Accountability Partner

Hey Everyone,

So a little about myself, I just recently left my job to help take care of my father whom was just diagnosed with leukemia. In turn, this pretty much cut out a lot of my exercise as my job consisted of running up and down the stairs MANY MANY times an hour. Not to mention a 30 minute walk to the bus stop 5 days a week. Most of this walk was up hill. So in the last 6 weeks I have gained weight. I want to do something for myself, I want to get in shape. But with a 2 year old, a husband, and now a sick father. I have a lot of people I tend to put before myself. It would be a lot easier with a friend, or a partner, who was in this with me. Someone to remind me why I'm doing this in the first place. Someone to plan out workouts and even meals together. Even if it is online. This just sounds like an awesome way to get the support and schedule I need. Obviously I would do the same for my partner in return. I want to stick to it this time, and not only lose the weight I've gained in the last couple of weeks. But to meet my goal weight.


  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Wow!! You have a huge amount of responsibility on your shoulders for a 21 year old!! It's very noble of you to quit your job to take care of your dad. My mom was sick with cancer 20 years ago, and I helped to take care of her in the evenings and on weekends (I was a single mom and couldn't quit my job) so I know somewhat what you are going thru.

    Make sure to take time for yourself! You need time to clear your mind whether it's shopping for an hour or two, or taking a walk by yourself! If you let yourself get too run down, then you'll end up burned out and/or sick, That's the last thing you need right now!

    You're welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like. I know I'm old enough to be your mom and you're probably looking for someone closer to your age for an accountability partner--but you're welcome to friend me.
  • katcedeno
    katcedeno Posts: 20 Member
    THANK YOU. :)

    Yeah, it's definitely a lot. Sometimes people don't realize just how much goes into taking care of other people and a house. Since my dad got sick he can't work. My husband, son, and I live in their basement apartment, to help keep up with things. Sometimes I feel like a housewife with 3 husbands. I'm cooking and cleaning for everyone. Which I don't mind. But a lot of people hear I left my job and they just assume I took the easy way out.

    I'm definitely trying to do a little more for myself, little by little each day. Even if it is something small or insignificant to others.

    I don't really care about age and whatnot. My best friend isn't really into the whole watching what you eat or exercise thing. So it'd just be nice to have someone talk me out of chowing down on some chips or ice cream after spending 3 hours cleaning and what now. WHICH by the way I just finished doing. (The cleaning, not the pigging out.) I've just come to learn I am not capable of keeping myself in line when it comes to exercising and snacking.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    I'm down. Seems like a great idea.
  • katcedeno
    katcedeno Posts: 20 Member
    I sent both of you guys friend requests. :)