Needing some reassurance that plateaus are bustable!

Hi there,
I am currently on day 4 level 1 of the 30DS and am doing it everyday in combination with swimming/hiking (90 mins on alternating days) to bust through this plateau I'm on (scale hasn't moved for more than 8 weeks now). I still have 20ish lbs to lose and I know these are going to be the hard ones but it's still hard not to be discouraged. I am eating back most if not all of my exercise calories and drinking a tonne of water (14+glasses/day).
I was just wondering if anyone has any fitness tips I could add to my regular routine to bust through this and lose (even slowly) again.


  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    1. stick with it
    2. you are exercising a good bit - are you sore? if you are, you may be retaining water in those muscles making the scale say mean things
    3. are you getting lots of sleep? the fat fairy only visit my house while I am sleeping :)
    4. stick with it - sometimes inches move, sometimes weight moves, sometimes nothing moves but you are doing the right stuff to have a healthy body and lifestyle- and that is great!!!
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    The Shred has transformed my life and my body. I'm way stronger now. I will do a level 3 and then a level 1. Keep with it. I lost 4.5 inches in 6 weeks. I have now moved onto her DVD series ripped in 30. She has upped the intensity level, and it makes me feel pumped after. Make sure you take measurements. The results you will see are amazing.
    Also, I find when I have a plateau, that's when I lose my inches rather than the pounds.
    Keep it up girl!

    Oh, yeah, if you do some yoga, that lengthens out the muscles to give you a leaner look.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ninjahonor
    Don't forget to eat. With that much exercise you will be eating significantly more calories than your BMR. MFP calculates all of this for you with a 500 calorie deficiency (assuming you wan to lose one pound a week).
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    THEY ARE!!! i started doing sprints because my weight training buddy recommended it.. and my god.. 3 lbs came off in 2 days.

    15 second sprint as hard as you can.
    45 seconds walk.

    repeat 10-15 times.

    next day weight training.
    then back to sprinting..
    IT WORKS. well it worked for me haha and i tried EVERYTHING
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Change up your exercises. Cross train. Sometimes your body gets bored. Sometimes sleep, stress, food allergies, too much/too little exercise can play a significant role.

    The main thing is: don't give up! Regardless of losing weight, your heart and body thank you =)
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Try to cut back a little on the exercise and eat your calories for a couple of weeks. The goal would be to maintain while giving your body a break. I have heard that this usually does the trick when busting out of a plateau (easier said than done!) I am in a plateau right now too and I can't seem to make myself take my own advice! Sounds like you are leading a healthy lifestyle so just concentrate on that for a bit
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    can i just start out by saying congratulations on making it to day 4 of 30DS!!! I started day 1 last friday and still haven't made it to day 2. I swear, it took 5 days before i could walk normal again. how do you do it??? don't get discouraged though about the plateau. my scale hasn't moved in 2 months and i could scream. it might go up a pound one week and down a pound the next but no real progess is happening. i know i am eating right and exercising like i should so I am taking my plateau in stride. keep up the good work...
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    If you don't eat your exercise calories, try eating at least half. If you do eat them, how are you measuring calories burned? because this site can be horribly inaccurate, especially if the exercise isn't specifically listed.
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I am going to incorporate a rest day in my week (only do the 30DS no other card besides walking/something light) and try doing some sprints (uphill sprints while hiking?? I may never walk again but oh well lol). Also I think setting my MFP goals to 1/2 lb a week might help me feel less stressed out.
    Good luck to everyone who is going through a plateau and congratulations to everyone who has gotten through one!