soguesswhat Member


  • Congrats on your new attempt! You can add me if you like. I can always use some more support, too. It may be a long journey, but it's easier with friends. :) Good luck!
  • No need to be scared. This is a great place to turn to. I've only been here 3 weeks and it's been a great feeling to have friends here cheering you on. Please feel free to add me and I'll be here to cheer you on too! :)
  • Just remember that when you fall down, you just get back up again and keep going. Don't dwell on the three days you ate bad, just look at the 20 days you did GREAT! AND, you learned now that the bad foods don't even taste as good because your body is already getting used to the good stuff. That's a great accomplishment!…
  • yep, it's a big crock. While these fruits may be very healthy and full of antioxidants and whatnot, they are not going to make up for the pizza and beer later on! People just want to think that there's something easier than doing the work that we all know we have to do in order to lose weight. People need to get honest…
  • that's a wonderful story. Best wishes for you both! And don't worry, "feeling married" sorta happens by accident too. It doesn't happen overnight by any means. I hope your wedding is as wonderful as the story and effort leading up to it!
  • what does an attachment therapist do exactly? Do you work with attachment issues specifically?
  • welcome! I already think you're an amazing person just from your introduction! Sounds like you have a very full life and do some amazing work. How wonderful that you are now taking care of yourself too. That's fantastic! You can do this, and you'll have all of us to back you up. Feel free to add me for support and positive…
  • welcome! I already think you're an amazing person just from your introduction! Sounds like you have a very full life and do some amazing work. How wonderful that you are now taking care of yourself too. That's fantastic! You can do this, and you'll have all of us to back you up. Feel free to add me for support and positive…
  • Welcome! You're gonna find people to be very supportive around here. I've only been here a week and it's amazing. Congrats on starting your journey! I'm here if you want to add me for support. My weight is not "baby weight," but I have my excuse that can no longer be used, too, so we're in that same boat! :)
  • Welcome newbie! There's lots of us newbies here, too! I don't have three little ones, but I know how hard it can be to get out when you have kids. I only have one and it's hard enough. lol Anyway, you can add me if you like, we can both use the support, right? :)
  • You've obviously seen already that you are not alone. I'm not 19, but finding people to share support is so helpful! I'm new to this too - today is day 7 for me, but if you want to add me as a friend I'll do what I can to encourage you along your journey. I have a long way to go, so it's great to know others are with you.
  • Thanks for posting that Zumba calorie site. I used it to look up my workouts, too. Maybe if enough of us add them in it will show up in the database one day! :) Speaking of Zumba, I need to get up and do some. lol
  • Way to go for fighting it off!! I know the craving has passed, but I wanted to share my latest way to ignore my cravings - I do my nails! lol It sounds weird, but I enjoy doing nail art, it's a nice distraction, and when my nails are wet I don't want to touch anything (like the computer or the phone to dial Pizza Hut!)…
  • I have about that much to lose, too. I'd love to be 115lbs again, but I realize that isn't realistic for me anymore... that was my teenage weight, and I'm no longer a Anyway, I think it's fantastic that you only gained 3lbs over the time you were gone. That's great maintenance! I've only been on this site for…
  • Thanks everyone! I can already tell it's a great place to be. And MFP has already motivated me to work off the extra calories I just ate at dinner. I would never have done it without this amazing tool!! Can someone tell me what having "friends" on here does? What is different about being a friend or not? Looking for…
  • Hi Debbie! I'm new here too, and I avoid my picture being taken at all costs too. I hate the way Iook. It's a far cry from someone who used to love having it taken back when I was younger, skinnier, and more confident. You're a step ahead of me - I couldn't even post a pic for a profile shot! I'm super proud of you for…
  • Wow, I can't believe he'd say that to you. I'm glad it motivates you, but I know how much that had to hurt. And you WILL show him! You're already a winner by joining another team! I hope you will meet your goal and make YOUR team the winners! You can do it!!