

  • You are not alone by any means! I've been chatting with my PCP about my weight issues and where I struggle the most. We've determined that I have an Over Eating disorder! It was like a slap in the face at first. When you hear eating disorder you automatically start thinking of anorexia, bulimia, etc. I never thought that…
  • You look great! Congrats Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Oddly enough when I started losing weight I could only see/feel the difference in my fingers...It was strange! I'm sure you'll start to notice and feel it eventually. Don't give up your doing great!
  • Thanks everyone. I have noticed that my chunky fingers are getting smaller. My ring will spin all the way around so it's on backwards which it use to be very tight, and I've also noticed that right around my collar bone seems less chunky. It's just weird areas to measure and start noticing changes. I exercise almost every…
  • Way to go! Thanks for helping me and dragging my butt outside every day at lunch for a walk! It's finally starting to pay off. <3
  • Check out their nutritional info section of their website. I just took a peak at it and you could get a Turkey wrap for 410 calories. Of course that's just the sandwich, you would have to take in consideration cheese, dressings and anything else. They also have salads there too. Just be careful because some of the salads…
  • I too love this site! Never thought I would say this, but I love exercising because I love watching those calories being added back in :) Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • If your at a restaurant, when your food comes ask the waitress for a box immediately. Then take half of your plate and stick it in the box for later. You will save on calories and money! Or, if the option is there, some places offer lunch size portions instead of dinner size. Good luck!
  • I'm all in :) Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • Thanks! That is very helpful. My arms hurt in a good work out way, like they do when I actually go to the gym!
  • I saws this post last week and was to afraid to join....but I'm doing it. I would like to lost at least 15 pounds by Christmas. Monday, November 9th - Weigh In Starting Weight: 355 Starting Group Weight: 353 Last Week: 353 Current Weight: 350 X-Mas Goal: 335 Pounds to X-Mas Goal: 15 Created by - Free Diet…
  • Thanks for all of the great advise and encouragement. I am actually feeling really excited about changing my eating habits today. moujie - I think your post hit close to home for me, and I've been thinking about it all morning. I LOVE clothes and have tons and tons of them. So I'm going to try what you suggest...give away…
  • Thanks for all of the tips! I'm going to try all of them! :)
  • I agree, count your calories, and exercise and don't stop using MFP! I stopped using it last November after losing 25lbs and I've gained back all but 5
  • She is a nice person...I can contest to that! And great for support and motivation!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I've missed the positive encouragement from everyone!
  • Congrats on your success of 90lbs! I will have to agree that MFP is a great site and easy to use. This is also a great place to come if you are struggling (with what I call) food demons or if your in a rut. A lot of people have very helpful hints to getting you back on track. Good luck! Created by - Free…
  • I find my biggest problem is I get bored with what I am doing or eating. Or sometimes I get so into losing weight that I go 110% for a few weeks and crash. This time around I am trying to mix up my food, and my exercises and just remember that I don't need to race myself to lose weight. Hope this help! :D Created by…
  • I just did the Sweating to the Oldies work out the other day...people laugh because I exercise to Richard Simmons, but you are is quite a work out! Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • Welcome! I find this website very very helpful and I hope you do too. Good luck in your journey...we can do this
  • Just wanted to share this with every one. Last Monday ended our Biggest Loser Competition we had in our office. I tied for first place with another co-worker...we both lost 25lbs in 8 weeks! I was truely amazed at how well we did (as well as the other competitors) When this compeition first started I weighed in at my…
  • So my goal for Thanksgiving was to lose 10lbs and I accomplished this on Monday! 10 lbs exactly with almost 2 weeks left until Thanksgiving. I am so proud of myself. Good luck to everyone! Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • neat Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • I do the same thing except for I butterfly my chicken breast and stuff it with ham, and close it with atoothpicks. When the chicken is just about complete I throw a piece of Munster cheese on top and broil until the cheese is melted. I have also done this Shake N' Bake style. Created by - Free Diet…
  • Congrats...what a good way to put your weight loss into perspective. I'll have to try that once I lose a little more weight and see how it feels. Thanks for sharing!:bigsmile: Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • I'm in...seems like challenges are the only things that keep me going. Halloween Goal - 5lbs Thanksgiving - 5lbs 10lbs...hopefully more but I need to take it one step at a time. Thanks for the encouragement! :bigsmile:
  • Maybe with all of the exercising you are doing you are building muscle. Muscles tend to weigh more then fat.
  • Wow! You look amazing. It's nice to see success stories like these. It make me want to keep going. Thanks for sharing!
  • I would try taking it in baby steps. Instead of looking at the whole picture (losing 50+ lbs), look at it in small steps. Set a small goal at first like losing 10lbs or even 5;bs. When you get there set another goal of 10 more pounds. I am new to this site, but that is what I have done in the past and it seems to work. I…