optimusmom Member


  • I suffered a stress fracture in my hip several years ago running a charity 10K and I haven't run much since. Now, I'm planning on participating in a sprint triathalon next August which includes a 5K run. I'm starting slow with power walking and aqua jogging. I think slow and steady will win the race. Everyone works through…
  • I love salads! You can get quite adventurous with them by using different types of lettuce and spinach, trail mix, fruit, dried coconut, meat, alfalfa sprouts, assorted veggies, beans and homemade dressings and vinaigrettes :) Happy munching :)
  • I absolutely know how you feel!! After I had my two boys I had a ton of loose skin because my skin has no elasticity and it stretched horribly. I worked out like a fiend and lost almost 100 lbs, but the skin was still there (although smaller). I visited a laser surgery clinic and was told that there was too much skin and…
  • I'm on week three and it has probably taken me over a month to get there because: 1) I'm lazy and 2) owie shin splints. I had no idea that there were different versions! Mine is an app on my Blackberry. Where could I find other versions?
  • I count cleaning and cooking toward my activity calories. I work as an EMT which at times can be a fairly physically demanding job, its too bad I can't keep track of those calories too! It would be a pretty funny list though...... CPR.....*** calories Carrying a 350 lb patient down 3 flights of stairs....*** calories…
  • I would love to join in! I got the app for this on my Blackberry and I'm on Week 3, Day 1. It's been slow going so far because I've been battling with nasty shin splints, but I'm working on it slowly but surely. I'm not a big fan of running because I have terrible knee and hip joints and actually got a stress fracture in…
  • I like swimming because its easy on my old, cranky joints and I don't suffer with pain the next day :)
  • I was thinking of buying it. I have Dance Dance Revolution and Just Dance 1 and 2 for the Wii. I play it with my sons so I can get a workout in and spend some quality time. Don't know if the boys will like Zumba though? lol
  • When I saw cleaning on the exercise list I think I fell in love with housework again :) lol
  • Lovin' life in Morinville, Alberta :)
  • Does the paleo diet cut out milk as well? This is particularly dangerous especially for us ladies as we need calcium to help ward off osteoporosis as we age. I know you can get calcium from certain veg, but milk is still a better option. (Or supplements I guess)
  • What I find usually works for me is setting daily goals, such as: drinking 6-8 glasses of water, taking the stairs, exercising for half an hour, keeping my calories under my goal for that day and so on. I'm taking this weight loss journey "one day at a time" and so far so good :)
  • I would mix things up a bit and add a little unhealthy to your healthy. I try and have one 'cheat meal' a week so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. Plus, a lot of restaurants have websites that include nutrition info (at least they do here in Canada) I always like to check them out and pre-plan my order.
  • Carbs are tricky. I try and focus on "good carbs", such as, whole grains etc. What I also try and do is eat most of my carbs earlier in the day when I am most busy so the energy is available for my body. Usually, I try not and eat carbs after 4pm as that is when I'm starting to wind down. Overall, I wouldn't worry so much…
  • I will be starting my third year of nursing school in the fall and I know all too well the trials and tribulations of trying to manage a healthy lifestyle and school at the same time.