Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 1 (New Group)



  • By the way what is the elliptical? And do you know where I can get any of the dvds you all mention - 30 day shred etc? Maybe an online website or a company that ships? Ta x

    Namita me too!!!! I want to know what the Elliptical is...... and I also want to know how I may get my hands on these amazing vids everyone talks about.......

    ( I am currently doing a law degree and a bus degree here in Australia!!!! how awsome you are a lawyer! you are such an inspiration)
  • What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Hey everyone I'm Kayleigh, 21 years old and from Bournemouth in England. I study graphic design and web design at uni, and work as a waitress in a hotel.

    My goal weight is currently 133lb, but as I have no idea what I'll look like at that weight that may change! I also want to be fitter and healthier and more toned. I'm going to travel the world once I finish university, and I want to be the confident, happy girl posing in her bikini in all the photos, instead of the self conscious one sucking her tummy in.

    I'm currently sticking to around 1500 cals per day and doing an exercise dvd most days.

    My downfall foods are chocolate and cupcakes, I have a massive sweet tooth! Also, we get full english breakfasts and croissants for breakfast at work, so hard to resist. I can also see alcohol being an issue once I start back at uni in october, as I'll want to make the most of my final year of being a student and go out all the time!

    Good luck everyone, my weight loss has been very slow the past few weeks but I'm hoping to lose something by Monday!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Ladies this is wonderful. We are all in this together and here to support one another.

    Thank you for sharing and I am proud of all of us for uniting together here thanks to Rach!

    An elliptical trainer is a machine that works the legs and arms and provides a great cardio workout. I don't know how to post a picture so here is a link

    I'm not familiar with workout DVD's.

    How about we set three small goals for ourselves from today until Friday?

    Here is mine

    Track all my calories/exercise on MFP
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Get two 5 km walk/runs in

    Enjoy the day
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    By the way what is the elliptical? And do you know where I can get any of the dvds you all mention - 30 day shred etc? Maybe an online website or a company that ships? Ta x
    You can get "30 Day Shred" and probably the other DVD's mentioned on
    I bought mine at Target here in the states. It is about $9, so pretty inexpensive.
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Pin-up ladies since we are in this together let's share a few things.

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Right well, lets start, my name is Lucy and I'm from the UK. Currently a university student in Wales.

    My current goal is to get fitter and healthier and at the moment my weight goal is 154 lbs (gets me into normal BMI range) though I'm sure that'll change once I get down there.

    At the moment (while on summer holiday) I'm swimming, running and doing fitness DVDs, making sure I do something everyday. Unfortunately at the moment I have hurt my knee and am having to give myself a rest so I'm REALLY watching what I'm eating knowing I'm not burning a lot off :grumble: I also have stopped snacking on things other than fruit and try and control my portion sizes. It seems to be working so far :smile:

    My downfall is the fact I love to bake, so I want to bake but I know that if I do I will eat all the cakes and biscuits myself :blushing: also every so often I crave take-out like a BIG Dominoes pizza or a Chinese and that's not good. I haven't caved yet!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow! It was awesome to hop on here first thing this morning and read about everyone!!

    Okay for my 3 goals this week:

    -Drink water every day
    -No iced coffee/cappucino/frappe's
    -Eating all 3 meals

    They seem simple but I struggle with each one. I skip breakfast all the time, I drink away my calories, and simply forget water even exists it seems. Haha.

    I'll be on here all day today, because I'm bored at work! bliss.gif
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I'd like to join in this fun group :) I'm 144, and I'd like to be 138 by Halloween and 135 by Thanksgiving. I expect to gain a lot of muscle too :):drinker:
  • Hi, my name is Sheila. I am 27, and live in Canada. My ultimate goal is to weigh 150 by April of next year. Unfortunately, I do next to no exercise. I am trying to start again, but I find it really hard to get motivated. I am triyng swimming again, but I get so self-concsious in a bathing suit, that I always chicken out. However, September has always been about new beginnings for me (birthday, back to school) so I have decided that I will exercise my butt off (literally and figuratively) this month, and then take it from there. I don't have one particular group of food that would be a downfall, just portion control I guess. I can eat and eat and eat and never feel hungry. I am hoping that the more I control my calories, the more my appetite will also be controlled!

    So my three goals for this week would be

    - Do all of the exercise activities I have planned
    - Make sure that I am eating healthy foods throughout the week
    - (so that I can) Enjoy myself at my birthday party on friday night, and not stress about eating a little extra!
  • Happy September ladies!! New month...New goals...New Challenges :) It's gonna be another great month, I can feel it! And I REALLLY :heart: Fall!!

    HAPPY HUMP DAY TOO:bigsmile: , Weekend is almost here again and our baby turns 2 Saturday :heart:

    OOOppps posted this on the other thread, lol, so here it is again!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This was the first thing I checked this morning, even before email! I'm loving reading everybody's stories. We are all different, yet the same ;-) I also like seeing how we are all over the world! I'm originally from Southern California, but I'm in Texas now.

    I just wanted to post my goals for the week too. I try to think about them on Mon. morn, but I often forget about them. Maybe this will help?

    1. exercise every day
    2. drink 8 glasses of water. (for some reason this is the one I struggle with. Silly)
    3. no snacking after 8!

    Please feel free to add me ;-)
  • This is a GREAT group. Hope I'm not too late to join.........Starting weight is 179lbs! :) xxxx
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks for the tips. The elliptical sounds like the cross trainer here. I managed to find the '30 day shred' on UK Amazon and have already ordered it so with some luck I'll be having my first crack at it this weekend!

    The three goals idea is great! Mine are:

    1. to only have one gin and slimline tonic when I go out after work tonight and possibly stretch to two at the most but definitely no more!
    2. get to the gym or do another class both tomorrow and Friday.
    3. Try and have dinner by 7pm each day.

    Have a good day!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So far I'm sticking to my 3 goals!! Hurray! I'm going to start the Couchto5k tonight too. I downloaded some decent podcasts someone put together for them. :drinker:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Boo hoo......jumped on the scales this morning and I weigh a pound heavier! Wish I hadn't got on the scales now. Must wait til Monday. Must wait til Monday........
  • I'd like to join if that is ok? ...My start weight 177 lb
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    We have over 50 members now. Hope everyone sticks around!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'd like to join too! My weight has varied a lot the past week ... I'm gonna say 246 :(
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just started a new league on

    Basically you join a league (the one I started begins on 9/6, ends on 10/4, and is open to anyone) and you just log in all the exercise you do. You get points based on each exercise. The league gets split into teams and you compete to see which team can get the most points. I think it's fun and it motivates me to do maybe some extra pushups here or situps there to earn some extra points. Please join!!!

    Once you create a profile, on the left under your little calender, you'll see the open league called 'Pin-up Girls'

    Hope you guys join!! :flowerforyou:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I just started a new league on

    Basically you join a league (the one I started begins on 9/6, ends on 10/4, and is open to anyone) and you just log in all the exercise you do. You get points based on each exercise. The league gets split into teams and you compete to see which team can get the most points. I think it's fun and it motivates me to do maybe some extra pushups here or situps there to earn some extra points. Please join!!!

    Once you create a profile, on the left under your little calender, you'll see the open league called 'Pin-up Girls'

    Hope you guys join!! :flowerforyou:

    I will definately be joining your over there...fab idea!
    I have had an extra busy week this hoping to fit in some super exercising this weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • oooh - that's perfect! I'm in!! Hopefully it will give me the boost I need to really start exercising!

    Thanks Rach!
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