Scared of failure

Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. I can;t seem to lose weight on my own so I figured I'd give this a try


  • LMStark
    LMStark Posts: 150
    Welcome! MFP is a great site. There is a lot of support on here. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Feel free to friend me if you want. :-)
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    Welcome to the site :) I'm sure you'll love it. Good luck, feel free to add me if you like.
  • Welcome. You'll find lots of good information and support here. Good luck finding what works for you. Feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome - feel free to friend me
  • soguesswhat
    soguesswhat Posts: 18 Member
    No need to be scared. This is a great place to turn to. I've only been here 3 weeks and it's been a great feeling to have friends here cheering you on. Please feel free to add me and I'll be here to cheer you on too! :)
  • Welcome! I am new also and scared of failure. Friend me if you would like!
  • I felt that way when I started a week ago...but let me tell ya, this is the best support place i've ever seen. Please feel free to add me :) u'r not in this alone.