sore knees

jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
I just want to throw this out there and see if anyone has this kind of ache. I use to run all the time and have completed a couple of marathons and many 1/2 marathons. But then quit running when i got pregnant with my twins a couple of years ago. I just started running again about a month ago but my knees are killing me. I thought that it would get betting i bought a new pair of shoes but it is not better the pain is worse!!! Has anyone experienced this kind of thing before? and what suggestions does anyone have?


  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yes mam, my knees just started aching these past few days due to running. I've been easy on them the last two day but they need to heal by resting and icing them. I'm not sure when I'll be able to run again but I wonder how long it might take for them to get going. I hope you feel better here soon! :flowerforyou:
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    Having children is the hardest thing a womans body can go through. Carrying a child for 9 months drains our bodies of almost all we have to give-vitamins, nutrients, fat (believe it or not) and it is possible that your knees are not what they used to be because of it. I m not sure I have the answer but I do know I will be adding glucosomine and chondrotin powder to my protein shakes from now on- going to see if helps me any. You could look into adding msm glucosomine and chondrotin to your routine- they have pills, powders and drinks. Most people say it helps (my 60yold mother as well) so I want to check it out myself.
  • ninjahonor
    This may sound strange, but I went to a chiropractor. He told me my patellas (kneecaps) were pushed out of place and were causing me pain when running. You may go to a chiropractor and have him/her look to see if you are aligned or not. If you are not, then that could contribute to extra pessure on your knees that shouldn't be there in the first place.

    I know for me I have no pain when running or doing things after getting my kneecaps put back into place as well as my femur and tibia straightened out (they were twisted away from each other).

    Results may vary, but they helped me and I'm a martial artist.
  • kgesq
    kgesq Posts: 65 Member
    I just want to throw this out there and see if anyone has this kind of ache. I use to run all the time and have completed a couple of marathons and many 1/2 marathons. But then quit running when i got pregnant with my twins a couple of years ago. I just started running again about a month ago but my knees are killing me. I thought that it would get betting i bought a new pair of shoes but it is not better the pain is worse!!! Has anyone experienced this kind of thing before? and what suggestions does anyone have?

    How does your weight compare to before you had the kids? Also, my trainer said pregnancy loosens up the ligaments of the body (not just the ones in the hips), so the knees may need to stabilize a little more. He showed me a really simple exercise to build the muscles that support the knees. You roll up a towel and place it under your lower thigh. Then just do a tiny leg raise. You start to feel it fairly quickly, and it is just as effective and less stressful for your knee as the leg extension machine. Worked wonders for me (although I still don't run because the impact is getting to be too much on my feet)
  • jah1165
    jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
    my weight is down to pretty much what is was to prior to I do not think that is what it is.....I will try to towel excercise and see if that helps...I have tried stretching before and after also to see if that helps.....I dont know if if I just need to give it more time we shall see... thanks for the help