Need Friends!

Hi everyone,
29 year old female from Jersey. Packed on 80 lbs while carrying my son. Who is now 4! Still walking around with the extra weight. I am serious I have all of it still! I lost a bit but it all came back. I have an office job and just recently started going to the gym. I would love some extra friends to help motivate me and I would love to offer some motivation as well! :flowerforyou:
Good luck and blessings to you all!
<3 Stephanie


  • twintea
    twintea Posts: 23 Member
    congrats on getting into MFP I am new too and feel free to add me as a friend - we all can help each other and inspire...I am wanting to lose 80 pounds too .....take care
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i need to lose 50-70! Ill be your friend!
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Welcome here! You can friend me! I had 120 to lose , have lost 28 now.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    Welcome to MFP!! This site has tons of people who inspire and motivate! I can't wait to see you progress over time!! This is a great first step~ Corina
  • tlzidon
    tlzidon Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome, I am trying to lose 30-35 pounds but can understand the stresses of trying ot get in shape while raising kids. I am a single mom of an energetic 6 year old boy and almost 8 year old daughter. I also sit at a desk all day which doesn't help to staying fit.
  • YamRector
    YamRector Posts: 74 Member
    You can add me too! need to lose 75 pounds to a decent weight and another 10 after for the beauty only :)
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Adding you! :)
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Hi there! Welcome and good luck :)

    I'm 24, married, trying to lose 40ish pounds that I've been struggling with on and off forever. Finally making my body a priority. Do friend me if you like, I love cheering on others and getting cheered on!
  • monjet13
    monjet13 Posts: 40 Member
    welcome!! add me to Im 48 and have 30lbs to loose.