Talk to me about gluten free

JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I read something in a magazine today about doing the gluten free thing. So - tell me what you think--

Likes? Dislikes? Success? Failure?
Do you have to do it bc you have an allergy?
Did you choose to do it for weight loss? If not, why are you gluten free?


  • I follow the gluten free diet due to having an allergy to gluten. My Craniopathic Chiropractor told me that my Adrenal glands were the problem. I am working on this and it is a slow recovery. I have been eating gluten free for several years now and found out the bread is awful. The good news is I can eat flat bread which tastes very good. I buy my at Krogers in Ohio. It is called Flat Out in the deli section of the supermarket. I eat corn and rice based pastas. The corn tastes much better than the rice. Just not eating the bread and the pasta, exercising and utilizing this site for five weeks I have lost 9 lbs. I haven't been able to lose a pound since I had my gallbladder out 4.5 years ago. This is awesome. Gluten free is better for your body. I hope you have as much good fortune as I have had when going Gluten Free. :happy:

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  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    well jesse, i am on a gluten free diet because i have to be but i know people who went vegan (which would still exclude gluten) to loose weight and lost over 100lbs. it definitely is effective !!! i don't mind eating gluten free...i do mind though when people eat my favorite gluten foods in front of me though...i have a weakness for baked is a weakness i have to get over though if i seriously want to loose wait and avoid gluten attacks is definitely something you should consider doing...if you are serious about weight lost the best diet is a vegan diet...i wish i had the will power to be vegan...i'm slowly getting all time favorite food is salmon...which if i were vegan i would have to give up : /

    hope that help girl ;)

    ps...since i've started to go gluten free (last august) i have lost 80 lbs...

  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Unless you have coeliac disease or a gluten intolerance, there isn't really any health benefit to cutting out gluten.

    Actually, a lot of people with coeliac disease (who have to follow a strict, life-long gluten-free diet) gain weight after they start the diet. The reason for this is because gluten has very important functional properties in food for example, they help your bread bind together and rise. If you make gluten free products, you have to use more fats and sugars to help it turn out close to edible.

    Some people will report that they lost weight after they cut out gluten, but this is usually because they cut out foods, carbs and consequently, calories.

    You can absolutely eat a healthy, gluten free diet but I wouldn't bother with it if you don't have to.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm not going gluten free - I was just curious to learn about it. :flowerforyou: TY for your response. I have a friend who also has an allergy & her life has been sooo much better since finding out thats what was wrong with her. Shopping with her and cooking with her is very time consuming bc we have to check every single label & make sure there aren't traces of wheat or gluten at all in anything. :ohwell: I sometimes feel bad for her bc she can't just grab the normal things I can (healthy or not) when she's hungry so I guess thats where my main interest comes from - wanting to know how people do it.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I did gluten free for about a month. My boyfriend it intolerant, so I wanted to help him adjust. Since then I have gone back to eating ONE serving a day of food that contains gluten. I did not feel any different when doing the diet BUT it helped me to increase my fruit and veg intake and to seek alternative healthy food, which is a huge perk when you get stuck in a rut.
  • Have your friend go to There is all sorts of great information on that site. There is a food list and it lists it by brand. Alot of sites carry gluten-free food items you just search by entering the word "gluten". Good luck to you and her. Have a great day!

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  • donya35
    donya35 Posts: 166
    Well the only personal experience I can share about gluten free foods is because of a student of mine. I teach special needs kids, grades kinder thru 2nd, and I have an autistic little girl who has a gluten free diet due to her autism. It helps her not be so....everywhere :wink: . We have to accomodate for her diet, and when we're baking in our kitchen we always use gluten free brownies/cookies and other snacks. I have to admit, out of curiosity, I have tried the gluten free things, and I am sooo glad I don't have to be on that diet. I have nothing against it, but to just tastes a little off :ohwell: . I've heard that gluten free is healthier for you, people testify that they lost alot of wieght going gluten free and I'm impressed by their dedication to it . But me.....yeah I just don't think I could do it:blushing: . I know this probably doesn't help you, but I thought I'd share my experience with gluten free products.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I was gluten free for about 6 months and enjoyed it a lot, recently, the more I've learned about the effects of grains (wheat/corn/rice) I've decided to cut out all three of those things. I'm not allergic, but have had such a positive experience getting my fitness together.

    There is unlimited information on the effects of grains on our bodies at

    it's not a low-carb thing - the bottom of the food pyramid is still veggies and fruit - so eat up!
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