I don't think it's just because your weight loss contributed to the loss of appetite. Are you going through periods of enormous stress?
I am thinking you might be anorexic because u have some very strict rules on what to eat and you seem to be avoiding most of the foods groups including meats, diary and carbs. You must weight around 47 kilos which is pretty low for someone your height and age
I wonder why nobody answered this thread. Maybe right now is not the best time to diet since you do have a lot on your plate and you sound stressed out to extent. Maybe just watching what you eat and preparing meals ahead of time would help sticking to the plan. I am the same way too, when things in life don't go right and…
Exercise definitely helps a lot with stress and sleeping issue. Also, I found out if I eat three balanced meals per day and follow high-protein, moderate-fat and low-carb diet I don't get cravings and hungry in between meals. So the first step would be to look into your diet, find a plan that works for you and learn how to…
I noticed protein diet causes constipation because supposedly protein binds water to it. I have not experienced weight loss in the last week what I believe is a result of new weight loss regime
I am on the same page as you are and have been there pretty much most of my life. I think it has to do with my childhood because I would binge after schoo lunches and relieve my stress when getting home
Amen, this answers a lot of my questions!
Amber, I was the same way 8 years ago when I hit my rock bottom with my weight and compulsive overeating. I could not stick to a diet for more than 2 days in a row because I wanted to eat and period. Even if I lost weight, I gained it right away. The longest I could be on a diet was 2 months of time. At that point I…
Me loves cooking and that's honestly what got me into trouble. I thought I needed to cook a different dish for every meal and that caused me to gain weight to be honest. Since I cook for myself most of the time I have to deal with leftovers or too much food sometimes. now I like to experiment with healthy ''dieting…
I lost almost a pound from yesterday by eating more than I normally eat every day and broke through weight loss plato for more than a week. I was not hungry for most of the day and even had an apple pie for afternoon snack. i just focused on eating healthy and natural foods and enough for my needs.I also realizing bycling…
People here have pretty much covered everything from taking antidepressants, herbal teas and dealing with problems right away. I also did a year of Zoloft and honestly that was what I needed my whole life to calm down my chronic anger and anxiety. But working out in a gym 3-4 times a week with a friend was what got me out…
Just my 2 cents. I was a compulsive overeater and I feel I don't have many of these binges. What I figured out they are usually a combination of physical and psychological factors. They usually occur when I am slightly hungry and approaching my meal time. Not eating enough calories a few days before or eating unbalanced…