

  • Don't forget to eat. With that much exercise you will be eating significantly more calories than your BMR. MFP calculates all of this for you with a 500 calorie deficiency (assuming you wan to lose one pound a week).
  • First post has good info in it. If you already have them, then do heat and ice. Heat for 20 minutes, ice for 10, and repeat. Do that for a cycle of about an hour and it should help immensely.
  • This may sound strange, but I went to a chiropractor. He told me my patellas (kneecaps) were pushed out of place and were causing me pain when running. You may go to a chiropractor and have him/her look to see if you are aligned or not. If you are not, then that could contribute to extra pessure on your knees that…
  • I study American Kenpo here myself! Been at it for some time, hold a third degree brown, testing for 2nd degree in a few months if things continue as they have been. I also studied Danzan-Ryu Ju-jitsu when I was younger.
  • Females biological nature will not allow them to be "bulky" without the use of drugs to enhance something. The reason behind this is because women's muscles tend to be longer than mens. This means you will slim up while guys will get bigger. To do an interesting test, measure the length of your bicep and do the same with a…
  • My martial arts instructor always tells me discomfort is fine, pain is not. So, I guess the first question is if you feel discomfort or pain? If discomfort, I would suggest taking 5 or 10 pounds off of your lifts when you go next. If it is discomfort, then keep on as normal but listen to your body. The whole no pain no…
  • +1 for you for staving stuff like that away! Keep it up!
  • Well, the answer can be yes and no. Lactic acid buildup is what causes soreness, which is in turn caused by using your muscles for a period of time. However, you could also not be drinking enough water. They say 8 glasses a day is for people who do not exercise. If you do, then you need more than that. Additionally, some…
  • I was always told that you will get used to it. Not comforting I know, but it is true after a while. Sometimes it could be the bike shorts you have too. Perhaps they just aren't right for you..
  • One day won't kill you. That being said, good motivation! Additionally, some studies state that an acute influx of calories for a small period (1 to 2 days) could actually raise your metabolism. You just may burn it off quicker than you realize.
  • You have the right idea it sounds like. Unfortunately, you cannot selectively get rid of fat in certain places. It will disappear over time with good eating and exercise. As to what you should be eating, I suggest fruits and vegetables. If you can't get vegetables, then I suggest V8 low sodium veggie juice. On the subject…
  • A common misconception is that you MUST do the exact same amount of reps that the people on the DVD do. The truth is, you should only do as much as you are comfortable doing. This requires some discipline because you have to know when to not overdo it, but you also have to know when to push yourself. Eventually you will…