Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 1 (New Group)



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Ugh I went to McDonald's today for lunch and didn't eat well at all. I can still stay in my calorie range today, I'm just a bit disappointed in myself. Moving on...

    I do need to kick this iced coffee/cappucino habit! Yuck!

    OH MY GOD! Their iced coffees are freakin' awesome! I can't even go into that place without getting one. So I stay FAR AWAY!
    eh...tomorrow is a new day :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ugh I went to McDonald's today for lunch and didn't eat well at all. I can still stay in my calorie range today, I'm just a bit disappointed in myself. Moving on...

    I do need to kick this iced coffee/cappucino habit! Yuck!

    OH MY GOD! Their iced coffees are freakin' awesome! I can't even go into that place without getting one. So I stay FAR AWAY!
    eh...tomorrow is a new day :flowerforyou:

    I know! Between those and the caramel frappe's!! Gaaah!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    please add me!
    start weight 126

    I love this thread!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    RachVR6, I love your pin up wall! It's fantastic. Thank you for setting up this group, I can't believe how many members there are already and it is definately keeping me on the straight and narrow......

    I have had a good day today but tomorrow I start back at work :cry: and I am worried about the lunch that is being provided. I had thought about taking my own lunch but I don't want to stand out amongst 200 other people so hopefully they will have something healthy that I can choose.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Simone x
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Pin-up ladies since we are in this together let's share a few things.

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    We all know Rach's is iced coffee! :tongue:

    I'll start.

    I'm Karen and I am trying to get back into shape after not being able to do any exercise for over 2 months. Those two months I was on a cooking and feeding frenzy and enjoyed it way too much. My goal is to tone up and lose 10-15 lbs.
    I am eating clean and exercising. I joined MFP and found this great group. I started running again, very slowly but I'm running again.......Yaaaaa!
    Chocolate and cheese ( not
    I love garter belts, stockings and heels and Aerosmith!
    And I am the proud mother of an amazing 12 year old daughter!

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi Karen,

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?
    Here goes....
    My name is Simone, I am 35 and live in England.
    My goal is to reach 140lbs by 4th December for my boyfriend's mums wedding! Gotta buy an outfit, shoes, bag.....
    I try and stay within my calories and exercise every day. This is normally a bit harder when my boyfriend is at home because he likes chinese takeaways....:tongue:
    I have a really bad sweet tooth and love chocolate, cookies, cake, anything sweet!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yourself?

    My goal is to get to a healthy weight. I like having a bit of meat on my bones, just no rolls and jiggling please! Haha! I'm getting back into my exercise routine and trying to stock my kitchen with healthy foods.

    My downfall is fastfood. It's so much easy (and cheaper sometimes) to go to burger king and grab a chicken sandwich off the dollar menu than it is to pack a lunch or spend time cooking!

    Something personal...hmmm. I'm about to turn 22. Just moved to Texas about a year ago and I love it here!! I have an obsession with volkswagens and and addiction to tattoos. :)
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yourself?

    My name is Cristina (or Cina)
    I'm a SAHM & an Army Spouse.

    I use to be 135 but than I got married and had kids =) My biggest as been 185 right before my 2nd daughter. During that pregnancy, I actually lost weight and actual got down to 164 (I'm 162 now but it's usually when I stop breastfeeding I pack on the lbs. This June I knew I needed to do something before I end up back being 185plus.

    The workout program I'm using/plan on using are Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift and Hip Hop Abs. I'm NOT on a diet just making some better choices and eating in moderation. I'm still going to enjoy a slice of pizza or a piece of cake - I'm just not going to over indulge - I set up cheat days but even on my cheat days I'm not doing too bad =)

    I want to be at least in the 140's but don't plan on going past 130's. At 18 I use to think I needed to lose weight because I was 135. Being overweight now, I realized how wrong I was and yes I was actually "skinny" and in shape. My sister is 135 and complains about how she is getting fat and I keep telling her 135 IS NOT FAT - YOU'RE SKINNY. Just be happy with 135!!

    My mini goal for Sept is to be 159 on or before Sept 12th. My 6th anniversary is on Sept 13th and it would be great to have lost all of my pregnancy weight from my first daughter by than! =)
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    My goal is to get to a healthy weight. I like having a bit of meat on my bones, just no rolls and jiggling please!

    Yes! I agree!!! LOL

    I'm Puertorican so we embrace our curves and behind. If I get too skinny , it will go away! LOL

    One thing I will never give up is rice and beans! LOL
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My goal is to get to a healthy weight. I like having a bit of meat on my bones, just no rolls and jiggling please!

    Yes! I agree!!! LOL

    I'm Puertorican so we embrace our curves and behind. If I get too skinny , it will go away! LOL

    One thing I will never give up is rice and beans! LOL

    Yes!! I looove being curvy, and I love my booty!! And hell if I'm gonna give up my pasta's and occasional ben & jerry's! :laugh:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi Girls!

    I'm Karin, (33), I'm currently 126 and would like to get down around 115, (I'm short, 5'-ish). My real goal is to get to whatever weight it is that I can see my abs. I love my curves, I'd just like them to be tighter, ya know? We are going on vacation in December and I'd like to be able to wear a bathing suit without feeling self conscious and maybe even feeling good about myself.

    I'm a SAHM now and former Pastry Chef, so I'm sure you can imagine my struggles :wink:
    I started out at about 140 after having my son and it's taken me a long time to get here. I'm a total foodie and it is and will always be a huge part of my life and soul, but I have come to know my limits. I never deny a craving but if I'm going to eat something "bad" it needs to be good. Like an expensive dessert or good quality chocolate or ice cream, does that make sense? Those are rules I've made up so I don't eat every bit of chocolate I come in contact with, (because otherwise I will). At home I eat pretty clean and try to exercise everyday.

    I've done 30 Day Shred, no more trouble zones & banish fat boost metabolism, Brazil Butt Lift. I'm waiting for INSANITY, (inspired by Cina04) to arrive so I can start that. I've always wanted to be a runner girl but my knees have prevented me from doing that. I love my elliptical and last week I promised myself that no matter what workout I do each day, I will add 20 minutes of cardio on the ellip. to it. I've stuck to it and I'm really proud of that.
  • mikioi
    mikioi Posts: 86 Member
    Not much change... will post weight next monday!! Going to try and work extra hard this week!! :)
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Pin-up ladies since we are in this together let's share a few things.

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    I'm Daniela. Stay at home mom to my 4 1/2 year old daughter. I was one of those that never worked out and still stayed skinny. I was always in shape up until getting married and pregnant within a 3 month span, 5 years ago. I was actually a member of MFP for a year before finally losing weight. I joined the beginning of 2009 but things didn't actually 'click' with me until Jan. of this year. So far I have lost 52 pounds and my goal is to lose the last 28, to get to my goal weight and to tone up as the last of the pounds come off. I make a point to do some kind of activity each day. I don't have a gym membership, so everything I have done I do at home. I run laps at the park, ride my bike, zumba, play tennis and a variety of DVD's such as "30 Day Shred", "Billy's Bootcamp" and Crunch workout videos. I am looking forward to doing p90x with my brother in the near future. I have done four 5k's this year and I am signed up to do atleast 3 more before the end of the year. I would love to do a half and whole marathon one day! Also, I hope to get to my goal weight of 135 by November of this year. I want to be a knockout when the entire family gets together for the holidays. I also have a sweet tooth and an addiction to chocolate and anything with coffee in it. ANY baked goods are my weakness as well!
    I am a painter. I love riding motorcycles and shooting my gun at the range. I like most kinds of music but I am a sucker for 80's rock, thanks to my dad! I am so excited about this group! Let's go girls!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Pin-up ladies since we are in this together let's share a few things.

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    H'ok - I'm Catherine, I'm 24 and I live in London, UK
    My goal is to lose around 20-30lbs - I've always been just *slightly* overweight, but it seems my definition of * slightly* is stretching somewhat recently!! I think around 140lbs would be about right for me.
    At the moment I'm concentrating on running as my main exercise - in a moment of madness I entered a 10Km race....and it's this Sunday!! Holy *%&$!!! Other than that I am a gym member and I do enjoy mixed cardio and a fair bit of weight lifting, but I think - depending on how Sunday goes - I'd really like to train for a triathlon. Also I have all the P90X dvd's ready and waiting for me, but I think I'm gonna hold onto them until my gym membership runs out.
    My downfall - well let's see - I run my own cake business!! I trained as a physiotherapist but it was just no fun, so about a year ago I started my own business making and delivering cakes & desserts for local cafes, coffee shops etc. I'm a strong believer in not denying yourself anything - everything in moderation. I love food. Like, I REALLY love food. I think about food, I dream about food and I love to shop, cook and prepare good food. I believe that as long as we have a healthy attitude towards what we eat and we exercise regularly then no food should be off limits. It's there to be enjoyed!
    My weaknesses are coffee & cake. Sit me down with one of my friends, a good latte and a piece of cake and I'm happy for hours!!
  • JessikaJ
    JessikaJ Posts: 43
    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Hello ladies.. I am a 26 year old mother of three boys... 7,5, and a 2 month old.. trying to get back into shape after my most recent baby... Was at 165 at the end of my pregnancy... currently at 130... would love to be around 115-118...

    I have been doing the 30 day shred, drinking tons of water, logging my food, eating healthy, walking at least 15000 steps a day and recently started running.

    My biggest downfall is portion control. Once i start, i dont stop... i cant "have just one bite of cake".. i eat the entire cake! I recently bought a food scale so i have been trying to weigh everything out! I think its helping.... except on weekends :/
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    My name is Amanda and I am currently at 187 as of this afternoon.

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    My main goal is to get to the 140ish range. I would love to be around 130, but I think that is a not very realistic goal. My mini goal is to lose 10 lbs by my infertility visit on November 3, so that when he tells me to lose weight I will be able to say that I already have!

    I am currently at the gym 3 - 4 times a week, usually on the elliptical with a little bit of strength training. I LOVE the elliptical, the high that it gives me is awesome!! Trying to cut back on my portions at the moment. I don't think our diet is that horrible, but the portion sizes are out of control!

    My biggest downfall is carbs. I love my carbs!! There is a very good reason why I married an Italian man!! I am working to cut them back to a more reasonable level! And I need to cut out stress eating, because that is a bad thing as well for me!

    As I mentioned earlier, my husband and I are currently dealing with infertility. The stress from a miscarriage and then over a year of trying unsuccessfully have really impacted my weight. I eat when I am sad or stressed, so this has been a bad year! Hopefully though losing some weight will kick start things and I will both lose weight and have a little bundle of joy some time soon!
  • ok...... my turny....

    ♦Who is she♦
    I am La Chanchita (Chanchi) and I am latina, but live in Australia.

    ♦What her goals are?♦
    Simply said....but not so simply done..... Lose these kilos. I want to get married with my mister darling wearing a 50's looking gown, not a tunic looking white potato bag. When I lose these kilos, everything else will fall into place..... I already have everything I want and need, but this weight is holding me back from enjoying it.

    ♦What she is doing to achieve her goals♦
    I am eating under 2000 each day, drinking a lot of water, no refined sugars or preservatives in foods, eating a lot of my veggies raw so they retain their prime vitamins, I am exercising each day even if it is 20 mins, and I have a sleeping application on my android that counts the hours I sleep and helps me from sleeping less than I should be.

    ♦What is her downfall♦
    The type of industry I am in, and also what I am studying, are two different industries, and both require ALOT of time and attention, I often get carried away on both and don’t eat, then when I do have to eat I over consume, but I have got control of that with MFP, I plan my meals one day ahead, log them in and stick to the list, and if i eat anything out of the list I add in to my log.

    ♦something personal ♦
    I wrote about my story on my profile..... um apart from that.... I adore olives. Olives are my chocolate......My total WEAKNESS.

    :) It is nice meeting you all...... you are all so sweet and caring, understanding and lovely...... I am happy to be on this journey with you all.

    P.S: I let my trainer weigh me today :)

  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Morning everyone!

    My goal is to shed about 40 lbs in total. Had a weigh in this morning and I'm now 10lbs in. Want to drop another 8lbs by the end of Sept (possibly a bit ambitious but worth aiming for I think)!

    Am in the gym with a trainer and doing classes as well averaging about 3 times a week. Not restricting myself as such with particular foods but keeping within the calorie counter and generally trying to cut back on carbs - bread is my complete downfall comfort food so really trying to stay away from it as much as possible!

    So something personal about me - I live in London and work as a lawyer. After years of being the same weight I feel like I've had a realisation that I need to do something drastic to shed the lbs and feel determined to do it! All the support on here is amazing!

    Namita xx
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    By the way what is the elliptical? And do you know where I can get any of the dvds you all mention - 30 day shred etc? Maybe an online website or a company that ships? Ta x
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Hey everyone! Just sent in my starting weight! This group looks awesome, looking forward to seeing how everyone does! I love how encouraging and supportive everyone on this site is. It always keeps me coming back. :happy:

    I'm 27, from NJ, and I work the overnight shift (11pm-7am) in a hospital lab/blood bank. Lately the hospital has been very slow during these hours, and I've spent most of my shift tonight on MFP reading posts like crazy! I love to travel, and added Egypt to my list of traveled places this year. I want to look forward to having my picture taken on my next vacation, not dread it like I do now, which is why most of my pictures don't include me!

    My inital goal is to lose 30lbs by the end of the year, but in total, I'd say around 50-60lbs. I started seriously trying to lose back in May when we started a biggest loser challenge at work. That has since ended and I miss the weigh-ins, and feeling accountable for the week. I've gotten into exercise much more than I think I ever have. I've mainly been doing cardio, eith by walking/jogging, Leslie Sansone dvds, and most recently, Turbo Jam, which I must say I'm loving!!

    I think my go-to foods, depending on what mood I'm in would either be ice cream for something sweet, and chips or french fries for something salty. I'm a big texture person, and love crunchy things, so when I go to ice cream, it will more than likely have mini chips, or something of the sort mixed in.

    Good luck everyone, we can do it!! :drinker:
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