JwlzBoatie Member


  • im not even going to lie...i completed nothing as far as exercise this week. :-( I had no comp and other stuff interfered that i was just overall blah! i did stay under carbs however so thats 1 pt and well my emotional challenge would be That i have learned to think positive about small victories for small steps lead to…
  • Nutrition – 1 point--Have to love the fact that I LOVE cheese! Strength – 3 points-- Cardio – 3 points--May not have been able to do stairs but I burned some awesome Calories this week! Calorie – 1 point --I set my goal and thanks to a busy Labor Day surpassed my expectations!!! Emotional – 1 point --:-) My note to self…
  • You can do it girl!!! You have the will power to do this, youve been doing it for 6 wks already. Dont let a bad day or two get you off track. We all are working so hard, there will be a day we need a break. Just keep i mind that after that day its back to business. %lbs in a month and a half is great. We have all of Sept,…
  • Good Luck this week everyone!!! Calcium is much needed so I think I will do the supplements as well LOL..well see how tomorrow goes..if I can do it I'll stick to it adn get the help if not I'll change it up to carbs or sodium cause those 2 are my killers! Have a great week!
  • Hello there fellow mommies!!! Hope everyone is doing great :-) I just wanted to say that this weeks challenges have been good nice simple but effective! I need to make some personal adjustments for health reasons but the drive and want are there. I think we all have done awesome and though some of us had or have faced some…
  • Emotional Challenge: My moment of clarity would have to be when I was moving around slower than my grandfather and that I was getting cellulitis on a regular basis. I finally had to make a change! I went to my neurologist, got back into my physical therapy to get some strength back in my legs then starting MFP. I have made…
  • Hello there fellow mommies!!! Hope everyone is doing great :-) I just wanted to say that this weeks challenges have been good nice simple but effective! I need to make some personal adjustments for health reasons but the drive and want are there. I think we all have done awesome and though some of us had or have faced some…
  • oh yeah! this definitely sounds yummy!! This is my vote as well!
  • Finished the last of my workouts today and sadly said good bye to my therapist :-( She will be replaced by a gentleman whom i hope is as patient and understanding as she was. I truly wish her the best Starting MFP Weight:320 Starting SAHMU Weight: 320 Week 1 Weight: 320 Week 2 Weight: 313 Week 3 Weight: 313 Week 4 Weight:…
  • Hey guys! ok so i did my lunges and push ups this weekend, the others are covered with my physical therapy so, tomorrow is my last day of abs, legs raises, squats and well the up downs i traded up for the the bike. On a sperate note: My legs and core are getting some really good strength in them lately and my therapist is…
  • That is awesome!!! Its going to be a tough road but it will get better..im still trying to fight the cravings but its going to be a year so i know you can do it...Also i want to apologize to yu guys for my lack of support this week. it was my first week back as a member of the employed and its been hectic!! LOL i think ive…
  • Starting MFP Weight:320 Starting SAHMU Weight: 320 Week 1 Weight:320 Week 2 Weight: 313 Week 3 Weight: 313 Week 4 Weight: 312 Week 5 Weight 311.6 geesh! This weight is making me mad! I guess something is better than nothing..Good job this week girls!
  • oh yea! the something new is that i started a new job! LOL i hope that counts! For the recipe challenge, since i cant vote for my ouwn..i vote for banana raspberry mousse!
  • All challenges completed!!! Did the last of my step ups today at therapy, yeah!!! Also, added another dancing session in this morning, guess i had some of my dancing fever left in me from saturday! Anywho, all challenges are complete, yeah me!!! Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow! Good luck everyone, hope we have another…
  • Emotional challenge: Someone in your life that has contributed to your weight gain....how will this change once you love yourself.... As I have mentioned before, the biggest contributor to the emotional binges, was my mom. I never felt as if i was what she wanted or what she expected me to be. I remember just conitnuously…
  • MMMM Perfect for the summer!!! Try this Pinapple-Raspberry Parfait, you can mix up the fruits! I love it with mangos and strawberries. You can use light whipping cream with a dash white powdered sugar if you want to add a bit of sweetness and it wont up the cals too much but anyway, this is the super healthy version.…
  • Hey girls!!! Well I have completed my dance challenge..Went to a dance on saturday and danced the night away!! I did some cumbias and your regular waltz. Tejano dancing is fun! i know it said a different mix but its similar to doing zumba so i think im ok. My relaxation challenge in the bag!! Went and bought myself some…
  • hey girls!! just wanted to stop in and say that i have no forgotten you at all..just spent the weekend preparing for my little ones first day of school tomorrow!! How exciting?! I will post my updated info tomorrow i promise..no worries im staying on track!! hope you all had a great weekend! talk to you guys tomorrow~Oh…
  • Ugh, I dont know whats going on at all! I hope I'm losing inches because the weight is going no where. Starting MFP Weight: 320 Starting SAHMU Weight: 320 Week 1 Weight: 320 Week 2 Weight: 313 Week 3 Weight: 313 Week 4 Weight: 312 1lb!!!! Only 1lb! I dont know whats going on?! Thank God, the pool is up and running already…
  • Hey all! Well I'm out of the hospital, YEAH!!! Man, I hate having cellulitis :-\ I'll be getting flare ups for a while but it could be worse :-) First of all, my name is Julissa Barco but i prefer Jwlz; hence my screeen name JwlzBoatie! I've completed all my weekly challenges except one. so, here goes, my final challenge:…
  • Hey team!! Well my water goal is going great, I always do at least 40oz on the days i have therapy and about 32 on none therapy days. So, adding a few more ounces was easy! Stretching is a must and has been a daily routine for years, as itr helps me walk longer. I do sitting crunches which were recommended by my therapist…
  • great job blue team!!! we rock! LOL
  • great job stacey!!! thats a great number!! keep up the great work :-)
  • Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, I had a busy day and barely got home! Unfortunately, though I tried to compensate my carido in the pool with other types like walking or something else to the best of my physical abilities, I guess it wasnt enough for another great weight loss :-( Starting MFP 320lbs Starting SAHM: 320…
  • So that means ..Jwlz: 5points!!!
  • hey everyone!! Hope you all are having a great week so far!! I've done cardio almost everyday this week, with the exception of one day lol...So imtrying to think if i'm missing anything and I think i'm about done...Ive met all cardio requirements, submitted a recipe and emotional challenge, and sleep is always good in my…
  • This is my vote because I absolutely love spinach chicken....Hey i noticed we were a recipe short :-( or am i wrong? Good luck everyone
  • ok everyone!! i've posted my emotional challenge..been doing walking for the cardio and today is day 1 of the pushups!!! So heres my recipe submittal..I stole it from turbo jam but i really like it.. Stir-fry 3 ounces diced chicken breast or other lean meat or meat substitute 1-1 1/2 cup chopped veggies (choose 2 from the…
  • Wow! thanks so much for remembering!!! I have Transverse Myelitis and i can pushups but while on my knees...I will have a recipe by tomorrow morning for sure..that pizza sounds delicious right now ! :-)
  • thats awesome!!! I have to find a new way to do cardio..my pool is out of commission :-( Can it be all pushups?