
Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
ok so I started MFP last week and lost over 2kg. Decided on Friday to have a Chinese takeaway(I didn't even each much), cut my normal 3 bottles of wine down to just 1 and go walking for over 2 hours yesterday. Weighed myself this morning and i've put 1kg back on!!!! what the hell.... why???!?!?!?!


  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Sodium sodium sodium. Is just water weight. Don't stress
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Sodium sodium sodium. Is just water weight. Don't stress
  • Jimster1981
    Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
    ok tnx
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I hope you meant three glasses of wine, not three bottles...
  • Jimster1981
    Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.

  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    1 bottle/day or a week? It's probably water weight since you're just starting out. You definitely need to be sure you're drinking plenty of water. And even though you might have cut down to 1 bottle of wine (which is good!) there are still tons of calories in 1 bottle. I think I logged one once that was 960 (I had a bad day). Anyway, as long as it fits into your calories go for it, but just know that extra water retention will be inevitable and will likely influence your weigh-ins, especially if you're drinking a bottle a day and weighing in daily or weekly.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    Pretty sure it was a joke for clarification. Lighten up. This is a public forum, s mo they can post whatever they want, within reason. no one called you an alcoholic rofl.

    Weight fluctuates. I can go up as much as 3 lbs from one day to the next due to a ton of reasons. Water retention from exercise, sodium,if you haven't had a recent bowel movement. You're looking for a trend over several weeks, not just a week or few day span. Heck, I go up about 5 lbs ish usually just from morning to night because of food and water
  • Jimster1981
    Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    Pretty sure it was a joke for clarification. Lighten up. This is a public forum, s mo they can post whatever they want, within reason. no one called you an alcoholic rofl.

    Weight fluctuates. I can go up as much as 3 lbs from one day to the next due to a ton of reasons. Water retention from exercise, sodium,if you haven't had a recent bowel movement. You're looking for a trend over several weeks, not just a week or few day span. Heck, I go up about 5 lbs ish usually just from morning to night because of food and water

    Nah I'm okay I just hate comments like that joking or otherwise, and it seems common practise on these forums.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    Pretty sure it was a joke for clarification. Lighten up. This is a public forum, s mo they can post whatever they want, within reason. no one called you an alcoholic rofl.

    Weight fluctuates. I can go up as much as 3 lbs from one day to the next due to a ton of reasons. Water retention from exercise, sodium,if you haven't had a recent bowel movement. You're looking for a trend over several weeks, not just a week or few day span. Heck, I go up about 5 lbs ish usually just from morning to night because of food and water

    Nah I'm okay I just hate comments like that joking or otherwise, and it seems common practise on these forums.

    No one intends for it to be malicious. I've been on forums like this for years and most of the time, it's light hearted fun in the form of joking or gifs (I like gifs myself). I know not everyone likes it but I guess that's just the nature of the beast when you have a bunch of different personalities colliding :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It's likely water weight. Drink plenty of water and it will go away
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Sodium - lots of it in Chinese food. Dink lots of water today & it will go away. I drink a couple bottles of wine on the weekends. Wine is good. Cheers :drinker: and Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Sodium sodium sodium. Chinese usually has MSG in addition to salt. Mono sodium glutamate is salt also. I love Chinese but I must stay away. So much is hidden.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    BTW.....I am also up after making my changes and working out. Don't be discouraged. It's a journey. Let's take our wine!:drinker:
  • munky_do
    munky_do Posts: 40 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    Good for you for cutting the amount down by 2/3rds!

    You sound like you're British and from my experience living across the pond up in the north, 3 bottles in a day isn't unheard of,a and that's not just among younger people! You'll get no judgement from me. My friends and I were able to go through what amounted to a bottle or two EACH easily on a night out, and don't get me started on the amount of beer I was drinking every night while I was over there... of course I'd lose about 10 or 15 lbs when I'd come back to Canada for Christmas or in the summer.

    Also I notice in Canada or the States, nobody bats an eyelid when a man drinks a 12-pack of beer a couple of nights a week. Different cultures I guess.

    Also yes it's the sodium, don't sweat it!
  • Jimster1981
    Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    Good for you for cutting the amount down by 2/3rds!

    You sound like you're British and from my experience living across the pond up in the north, 3 bottles in a day isn't unheard of,a and that's not just among younger people! You'll get no judgement from me. My friends and I were able to go through what amounted to a bottle or two EACH easily on a night out, and don't get me started on the amount of beer I was drinking every night while I was over there... of course I'd lose about 10 or 15 lbs when I'd come back to Canada for Christmas or in the summer.

    Also I notice in Canada or the States, nobody bats an eyelid when a man drinks a 12-pack of beer a couple of nights a week. Different cultures I guess.

    Also yes it's the sodium, don't sweat it!

    haha 3 bottles a night? oh god no, I must have confused you :D - normally on a weekend I will have a bottle of wine fri,sat and sunday night so 3 bottles for the whole weekend. I know its not healthy which is why I want to cut back and did so easily last weekend to just 1 for the whole weekend.

    Most importantly, I weighed myself this morning and the water weight has gone now, meaning, I actually weigh less than last week :D so I'm happy.

    Thanks for the positive comments.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    This was totaly uncalled for---lighten up. It was just a question----wow. :smile:
  • Jimster1981
    Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    This was totaly uncalled for---lighten up. It was just a question----wow. :smile:

    Another one with nothing constructive to add? - please refrain from posting on my threads in the future. Thanks
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    This was totaly uncalled for---lighten up. It was just a question----wow. :smile:

    Another one with nothing constructive to add? - please refrain from posting on my threads in the future.

    If you demand "constructive" watch your salt intake--chinese food, in the future. And I stand by my previous post. :flowerforyou:
  • Jimster1981
    Jimster1981 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant what I said so please remove your judgemental comment. This is what I don't like about this site! any mention of alcohol and you're practically labelled an alcoholic!

    Thanks for adding nothing constructive to my post, please refrain from replying to anything else I put in the future.


    This was totaly uncalled for---lighten up. It was just a question----wow. :smile:

    Another one with nothing constructive to add? - please refrain from posting on my threads in the future.

    If you demand "constructive" watch your salt intake--chinese food, in the future. And I stand by my previous post. :flowerforyou:

    Old news
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    good luck with finding people that want to give you advice if you keep acting like that.