I feel like I'm losing control......

I am having a crappy week, last sunday I had to put my dog down... it is taking a toll on mentally, it's not that I've been eating more,I just been eating bad (pizza, fries,tacos, wendy's, IHOP pancakes, pumpkin pound cake,cocktails& wine) I can't remember the last time I had a veggie... and it's driving me more crazy cause I am so close to my 1st major goal ( dr. weighed me in @ 201.7 friday, after 3 weeks of losing only 2 lbs total) hopefully this week will be better and I can reach my goal of under 200 lbs this week.....


  • charley078
    charley078 Posts: 48 Member
    I am having a crappy week, last sunday I had to put my dog down... it is taking a toll on mentally, it's not that I've been eating more,I just been eating bad (pizza, fries,tacos, wendy's, IHOP pancakes, pumpkin pound cake,cocktails& wine) I can't remember the last time I had a veggie... and it's driving me more crazy cause I am so close to my 1st major goal ( dr. weighed me in @ 201.7 friday, after 3 weeks of losing only 2 lbs total) hopefully this week will be better and I can reach my goal of under 200 lbs this week.....
  • Aliseb
    Aliseb Posts: 11 Member
    Hang in there. I think you have to allow yourself to fall off the wagon sometimes when the stress gets to be too much. You'll reach your goal, it'll just take a little longer!

    I would feel gutted if anything ever happened to my cat - I'm sorry you had to go through that. What kind of poochie was he or she? How old? Name?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member

    Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts. I'm so sorry to hear your dog passed away. I think dogs go to Heaven---how could they not? They are much more evolved spiritually than humans.

    I remember my last animal that had to be put down, and how I tried to be strong, but if I let my heart go there even now; it still makes me cry.

    Let yourself be allowed to have some comfort food. You'll feel better soon, and just start again. It's ok.

  • anodyne
    I'm sorry about your dog, it's understandable your mood has changed your eating.

    You need to go to the store and buy piles and piles of lettuce and peppers and greens, cucumbers, carrots and things that taste nice but aren't processed or saturated. If none of that sounds 'nice' to you just think of your favourite dressing. Put in the time one day (you owe it to yourself, you're probably fabulous (well, I don't know for sure, I don't know you!)) to chop it all up into a huge salad. Then serve yourself some and add the dressing, as much as you like, and eat as much of it as you like.
    If it still sounds boring add things like peanuts, raisins, apples, cashew nuts, sweet corn... it really doesn't matter how much you eat of it, which is what should help since you don't need to 'restrict' yourself.
    Seriously, it works. Salad is lovely. I love salad so I have green salads, but my friend hated them so I made her one full of every vegetable fruit and nut I could buy, and surprise surprise she actually loved it. If you have a sweet tooth just put lots more raisins in or something. All the vitamins and minerals will help your body recover from the stress as well, so the more the merrier.

    And don't feel bad about eating lots, it's in the past now, and now that you're eating much better food you can put it down to a 'blip'.
  • kimford28
    kimford28 Posts: 320
    I am so sorry to hear about your dog. It is never easy to lose a member of the family. Hang in there and try to make this coming week better. It's great that you are setting goals for yourself.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Sorry to hear of your loss. Just remember that when you fall you get back up and refocus you have not failed yourself. You are so close to your goal you will most certainly make it. I know I have had times when I felt that way but what keeps me moving forward is the thought that you have succeeded and can succeed further. It is not a single day or a single week that makes it true but continuing on even when it is difficult.

    Just a thought for you hope it helps :).
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member
    there is a great website for a menu and shopping list and its free. abcrunch.com its 1200 calories a day concentrating on whole food nutrients. you get a different menu for 5 weeks. after two weeks i had to take in my belt several notches and i dropped from size 15 that was getting small to a size 13 that is fitting loose. my energy level increased as well.
  • charley078
    charley078 Posts: 48 Member
    thank all of you for ur strength, felling better today and 2marrow starts a new week.... her name was Chiquita, she was a shi-tzu mutt and 10 years old (had her since 4 weeks old).....I did my shopping 2day and just looking forward to going to the gym monday and my dr.s appt. sat...... good luck all....