How to get rid of belly/pooch flab? [w/pic]



  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I'll be following this thread for sure. I'm 6 weeks post hysterectomy and have this same problem. This is my second incision in this area. It seems the more I lose, the more it "hangs".
  • plutoniansmash
    Mine isn't surgery related, thankfully/unfortunately. I'm thankful I've never had surgery, but unfortunately I have no other reason for it to be there!!

    I bought a few dvds off of amazon last night (JM 30ds, a pilates, and a kickboxing/yoga one a friend recommended) so once those arrive I'll be starting them hardcore!

    It's sad to hear that chances are it's mostly excess skin... I can't imagine that's cheap, and finding someone willing to do one on a 20-year-old doesn't sound too likely haha. We'll have to see though!
  • TrippyCusp93
    TrippyCusp93 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I have basically the same thing...the more fat that is burned, the more it will shrink....I lost 30 pounds last year and it was still there...not as big, but still apparent. One thing I've found that works is a CORSET/GIRDLE. It not only makes you look instantly 15 pounds lighter, but it also strengthens those muscles in the abdominal region and gives shape back to the skin. The more often you wear it, the more your body will take it's shape. Because of the constriction, it makes you eat less, too. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but once you get used to it, it's hard NOT to wear it. This is the one I have

    You wear a bra with it and it even gives you a good lift :) Check it out, it might work for you.
  • emmalange97
    Hey, lady! This response is quite late, however, I would like to share with everyone else in need of an answer to your question - if you yourself have already reached your goal! I have struggled with a pooch myself and found these remedies to have OUTSTANDING results. I am not a fan of working out - although I do - so I have found ways of maintaining my weight through other solutions, if I don't have time to workout. My MAIN secret to a flat stomache will be the last mentioned.

    1). Im sure you all know to eat every three hours

    2). 80% of your health/weight is what you eat: In other words, no matter how hard you workout, if you do not have a clean eating diet you WILL NOT reach your goal.

    3). Cardio, not abs: Before you even think about doing abs you need to do cardio. You already have abs, you need to burn the fat off first and THEN start thinking about abs. I know it sounds exausting - it is! - but you will not reach your goal by not at LEAST trying this.

    4). Eating clean: My main secret of how I IMMEDIATELY started losing that extra little pooch is eating Gluten-free. It sounds expensive, I know. But all you have to do is cut bread out of your diet, thus making your budget SMALLER. Yes, certain foods are expensive but there is no need to buy gluten free cake, bread, etc. Keep in mind, just because it's gluten free doesnt mean it's healthy; stick with raw foods, and cut bread out of your diet
  • rosemary98
    Have you had an exam to rule out any possible medical causes?

    that came to my mind as well. perhaps a hernia?