Obviously new and wanting some advice (:

After being heavy almost all of my life I have decided enough is enough! College has already started for me (gotta love summer classes lol) and I want to look and feel great! My number one concerned area would be my tummy. I am NOT propotioned at all. I have had, many different times, people ask me when I was due. I was wondering if ya'll knew of any certain foods I should be eating or exercises I should be doing.
Right now I have cut out all fast/fried food, cut back on bread and sugar and have just overall started really keeping track of what I eat. I also have started some mild exercising (swimming, walking, etc)
Any advice is welcome.


  • ninjahonor
    ninjahonor Posts: 13
    You have the right idea it sounds like. Unfortunately, you cannot selectively get rid of fat in certain places. It will disappear over time with good eating and exercise.

    As to what you should be eating, I suggest fruits and vegetables. If you can't get vegetables, then I suggest V8 low sodium veggie juice. On the subject of sodium, watch how much of that you take in since it can cause you to retain water.

    For exercise, I suggest walking for 25 minutes or more every day if you are not an exercise type person. For strength training, I would perform the basics: crunches, pushups (on knees if needed) and squats. I suggest two sets of 20 for each, but tailor it to yourself so you don't overdo it. Only one person knows your body and that's you.

    Take care.
  • SUNNY613
    SUNNY613 Posts: 251 Member
    just really watching what you eat will help alot...when you want something try to see if there is a healther version...eating wheat products instead of the reg kind is good and adding fiber in your diet would help if not already... when exercising try to change it up a little bit here and there...if you go to the gym do some cardio for 30-40 min and then maybe work on some abbs

    add me if you like we can both help each other to where we want to get...
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Like Ninjahonor said, there's no way to really "spot-treat" where you want to lose fat. But definitely eating clean(er) and exercising will help! For sure keep an eye on your sodium intake, but also watch out for added sugar and it's substitutes. I've been eating much better since I started this site in January (it's gotten better progressively, so I started small and added in better foods and took out bad ones on the way), and I have definitely noticed a full body difference. Just earlier tonight I realized that my tummy is getting smaller!

    So stick with it, add some friends (me if you like!), and you will love the new you!