katcedeno Member


  • Hi my name is Katie. My daughter is 6 months old and my son is almost 4! Can't believe it. I'm pushing really hard to put myself in the mindset of getting healthier for my kids rather than just wanting to lose the weight! Overall, I have probably about 50 pounds to lose but what I really want is to look in the mirror and…
  • Good Luck! You can do this!
  • I sent both of you guys friend requests. :)
  • THANK YOU. :) & Yeah, it's definitely a lot. Sometimes people don't realize just how much goes into taking care of other people and a house. Since my dad got sick he can't work. My husband, son, and I live in their basement apartment, to help keep up with things. Sometimes I feel like a housewife with 3 husbands. I'm…
  • Sorry I should have posted this with my last post. But my goal is overall weightloss & tightening the skin in my belly (from having a 10 pound baby) then toning when I'm at the right weight.
  • Thank you everyone for all the advice! I truly appreciate it. Strength training then cardio seems to be the way to go. I've of course started eating healthier. Good Luck to all of you as well on your journey. :)
  • I have been reading that Cardio is the way to go with what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to lose overall body fat, I've heard some things saying to build muscle cause it burns more fat but I've also heard that if you don't lose the weight first you're just building muscle on top of body fat. Which is what confuses me. &…
  • btw i will definitely look up both those exercise routines!
  • Thanks for the tips, i've been going to the gym 4 times a week, and trying to just burn fat rather than focus on toning, I'm trying to be at my goal weight. i don't want to build up muscle under the fat. Do you know if there are any creams to help with the skin? I lost alot of weight affter my son was born so fast that the…
  • Do you have the "baby apron'?
  • Thank you to everyone who added me, and to everyone who has given me encouraging words. It means a lot. (:
  • I can relate. I had an emergency c-section after 20 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing. My incision opened about half way which delayed my ability to do any exercising. It just recently closed up last month.
  • I'm here if you ever need motivation or support!
  • I'm the same way. When my days is half over or completely over, I'm unhappy with what I ate, or what little I did. And I think "Oh I'll start doing this and that tomorrow, or Monday." I really want this to finally be that tomorrow!
  • Thanks, it means a lot to me, honestly. And seeing what you've accomplished during your weight-loss journey motivates me more to get this done for myself. (: Congrats to you for turning what you wanted to be into what you are. You look amazing!
  • Thank you, and same goes to you. (: