

  • smknitter - I'm glad I'm not the only one having that problem haha! I *just* switched to level 2 today (i have to cut it a little shorter than 30 days as I'm leaving the country on the 23rd) so we'll see! tme85 - No, it ended about... 5 or 6 days ago? So I'm well out of that realm. Sneezles - My carb/protein is not the…
  • Missballast - I've been logging my food/exercise religiously for over 3 months now, so that's not the problem. My mom says we have a tape though so I'll do some measuring later.. Nrvo - the sodium is from ginger ale I think :/ I was drinking it often because of stomach problems I've been having... I'm off it now so…
  • Veganbaum, you make a good point! I have my profile set to 'active'.... I'm not working anymore regardless lol so I'm not sure where to even start with that, if I should bother changing it or not. I haven't heard that about 30DS but it makes sense! I wasn't eating back all of my exercise calories (I don't think so, anyways…
  • I was using the scale at my gym - I no longer have gym access. :( Not to mention that scale is now 2 hours away a different city.
  • My personal trainer was fantastic!! IMO, if you want a trainer, go to the gym and ask the manager if you can meet with several... Pick the one you like the best, not the most convenient one!
  • Hey everyone, this is a great thread! I'm going abroad for the semester and I'm interested to see what my food will look like!! The brits eat so differently than we do, and who knows how much I'll be eating out... Only time will tell I guess! 3 WEEKS AND COUNTING till I hit that plane! Junior - English Major University of…
  • My biggest challenge is getting to the gym and finishing my work outs! I worked with a trainer all summer and I struggled a bit with getting in for cardio, and doing my whole 40 minutes of cardio.. Now I'm out of the gym and don't have a trainer anymore so it's me, Jillian Michaels, and a few other trainers on dvds ;) I'm…
  • Peanut butter and jelly! Whole wheat bread, all natural peanut butter, low-sugar jelly. :) Doesn't need to be refrigerated. Take an apple or an orange (or any fruit!) with you on the side.
  • I get INCREDIBLE food cravings during my period (usually smack dab in the middle.) The best thing to control it for me is to plan out what I'm eating, stick to the plan, and try to eat regularly - every few hours to an hour if possible. It's hard because I know I"m not hungry, my body just wants me to eat!
  • Oh, let's see... white bread, white pasta, chips (these try to tempt me but I just have to say no!), SWEETS (I've found a new love - 90 calorie brownies!!), and virtually all dairy product since I discovered I'm lactose intolerant :( Only yogurt and frozen yogurt for this girl!
  • Similar but different... I have PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder) and I've been on high-level birth controls since I was 14 for it. I'm sure The Pill (or Pills, as I've been on about 6 different kinds...) is a contributing factor to why I gained so much weight in the first place, but it's hard to say for sure as I…
  • I would love to join! :) Sounds perfect for me!
  • Mine isn't surgery related, thankfully/unfortunately. I'm thankful I've never had surgery, but unfortunately I have no other reason for it to be there!! I bought a few dvds off of amazon last night (JM 30ds, a pilates, and a kickboxing/yoga one a friend recommended) so once those arrive I'll be starting them hardcore! It's…
  • Loly - I'm about to lose gym access. :( NotGoddess - No, I haven't, but I have a variety of stomach/digestive problems. I've had this since basically puberty, haha.
  • Karamae- At the moment I'm working on borrowed jeans!! My friend gave me 11 pairs (I kid you not, 11) of jeans she was getting rid of... I don't want to buy new jeans until I'm at my goal weight, which is about another 20lbs away. But when I get there I will definitely be splurging! Florida - I'm not sure if it's skin or…
  • Officially at 19, but we can round up to 20, right? ;) Portions!! Learning to eat in portions was one of the best things I've learned! WHAT you eat matters too, of course, but it's so much easier to stay on track when you're allowed a portioned treat now and then. I don't eat red meat at all - fish, seafood, turkey, and…
  • I'm 5'7", current weight is 154. My starting weight was 173. I'm looking to lose another 10lbs in the next month or so (going to Liverpool!!) and then gradually lose another 10 over the next year or so for a goal weight of about 135 :) This is the thinnest I've ever been so I have no idea what my body will look like then!…
  • Well I'm 20 and I've only lost 30lbs, but feel free to hit me up if you want some continual support! :) My overall goal is 40lbs lost (20 to go) so we're on a similar track!
  • I'm 5'7", 20 years old, currently weighing 154lbs - down from 173! :) My initial goal weight is to be 143 (30lbs lost) but I think my final goal weight will be in the 130-33 range. Too much more than that and I will be an ugly popsicle stick!! I have a pretty big frame.