Aliseb Member


  • Just saw your answer. Keep your chin up! I think you're doing great given what a pain it must be for you to exercise. By the way, love the cat ticker.
  • Hi there! Don't have Menier's, but a few years back I had some weird degenerative thing happen in my ear and I had violent dizzy spells, vomiting, the works. Some days I really would've liked to just end it all. I took to listening to relaxing music in a darkened bedroom. Mine's gone away now - the bad thing being that I'm…
  • I know it's not encouraging at all, but at least if you lose it slowly, it's more likely to stay off...
  • I really need to start doing what aprilvet says. Personally, I'm generally good about sticking to my menus (I tend to fill in mfp in the morning for the whole day, thereby ensuring that I stay within my limits). However, when I fall off the wagon, I lie to myself and pretend the day didn't exist and put nothing in my mfp.…
  • B/c of the pre-men, or in general? Milk or soy milk, I try not to overdo it anyhow.
  • Personally, I like soy milk - it's quite good these days. It has about the same protein as milk w/o the cholesterol. Alas, it's higher in cals than 2% milk.
  • I agree with cguhlke - "raw pizza" very tasty. Actually, I heard of a shop in Columbus, Ohio (my old digs) that also sells organic fresh meat that people do seem to use raw. Here in France many people eat steak tartare (raw ground beef with raw egg), which, personally, I find vile. Also, I work with someone who's brother…
  • I don't suffer from Crohn's, but I suffer from another auto-immune thing called Wegener's granulomatosis. I have pb exercising in that it's affected my lungs and so have a hard time breating. As for losing weight, I find I really have to stick to my calorie goal and even then, don't lose quickly. One thing I recommend lots…
  • Sounding like a broken record - thanks so much skinnier me. The site via sparkpeople is fantastic! Just calculated my turkey meatloaf and was thrilled to see it wasn't very high in cals. A
  • Hang in there. I think you have to allow yourself to fall off the wagon sometimes when the stress gets to be too much. You'll reach your goal, it'll just take a little longer! I would feel gutted if anything ever happened to my cat - I'm sorry you had to go through that. What kind of poochie was he or she? How old? Name?
  • Hi from France. Kilocalories and metric here. I agree with viviakay from Canada. It could be useful to put things into liters and derivations thereof. Thanks for the effort!