kristenheet Member


  • I try to get at least 64 oz of water in a day, and more if I do a vigirous workout. So 1,862 ML It isn't that much really. I had issues getting enough at first but now I just always make sure I have a glass of water ready all the time!
  • I have it in my closet too! A friend gave it to me cause she never used it and guess what, neither do I! I looked at it today when my on demand wasn't working and decided I would call and ask the cable company to fix it instead! I did the instructional video, but nothing more. I might give it a go with you, but not as my…
  • Yes, the strength portions require weights, but I started the video before I had weights and I was so out of shape I ached doing it even without the weights! Then I found out small soup cans are each a pound, so I used those until I got my 2 lb weights!
  • I have the same problem right now and going on 8 days of it! It isn't heavy but not exactly light either. I called the Dr. and they told me if it still is hapenning after 2 weeks to call them back. I also had some time off of exercise and even the diet just before it started. I would call the Dr, and see what they tell you…
  • I had the same situation just last week for my birthday. End result I thought, I have been doing this long enough I will jump right back on the wagon and no problems. WAS I EVER WRONG!!! It took me over a week of feeling awful before I said enough and finally started tracking and exercising again! I know I didn't go easy…
  • I found classes by going to and clicking find a class. I feel huge and uncoordinated doing it also, but at this point I don't care cause I am doing it for me and not the other people in the class!
    in Zumba? Comment by kristenheet April 2011
  • Coming here and getting inspiration and great tips!!!
  • That is great. I think my 14 year old would have it eaten by the time I caught him! LOL
  • mmmm Reese's Peanut butter eggs!!! They are 170 calories though! :(
  • I LOVE this post! SO TRUE!! I just figured out the sore muscles = pain medicine yesterday when someone posted it on my facebook wall! I am not much of a pill taker so I don't think of them on my own!
  • One of the things we can't do without is Joseph's Flax, Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Square Lavash bread. I don't know if it is widely available, or even if our local super center is going to continue carrying it, but if not, we will order it online! It is delish!
  • These are all very cool goals! My little Sister-in-law is getting married either this fall or next spring and I want to be a healthy weight in the pictures that she will have for the rest of her life! The last wedding I was around 205 and everytime I see those pics I want to cry!
  • I would also have a piece, but make it a very small one! My birthday is coming up and I will definitely have a piece of cake that my mother in law makes!
  • all really good answers! Thank you all so much! I thought about doing it barefoot but then thought that wouldn't be good for my feet! However, I don't get out much as I have 2 yr old twins so I don't wear shoes all that much anyhow! I am gonna try all the suggestions though. Thank you all!