

  • I know the feeling of needing Man Pleasing recipe's. :smile: Mine doesn't like veggies, the most I can get him to eat is lettuce and leafy greens or potatoes. He is also getting burnt out on Chicken breast and turkey sandwiches. Anyone have any healthy very lowfat ideas for a non veggie man? Created by -…
  • I am using power 90 right now.. been using it for a month now... I have to start slow so I don't hurt myself. I just got back from weigh in yesterday.. I lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks O.O so that put me 3lbs under my starting weight. I'm getting somewhere now ^.^ Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm not loosing any weight yet, after 2 months. However I am proud to report that I have lost 2inches around my wiaste, and my roomies pants which I've been wearing are starting to fall off me lol. Now to just keep going till I can wear my own jeans again. :smile: I'm not picky, as long as I'm loosing 2 out of 3(weight,…
  • Thanks, for the tip. I was taping the power 90 chart on my living room wall just before I checked the post.
  • OK, I've gotten so off track with roomies, bad habits with friends, and just in general that I have actually gained 2lbs :grumble: So as I see it, it's a time for a serious change. I'm starting power90 tomarrow morning as well as increasing my protien from one glass of Eggwhites to two glassess one in the morning and one…
  • well as boss mentioned our bodies are unigue dynamic machines of delicate chemical balances that all us to function the way we do by either genetics, circumstances, or training over many years. The common practice though is that eating less than 1200 cals is often too little. Many members on here that I have seen, have…
  • WoW last night I finally got up to 1150 cals for the day, just 50 cals under and than guess what? My hunger kicked it. I was like no tummy we have to go to bed in 3hrs lol. so under 1000 and I'm not hungry hit close to my target and I get hungry -Grrowler
  • I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you are way under on your calories. As long as you still have plenty of energy to complete your workouts you should be fine. Your body will let you know when it is time to eat more. Take advantage of it and drop some weight faster than normal. Your metabolism should kick in and you…
  • Hey, is Anyone else having a problem eating enough? I cleared out all the junk food from my house and stocked up on a much healthier pantry. However I find myself from time to time struggling to eat enough since a lot of the food I have is very good at making me feel full :) :( Grrowler
  • I'm getting ready to leave on a 10hr road trip tomorrow night. Need advice on how to stick to the workouts on the road and how to keep up on healthy-ish eating.
  • Well I'm definatly noticing how supportive it is :happy:
  • Sure don't mind if ya'll call me JT or Grrowler. Well I just started power90 more intense than i thought it would be but that just shows how out of shape I am. I've also started using suppliments from egg whites int. With the support and tools here and my supplements and workouts, I have little doubt I'll achieve my goals.…
  • Sound like your doing great johnjon. I've heard of some people when they loose a large amount of weight at once like you did in the beginning they sometimes gain a few pounds back or plateau. Just keep up the work and don't give in.
  • Hey all I just started power90 yesterday wow, so intense I couldn't even finish, just goes to show how out of shape I am. I also Just started using !00% Egg Whites and the Powder Sports Vitamin from Egg Whites International. Anyone else using there products? let me know Grrowler
  • Thank you Tenaarnett, Between the power 90 which is intense for both me and my roommate, Egg Whites Int, and MFP I have no doubt I will reach my goals and continue to improve my health.
  • I think a cheat day once a week could be a good thing, especially if your daily diet has been greatly restricted. However, I believe that a cheat day can be something as simple as grabbing a veggie burrito from chipolte or a dark mocha from the cafe. After all don't want to undo all that hard work with say a bucket of…
  • Thanks just got my egg whites and sports multivitamins. I'll keep it up
  • I just started power90 today, feb 06 Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Well today is day 1 of Power90 for myself. I couldn't believe when I weighed in at 171lbs and a 36.5 inch waist with 18% body fat. This is almost the biggest I have been in my entire life. Is anyone else using Power90? well wish me luck. Grrowler Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Problem is most people don't get enough daily protein. I found a grreat product. it is 100% pasturized egg whites in a liquid form and safe. It's a naturaul protien with no powders or fillers and grreat for vegitareans. also it has no taste or smell so you can make chocolate milk with it:happy: here check it out yourself.…
  • Hi, I'm pretty new myself. I am sorry to hear that you havn't been getting the feedback you wanted however, as others have mentioned it could have just been timing. I am starting power90 this Feb and using eggwhites and sportsformula from Best of luck, and congrats on the wedding.
  • Hello, my names James but my friends know me as JT. I figured it's time to quit making excuses and change my life. I'm 28, M, Chas SC. I'm currently on disability although I would like to see how far I can get and perhaps even be capable of reentering the work force. I use my Dog to get my walks in... and well not sure…