kyleskrinak Member


  • Update: I've contacted Fitbit. This is the first time they are not fully replacing my defective watch. I'd give them credit for doing so, so many times, but consider: * The first time was for the Nickel recall of their original Force band * The second time was when that replacement band failed in under a year of the nickel…
  • Fitbit has replaced every defect I've reported. Still, I'm tired of playing this game. I'd like to hear if there's a rugged wearable watch with comparable fitbit features.
  • That's too bad, I'd like the HR feature. Have you used any other Fitbits?
  • I don't mind that, in fact, it's a convenient way to provide more functionality with less buttons.
  • @hfxgal 3+ months later; do you still use this site?
  • Curly brunettes moderately long-length-ish are the best (my wife) but, really, all hair types, color and length are awesome. Its the brain and heart behind the hair that really makes the hair sparkle. No, really. Don't believe the BS woman's fashion magazines try to sell you.
  • Boy if this isn't the heart of the battle. There's many physiological and psychological triggers for hunger. The trick for me is knowing real physical hunger from the psychological one. (Said as if I had that one nailed) What works best for me is my daily priority task list: stuff I *really* need to get to. On my better…
  • <rant> Maybe yes, but maybe not. We're all physiologically different; which is the great thing about keeping a journal. Become your own expert on your own body and note what happens in regards to this question or others. Be conservative and take time to understand what you measure (food, weight, measurements, emotions,…
  • That's a hoot, I've had the same cravings as well, now that I've curbed my ice-cream at 10 pm habit. They nearly always come in the evening after I should be done with eating, too, so I just bear through it.
  • I'd say that the new "normal" on what is good food is really far removed from what is best for our bodies. Hence our ubiquitous corpulence. Not only do I not consider this radical, I admire their focus on honoring their bodies as they do. Which is NOT to say that's how I live, but I'd sure like to! Organic and home-grown…
  • I've always been happy with Polar; I've used them for over 10 years. They have an HRM now that has bluetooth so I can record my heart stats on my RunKeeper app during my runs.
  • Do you do any kind of ahead planning for your day?
  • It's unfortunate when dieting takes on the same overtones as a religious debate. Our bodies take nourishment from various sources as needed, Too much is made of factoids in general is my main point, and nothing compares to keeping a diary as you note your personal intake, exercise and how it impacts your weight, size…
  • Sure I've seen this in me. I alternate between cardio and strength training. On my cardio days, my weight loss is almost nil. On my strength-training days, I might see a 1 - 2 pound drop. HOWEVER, I wish to do both. My blood pressure is always better when I'm active with my cardio routine, not so with a strength training.…