Jimster1981 Member


  • Thanks very much for all your replies. The reason I asked about bread is because I normally have it for lunch and sometimes I have toast in the evening, and didn't want to overdo it if it'd interfere with my weight loss. I do eat veggies and fruit to make up my calories so all is good there. I had to change my diary…
  • :drinker:
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • :drinker:
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Hi. I am in the same boat really, have tried for several years to lose weight but after recently weighing myself, I decided to treat MFP like an obsession. I've followed the recommendations of MFP for 1 week 2 days now and I feel much better in myself, have lost 7lb(most likely all water) but ultimately its about how I…
  • :O)
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Oh god no. That word isn't allowed here...
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Can't have it, it's not healthy :)
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Snowflake. Firstly, I have been on MFP since 2011 both on the app and the forums, so I am not new. Secondly, you had no reason whatsoever to add a reply to my thread, other than to cause drama. You added nothing constructive to what I originally asked, instead you decided to jump on the bandwagon along with other users who…
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Old news
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Another one with nothing constructive to add? - please refrain from posting on my threads in the future. Thanks
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • haha 3 bottles a night? oh god no, I must have confused you :D - normally on a weekend I will have a bottle of wine fri,sat and sunday night so 3 bottles for the whole weekend. I know its not healthy which is why I want to cut back and did so easily last weekend to just 1 for the whole weekend. Most importantly, I weighed…
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 July 2014
  • Nah I'm okay I just hate comments like that joking or otherwise, and it seems common practise on these forums.
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 June 2014
  • I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic! Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future. Thanks.
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 June 2014
  • ok tnx
    in grr Comment by Jimster1981 June 2014
  • Thanks for the advice. Could I ask your opinion on sweeteners and sugar-free drinks? are they okay or is it best to avoid them? Thanks
  • Sorry, that wasn't meant for you :) thanks for your help.
  • I will be doing now I am restarting MFP. I know Alcohol has lots of calories but I will be cutting this down to weekends only anyway.
  • Thanks for your advise. MFP puts me at 1610 Calories per day for some reason. I will have to reset it again.
  • Please don't assume I have a drinking problem, or will get one :) - I can take or leave wine, thats not the issue here. As I said, I have the same problem whether I have a drink or not.
  • Thanks again for all the replies. I'm not about to give this up and to be honest, visually I can see a difference and clothes feel better so yeah maybe im losing inches as oppose to weight. I'ts just very frustrating but I appreciate it a long term thing.
  • Yeh :(