Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 1 (New Group)



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I just started a new league on

    Hope you guys join!! :flowerforyou:

    ♥♥♥ I did it..... I am "LaChanchita FattyPants’s" on intro do I find you guys.... I looked and I cant find your team :( wah wah boo hoo.
    I had a hard time finding it too. You have to look almost to the bottom of your page after you log in and you will see where it says open leagues and it will have pin-up girls underneath that and you click JOIN.
    Oh I see you already figured it out! YAY!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm in a cruddy mood today. tantrumsmiley.gif
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Sorry guys haven't been at comp much.

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    My name is Katie and I am from Ontario, Canada. My goal is to hit 135 so that I am in a healthy range for my height.

    I have been monitoring more of my food intake and I've joined a couple of ultimate frizbee leagues.

    My downfall has to be ice cream. I absolutely love it.

    Personal about me: My boyfriend of two and half years broke up with me earlier this month. I still want him back and right now, I am not giving up my hope for that to happen. I wanted to marry him so it's be a stressful time the last little bit (resulting in lack of food, energy and sleep).

    My goals for this week are to:
    1. Drink more water
    2. Start getting my food intake back to what it was before my depression hit
    3. Attempt to enjoy myself this weekend on the camping trip (hopefully no crying will be involved).

    I joined the league as well :)
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I just started a new league on

    You guys are going to love me this weekend lol. I think I'll have about 25 hours of dancing this weekend. I'll probably log that as 17 actual dancing hours though :) This sounds like fun, we should get other MFP groups to do it!
  • Yayyyeeeee Happy Friday Eve!!! I joined the IntroLeague group and I'm "BringinSexyBack" hehe. Today I feel absolutly FABULOUS and I can't wait to get on the scale tomorrow!!!

    My three goals are
    *To get to my pre-baby weight
    *Make my bike riding a normal part of my workout routine (so maybe 3x a week)
    *Try to eat breakfast within the first hour of waking up (I'm never hungry for it in that first hour but I realize that is when it's most beneficial)
  • I'm in a cruddy mood today. tantrumsmiley.gif

    Awe up :flowerforyou: Your group is a GREAT success! Thank you for setting it up!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I'm in a cruddy mood today. tantrumsmiley.gif

    That was me yesterday.....:grumble:
    I feel much better today!
    I hope something happens today to cheer you up! :flowerforyou:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good morning!

    I just wanted to check in :flowerforyou:

    I actually felt accountable yesterday. I am usually pretty good about tracking and everything, but yesterday I was DILIGENT about the three goals I set for myself. I went to sleep feeling like I stayed on top of everything and not like I slacked off like I sometimes do. I have joined challenges before and literally forgotten them as quickly as I joined, I also have not seen any weight loss for months. Now is time for change! Thanks Pin-ups!

    I have a new goal: Eat most of my calories early in the day so I'm not making bad choices at the end.

    Also, INSANITY is arriving today! I'm very excited and very scared. :wink:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My bf and I aren't getting along too well today and I think that's why. I'm having my cell phone shut off because I want to switch to a cheaper provider so I'm going to go without for a few weeks til I can afford to buy one of their phones. I think it'll be kind of nice to be shut off from the world a little bit (and my bf). I told him if he needs to get ahold of me he'll have to come find me. :laugh:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I just started a new league on

    I have just signed up as well! I am having a day off from exercise today but I will definately be logging my exercise tomorrow!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    I'm in a cruddy mood too!!
    I made a nice dinner for my boyfriend & ran around tidying before he got home, expecting for him to get home early, just like he said, but instead he went out for a drink with his friend and didn't bother to tell me.
    Giving him some major silent treatment at the moment...
    On the plus side, I did good portion control and am planning on getting an early night!

    Hope you all had a great day and met all your goals

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609

    Also, INSANITY is arriving today! I'm very excited and very scared. :wink:

    You are going to LOVE Insanity even though it;s the toughest workout program!!

    Everyone must own this program because you see results within days!

    Just amazing!!

    I LOVE Shaun T!

    I can't wait until Insanity 2 (Asylum) comes out...Next Fall!!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Is it too late to join? I'm new the site and your group looks awesome. :-)

    Starting weight: 139.9

    What are my goals?
    To get toned and increase my stamina.

    What are you doing to achieve your goals?
    30-40 minutes of cardio 3 times a week
    Ab intervals with cardio 2 times a week
    Pilates for thighs and buns 1 time a week
    Pilates for arms 1 time a week
    Yoga and Tai Chi
    Logging calories

    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Cocoa krispies, ice cream, cheese, pasta

    Share something personal about yourself.
    I'm 31 and I've been trying to get pregnant for 8 months. I'm pretty frustrated with that, so I figured I would take that frustration and put it to good use to get into shape. If I can't be a mommy, I'll be hot and sexy.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I'm in a cruddy mood too!!
    I made a nice dinner for my boyfriend & ran around tidying before he got home, expecting for him to get home early, just like he said, but instead he went out for a drink with his friend and didn't bother to tell me.
    Giving him some major silent treatment at the moment...
    On the plus side, I did good portion control and am planning on getting an early night!

    Hope you all had a great day and met all your goals

    ugh! don't you hate that?! men....:grumble:
  • What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Ionara and I live in San Diego. My goal is to get away from the 186 that has been haunting me for the past year and get back to my healthy weight of 136-138. I need to loose 50 pounds and simply feel better about myself every day instead of dreading getting dressed for work or play.

    I am staying to my caloric intake, drinking water, water, water (my eyeballs are floating) and walking for an hour each night. My knees are bad from the pounding they took while I was in the Marine Corsp.

    I am a HUGE chocaholic and love is my absolute downfall...along with ice-cream, cookies...heck anything sweet!

    I am the mother of two wonderful twin girls who think I am lava hot but they love me so what else can they say? I want to be healthy and strong to be around with them for many years to come but if these past three days have been hard I can't imagine how much harder it is going to be and wonder if I can stick with it. Wish it was jusr as hard to put it on as it is to take it off...

    Glad to be in the group and amencouraged by all your responses
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all! I was stoked to find such a killer group of supportive ladies here and would be thrilled to join you if you'll take me.....pretty please with a cherry on top!?! :flowerforyou:

    Starting weight: 146

    What our goals are?
    What we are doing to achieve our goals?
    What is your downfall - go to food (s)?
    Share something personal about yoursefl?

    About me....

    1) My two primary goals are to...a) feel confident in a bathing suit (I was there once, but can't even recall what it felt like anymore).....and b) be able to go on long hikes with my hubby and friends without being the 'dead weight' of the group (hence the profile pic of me after a hike that nearly killed me---MOTIVATION!.) I think I'd like to get down to around 120-125 lbs, but feeling healthy and confident is much more important to me than seeing any particular number on the scale.

    2) Right now I'm trying to burn off about 750 Calories a day (except Sundays, when I allow myself an 1800 Cal day of whatever it is I've been dying for all week). I usually shoot for consuming 1300-1400 Cals Mon-Sat and a one-hour walk. I'd like to start doing some strength training and get back into yoga, but for some reason I just haven't been able to find the motivation to move any faster than a walk yet.

    3) My downfalls are BAKED GOODS....mmmmm.....I'm salivating just thinking of those sweet fluffy old "friends" of mine. I LOVE to bake. My grandma got me started helping her roll breadsticks and measure sugar as soon as I crawled out of the cradle, so for me baking is nostalgic and food is love. I can never totally part with my pastries, but I'd like to get to a point where I can eat ONE and feel satisfied, rather than gobbling the entire batch and still wanting more. We can dream, right?

    4) About me....I'm a newlywed (sorta...soon to be 2 years) and live with my husband in Quito, Ecuador. Believe it or not, I'm still adjusting to the role of wifey and recently realized that I was losing myself in our relationship. We were becoming one of those joined at the hip couples, and I was beginning to realize that there was no more "me" in my mind, just "us," and that is definitely not healthy. Soooo, long story short, I've decided to spend more time taking care of ME, and this is one big part of it!

    I know you all are going to be an amazing support group, so thanks in advance for being so awesome! :happy:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Yep I'm the heaviest!!! heheheheh DOH!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hey all my lovely gorgeous pin up ladies,

    So I'm in a much better mood today than I was last night. My boyfriend, to be fair to him, felt like a complete jerk and couldn't stop apologising last night (he cycles everywhere and so when I can't get hold of him on the phone my first thought is that he's under a truck somewhere...). He got some major silent treatment and I very nearly threw his dinner in the bin (ha - do you get the idea I don't stand for people treating me crappy?!)

    Anyhoo, today is a whole new day. I am working all day today, which means a lot of hours on my feet in the kitchen. I have 3 extra private cake orders on top of my normal weekend orders, so lots to do! It's actually turning out to be a pretty nice day in London today so I might take some time out in a little bit and go for a walk to the shops to get some lunch. Maybe sushi.
    Exercise today isn't really gonna happen (apart from the walk). My foot is really aching from my long run on Wed night. I've upped my mileage pretty quickly and with the 10Km race coming up on Sunday I don't wanna push it into being a stress fracture or other injury.
    (By the way I am a TERRIBLE patient - I used to treat so many people with the same injuries that I have/had but I just can't take a dose of my own medicine!....bad physio...!)

    Oooh I also joined the league!

    Ok enough rambling

    Have a fabulous Friday

  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Yep I'm the heaviest!!! heheheheh DOH!

    Aaaah, but just think how good it's gonna feel when you're losing more than all of us!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I had a rough night. Didn't eat much all day and then had a migraine all evening/night. So bad I it made me sick. So, I was up all night puking and crying, just wishing my head would stop throbbing. My headache's gone now but I'm just feeling a little weak. Trying to recover today. mornincoffee.gif

    Ready to go home and burrow under my covers! 7165.gif
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