monjet13 Member


  • My doctor did mention white rice and seemed to think it was acceptable, the theory being white rice is the easiest of the grains to digest and has the least chance of an allergic reaction and therefore no inflammation.
  • Hey thanks for all the great replies, and the great discussions, I looked back at my food log and discovered I'm eating Approximately 80 to 100 carbs a day (not sure what measurement MFP uses I'm assuming grams). I often feel week and light headed after a run and get dizzy if I stand up to quickly ( I even get that way on…
  • Just finished w2d3 it felt great! I'm still only about 2.5 miles but that OK as long as I feel good.:smile:
  • Welcome and Good for you, you've' already taken the first step,:flowerforyou: you can add me as a friend if you like.
  • you can add me in. Just did Week 2 day 1 and if felt great !:smile:
  • I only weigh in every other week, that way I don't obsess over the little fluctuations in my weight.
  • I had the misfortune of being attacked by a dog when I was six years old and received 27 stitches in my face. I loved dogs but was terrified of every single one of them(except my beloved German Shepard Tangent) until I became a mail carrier. I lerrn some useful things. 1.Don't make eye contact or stare at a dog you do not…
  • Thanks everyone I'm seeing my general practitioner to get a referral then it will take a couple of weeks to see the Ortho. I also have muscle pain and tightness on that side of my neck but will continue to rest, ice , and anti inflammatory ,also some massage for my neck.
  • Not yet, After two weeks if the rest and ice are not effective I'll ask for a referral. The pain occurs on the catch (when my hand enters the water) and pull ( when I bring my hand through the water). my chiropractor advised exercises that work on my mid back region like rows and stretches for my pecs. I'm getting…
  • wow, great pics! congratulations!
  • Same thing happened to me and I just started over last week! You can friend me if you like.
  • Hi my name is Lisa I have 2 autistic sons 18 and 12 although the are not violent or physically aggressive now, they used to be. I think the hardest thing I ever had to go through was taking my kids to the grocery store, they just couldn't handle it, but I had no one to take care of them since i work while the are in…
  • I'm in:flowerforyou:
  • Portland, OR born and raised.
  • welcome!! add me to Im 48 and have 30lbs to loose.
  • I love meat!! especially if Ive been working out allot. I was in Saudi Arabia about 20 years ago working with the air force I often worked with the Bedouin bus drivers and when we had to work those 16 to 20 hour shift they would make us these lovely meals of goat meat and rice yum! yum! Yum!
  • my goal is to complete the C25K program then run a 5K, train for a 10k and the run a 10K race. then maybe run a half marathon. I am also training for long distance open water swimming. I'm just going to keep plugging away at my goals! Id love to keep hearing your stories and motivations. Please friend me if you like so we…
  • you lay on the floor and rite the alphabet with your toes both upper and lower case. Its worked wonders for me I don't always lay on the floor, I do it watching the TV, when I'm reading to my kids, and so on. it seems to have really worked for my shin splints couch to 5k is a great p-program for beginning runners I start…
  • I just started the C25K program I run on the streets around my neighborhood and there.....I don't know the right word for it ... I guess you would say they have a steep slope so if I run on the side I end up running with one leg hitting the ground funny, an uneven stride, and it kills my hip. there isn't much traffic but I…
  • get your arms pumping when you walk if the weights your using seem to light increase it if there just isn't any money left and( I know this sounds silly) use a couple of water bottles or even milk jugs. If at some time there is some extra cash the make weight vest that you can add weight to gradually, also some pools have…
  • The frozen water bottle thing sounds really great I will defiantly do that! we used to roll our shins with rolling pins in martial arts class to toughen them up.
  • Thanks I'm going to keep going, maybe take it easy next time I,m an ex collage athlete (swimming) and a Martial artist but because of a very long illness and the medications I have to take every day. I put on 40 pounds. I know how to push my self to extremes I just stared swimming again and am up to a 3000yd work out. but…
  • I just did the alphabet and my shins feel allot better thanks!!
    in Shin pain Comment by monjet13 July 2011
  • Thanks everyone! I'm going to a store here in Portland tomorrow. I guess they have a tred mill with a pressure sensor and a camera so they can analize your stride and then recommend shoes. tomorrows a rest day so I'm going to ice twenty minutes on twenty minutes off. I'm so excited.... my sister just started C25K today!
    in Shin pain Comment by monjet13 July 2011