Are they custom made orthotics? Mine are wonderful, but they were made specifically for my feet. The over-the-counter ones aren't very useful.
I can't stay in to hand out candy... I'll eat too much of it. I'm taking my son out trick or treating around the neighborhood. I hope the weather is nice.
I just try to make it average out for the week. I'm a little over on calories when I don't exercise and a little under when I do. It works out the same, but it's easier for me not to have to vary my calories that much day by day.
Livingston County also. :smile:
I waited and had my kids at 30, 33, and 37. I had a bit of a career after college, then became a stay at home mom after the third child was born. I feel like I had a chance to do everything and didn't miss out on anything. It's working for us.
I am also coming off antidepressants (just started reducing them last weekend) and trying to lose weight at the same time. No problem so far. But I really think you should come off (or change) the medications under a doctor's supervision. And don't give up yet, I tried several different med combos before we found one that…
Thanks. I've been using the website tools, but not interacting much. It sounds like I should get some friends for more socializing too...
You can get things to add to the end of your posts by putting them in your signature. I don't know how you can link them to your profile.
You lost 110 pounds in 5 months?!? I'm not sure whether to say congratulations or be careful! Both, I guess. I'm glad you're feeling better and good luck with the next half!
My Home >>> Goals >>>> Edit Goals (at bottom of page)
5 pounds in 4 weeks. I wanted to lose more than that, but at least I'm moving in the right direction...
Depression as well. If I skip a couple of days, everything gets gloomy. If I exercise a half an hour every day, I stay on an even keel.
I'm from Michigan. Welcome to MFP.
Great. Thanks. I think I'll do some research and reset my goal percents for carbs, fat, and protein. Today MFP said I should have 59 grams of protein and I had 110. It sounds like that is ok.
My kids love McDonald's too. I usually get the asian chicken salad. It's a pretty healthy choice.
I still have trouble saying no to my dad and I'm 51. The only way that I've found that works for me is to end the conversation or change the subject. As an adult you don't have to defend your decisions. You can give an explanation or not, but don't debate it with him.
I hate treadmills. Can you walk outside, early in the morning before it gets hot? Or maybe go for a bike ride early in the morning?
Nah. I was always afraid they'd mess up my metabolism or I'd get dependent on them or something. If I'm starving I have a cup of coffee or an apple.
I don't have a fitness buddy to be accountable to, so I'll put my goals in writing in my signature. I want to lose 90 pounds in a year, but I broke it up into three month intervals with intermediate goals. I'm a stay-at-home mom with enough of time to exercise, so here it goes...