Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 1 (New Group)



  • misskatieanne
    misskatieanne Posts: 39 Member
    138 is my starting weight if its not too late to join in? thanks!
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there, I'd love to join this group if it's not too late. My starting weight is 160 :-S Love the pin ups!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updated member list. Can't wait for weigh-in day!!! :)

  • I wanna be involved my start weight is 155
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've been drinking only water aaaaaall day, even though I'm dying for a caramel frappe!!! gaah.gif
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hang in there Rach, you're doing well!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updated memberlist...can't wait for weigh-in day!

  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Rach try and turn it around, look you've made it through most of the day without one, don't cave now!
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Hi, I'm Shannon, I'm currently at 200 lbs, but my goal weight is 160 lbs. I never had a problem in high school and college with weight, I was always skinny. Then I met my husband, and we ate out, and I was happy and I stopped smoking, and I packed on 40 lbs.

    To achieve my goals I have been doing some fitness boot camps. I just finished one last week, and start another in October. I am training for a 10K now. I am restricting my calories, but not by a ton, and I'm just trying to eat cleaner and healthier.

    I love vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup on top. Usually I can resist until I get to that TOM and then I have to have some, so I have been trying to have really small bowls.

    I'm 24 and work for the US government, I will hopefully be going back to school next year!

    My three goals for this week:
    -complete all of my 10K training work outs
    -not gain weight (it's my TOM, food issues)
    -eat more veggies

    ETA: I'm also doing the 2000 crunch/90 min plank challenge for September. 67 crunches a day and 3 minutes of plank a day!
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    By the way what is the elliptical? And do you know where I can get any of the dvds you all mention - 30 day shred etc? Maybe an online website or a company that ships? Ta x

    Namita me too!!!! I want to know what the Elliptical is...... and I also want to know how I may get my hands on these amazing vids everyone talks about.......

    ( I am currently doing a law degree and a bus degree here in Australia!!!! how awsome you are a lawyer! you are such an inspiration)

    Here's a picture of an elliptical:
    And here's the Bowflex site:
    It's kind of like a treadmill, but eaiser on your joints.
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Woooooow - check out our combined weight!! Hehehe
    Man am I gonna ache tomorrow - just got back from a 12Km run. Think that might just be the longest one I've ever done!

    My 3 goals for this week:
    - log EVERYTHING I eat as I've been especially slack with this the last few weeks
    - do two recovery runs in the next three days, then 10Km race on Sunday
    - avoid snacking on crap and get my protein levels up by going back to having protein shakes between meals (2 goals in 1)

    Hope you've all had a great day

  • By the way what is the elliptical? And do you know where I can get any of the dvds you all mention - 30 day shred etc? Maybe an online website or a company that ships? Ta x

    Namita me too!!!! I want to know what the Elliptical is...... and I also want to know how I may get my hands on these amazing vids everyone talks about.......

    ( I am currently doing a law degree and a bus degree here in Australia!!!! how awsome you are a lawyer! you are such an inspiration)

    Here's a picture of an elliptical:
    And here's the Bowflex site:
    It's kind of like a treadmill, but eaiser on your joints.

    Oh yes...... We call it a Cross Trainner here in Australia :)
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I just started a new league on

    Basically you join a league (the one I started begins on 9/6, ends on 10/4, and is open to anyone) and you just log in all the exercise you do. You get points based on each exercise. The league gets split into teams and you compete to see which team can get the most points. I think it's fun and it motivates me to do maybe some extra pushups here or situps there to earn some extra points. Please join!!!

    Once you create a profile, on the left under your little calender, you'll see the open league called 'Pin-up Girls'

    Hope you guys join!! :flowerforyou:
    ok I have already set up my profile and joined the league. I even logged my exercise for today just so I get into the habit. I think this will be fun!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    My three goals for the week:
    - Walk the dog every day - no dog parks!!
    - No meat (My husband is out of town and I want to see how it feels to be a vegetarian!)
    - Nothing but water to drink, with the exception of my gross Grapefruit juice
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Today I started Week 8 Day 1 of Insanity - It's my last week of round 1!!!

    After I finished it up and I'm taking a month off from Insanity and going to do Brazil Butt Lift. Debating if I should do Hip Hop Abs along with it. Both programs are only a month long. Just that some days I will have to do 4 days in one day.

    I was doing Insanity w/ Brazil Butt Lift and I was doing pretty good with it until I had a house full of family members, so I had to stop BBL because I would be rude of me to kick out my family out of the house for two hours lol
  • I'm in. Start weight 232
  • I just started a new league on

    Hope you guys join!! :flowerforyou:

    ♥♥♥ I did it..... I am "LaChanchita FattyPants’s" on intro do I find you guys.... I looked and I cant find your team :( wah wah boo hoo.
  • Oops, just realised I typed my start weight in wrong... it was supposed to be 140.4, not 140.04. Sorry!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Hello lovely pin-ups!

    How did we do with day 1 of our 3 goal challenge.

    I got in a 5 km run last night. It felt great. I am on a comeback after a running injury so I walked for 5 minutes as a warm up and then ran 6 - 5 minute intervals with 1 minute walks in between. I'm so proud of myself it's been a long summer with no running. My hip is letting me know that it was worked last night.

    I also tracked all my food and got in 11 glasses of water. It was really hot and humid here so that helped.

    Have a great day ladies.

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I just started a new league on

    Hope you guys join!! :flowerforyou:

    ♥♥♥ I did it..... I am "LaChanchita FattyPants’s" on intro do I find you guys.... I looked and I cant find your team :( wah wah boo hoo.
    I had a hard time finding it too. You have to look almost to the bottom of your page after you log in and you will see where it says open leagues and it will have pin-up girls underneath that and you click JOIN.
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