to the sides supporting your weight. Now explode off with your hands and then clap your hands together in the middle (Arms, Shoulder)

Burpee Start by standing tall and then drop to your hands and end up in push-up for, now explode up into a straight jump reaching with your hands above your head towards the ceiling (this may take some practice before you try this at 100% intensity). (Pectoralis Major, Shoulder)

Ball to Ball Twists This exercise is especially good for developing core strength. Start back to back with a partner. Have one partner with a medicine ball pass the ball to the side while the other partner grabs it. Continue passing the ball back and forth switching sides every 10 revolutions...(Core Strength, Abdominals, Obliques, Upper Body)

One Foot Box Jumps Start on one side of the box/bench/whatever with one leg off the ground, then squat down and jump over the box/bench/whatever landing on the same foot. (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

Side Box Jumps Start on one side of the box/bench/whatever in a squat position. Jump up pushing off horizontally while tucking your knees into your chest. Land with two feet... (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

Jump Rope Start with a skipping rope and jump =] :laugh: (Legs, Butt, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

High to Low Medicine Ball Twists This exercise is great for any sport involving twisting at the waist, or developing core strength. Ie. Hockey Start with a partner and stand back to back with one of the partners passing the medicine ball over their shoulder to the partner behind them. Grab the ball from the partner from the top and bring the ball down low to the opposite side. (Abdominals,Shoulders, Biceps Obliques, Core Strength)

Double Knee Jumps Start by standing in a squat position. Jump up with two feet while tucking your knees into your chest. Return to the starting position. (Legs, Butt, Thigh, Quadriceps, Hamstrings)

Double Stair Jumps Start by standing infront of a set of stairs in a squat position. Jump with two feet bringing your knees to your chest while jumping to the stairs in front of you. Repeat this process until desired. Remember to have a spotter with you since there is a chance of falling.


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Bump! And I love them, too :smile: So fun!!
  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    Hey...My Physical Therapist has me doing all of those (accept for the jump rope) and more to help strengthen my hip mussels...A big thing that will help strengthen my hip mussels is doing CORE exercises...Glad to know that I am on track ;)
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    I'm already doing some of these exercises and I will give the others ago , thanks : ))
  • Same here thanks! X
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