gmclachl Member


  • I am certainly not going to lose any sleep over Osama Bin Laden's death. However the jingoistic nonsense which is now taking place does not sit easily with me either. I think the U.S should show some decorum at this time, maybe a time for some quiet reflection.
  • I think most people don't get enough fat in their diet. Actually let me rephrase that, I don't believe most people get enough healthy fats in their diet. As people have pointed out 1g of fat is 9kcal, so just make sure you allow for it. I aim for 100g of fat a day, which I get from eggs (people freak about cholesterol, but…
  • And in Glasgow as well I see.
  • Not sure what a Scotlander is, but I am Scottish, if that helps. I live in Glasgow. I like it.
  • MyProtein have a decent selection.
  • I take a multi-vit, vitamin b, c and d which I don't count. I do count the fish oil capsules, but then I do take around 18-20 a day, which is nearly 200kcals. George
  • It's extremely difficult to add muscle without adding some fat, there needs to be a calorific excess to allow for muscle growth. I was pretty much in the same position as you. I am 6"1' and got down to 170lbs. I am now on a *clean* bulk, and aim for 2900 calories a day (based on the second link below) my macro breakdown is…
    in Carbs Comment by gmclachl August 2010
  • You can buy powdered egg or pasteurised liquid egg whites, which don't require refrigeration. Personally I try to avoid any type of mass produced protein bars. Make your own, it's surprisingly easy.
  • Jerky is a nice high protein snack, just watch out for the carb content of some brands. Also how about egg whites/eggs and as a last resort you could use a *decent* MRP shake
  • My wife is American, although we are settled in the UK now, but before we did divide our time between Scotland and CA. I have to say, and these are just my personal observations: portion sizes are obscene. I know you take "doggy bags" home, but really... The cost of healthy eating is far far more than the cost of eating…
  • I tend to use protein powders more than the bar, I usually take a scoop pre-workout and another post-workout. I do use protein bars for times when it's not practical for me to use whey, and always a casein based powder before bed. If you really want to use protein bars then make your own, there are quite a few recipes…
  • There probably isn't a great deal of difference in calories between white and brown rice, however long grain white rice has quite a high G.I. In my mind basmati isn't a second rate substitute for white rice, it's a much better alternative. Another option is brown basmati rice, but to be honest there is so little…
  • I am not a nutritionist, this is only from my own research. I would recommend "The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition" by Anita Bean. She is well respected in her field, and her recommendation when on a fat loss program combined with exercise, is 1.2-1.6g per kg or bodyweight. A lot of other weight training sites/trainers…
  • Anyone who trains heavily should increase their protein intake, this is because your body has to rely heavily upon dietary sources rather than draw from it's own stores. So the limit set on this site seems, for me, to be on the low side. Perhaps because it is based on a sedentary individual. At the very least I aim for 1g…