TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    To add to my crappy week of course my weight went up .2oz. Yay! At least it isnt a lb :) Hopefully soon my son will start feeling better so he naps longer! His naptime is my workout time.
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    On the bright side I've lost inches! haha
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Whoohooo another pound lost that I will never see agian...

    So I have it a baby milestone...I have lost 10lbs so far...Just need 20lbs more to go!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Whoohooo another pound lost that I will never see agian...

    So I have it a baby milestone...I have lost 10lbs so far...Just need 20lbs more to go!

    Awesome work!! I have a feeling the scale is up for me....I am waiting a bit cuz my stomach does'nt feel right!! The scale is NOT my friend!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    aww I was feeling like that last night....and it had me worried. Just think positive even though you feel crappy!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Starting MFP Weight:163
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 160
    Week 1 Weight: 157
    Week 2 Weight: 156
    Week 3 Weight: 156
    Week 4 Weight: 156
    Week 5 Weight 154
    Week 6 Weight: 154
    Week 7 Weight: 153
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Weigh in 245.8 so I lost .8 lb lol.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week:0
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts
    Melanie= 13pts (I feel awful... I've been under the weather and so has my son this week. Sorry ladies :( )

    Weight Loss:
    Devin: -0.8lbs
    Jennifer: - 1lb

    Calories Burned:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I have a question...I just came back from the dr.' s office and the scale says I weigh 152 and then when I got back home i checked my weight on my scale and it says the same. I checked it 3 times to make sure here at home. So maybe something weird happened this morning with my scale. Should I still count it for today's weigh in? Because if that is the case then I need to change my weight loss from 1 lb to 2lbs. This is such a surprise to me and I'm so excited!!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week:0
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts
    Melanie= 13pts (I feel awful... I've been under the weather and so has my son this week. Sorry ladies :( )

    Weight Loss:
    Stacey: 0 :(
    Devin: -0.8lbs
    Jennifer: - 2lb

    Calories Burned:

    I changed it to 2lbs Jennifer! Great work! I apparently am doomed by the scale!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I was like that last week. I didnt lose anything either, but this week I made up for it. I'm pretty sure you will make it up in next week's weigh in. Just keep up your hard work and it will pay off.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week:0
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts
    Melanie= 13pts (I feel awful... I've been under the weather and so has my son this week. Sorry ladies :( )

    Weight Loss:
    Stacey: 0 :(
    Devin: -0.8lbs
    Melanie: 0
    Jennifer: - 2lb

    Calories Burned:
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    Emotional Challenge: My moment of clarity would have to be when I was moving around slower than my grandfather and that I was getting cellulitis on a regular basis. I finally had to make a change! I went to my neurologist, got back into my physical therapy to get some strength back in my legs then starting MFP. I have made good progress and the continual progress keeps me going. More so now that I am also being able to keep up with my 3 yr old. I LOVE IT! Its all about baby steps but i will get there. :-)

    Strength: took a couple of rest days but then doubled up on Sunday so 7pts
    Food: Sadly, I was over on sodium, cals, and carbs on 3 separate days so, 4 pts :-(
    Emotional: just submitted so 1 pt
    Cardio..went over the amount i had set my goal at so 1 pt baby!
    Total pts: 13pts!!! woo hoo

    Starting MFP Weight:320
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 320
    Week 1 Weight: 320
    Week 2 Weight: 313
    Week 3 Weight: 313
    Week 4 Weight: 312
    Week 5 Weight 310
    Week 6 Weight 309.6
    Goal: Healthy! The number is just a plus but ill say at least 300lb by the end of this challenge
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Blue Team Totals Week 6.....

    Stacey= 16pts
    Melanie= 13pts
    Julissa= 13pts
    Total Team Points: 74!! + 1 team point for everyone completing Emotional Challenge......75 points!

    Weight Loss:
    Stacey: 0 :(
    Devin: -0.8lbs
    Melanie: 0
    Jennifer: - 2lb
    Julissa: -0.4

    Total Team Loss: -3.2 lbs.....better than nothing!!

    Calories Burned:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Holy Crap! I did the stairs for 5 minutes and burned 74 calories per HRM!! Wowza!! Gonna do the arm workout now

    WEEK 7 Challenge:

    Nutritional Challenge:

    Calcium – meet or exceed your calcium goal every day. Worth 1 point

    Strength Challenge:

    Build muscle tone in your arms as well as bone strength to help prevent osteoporosis

    Complete full workout (all 8 exercises, 3 x a week, with one day’s rest in between workouts) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    Added bonus, keep this as part of your routine to see some serious definition within 4-6 weeks!!

    Cardio Challenge:

    Burn Baby Burn! Cardio this week is all about stairs, stairs, stairs! Did you know that jogging up and down stairs for 5 minutes burns approx 130 calories? Add some stairs into your normal routine. 5 minutes x 3 days this week (do it on your rest days from the strength challenge!) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    Calorie Challenge:

    Set your goal in the spreadsheet created by Karie don’t just meet it, exceed it! If you’re up for a challenge, increase your goal by 5% from last week. Remember something as simple as running those stairs will significantly boost your calories for the week = 1 available point

    Emotional Challenge:

    We’ve all been working hard for weeks. We’ve all lost weight. And hopefully, we all feel empowered by our demonstrated self control, we feel connected to our fellow SAHMUers and we feel optimistic about the future. But at the same time, I’m willing to bet we all have moment’s where we feel like giving up. Why? Because this is HARD!!! So this week’s challenge is to write yourself a note. Something short and sweet that you can keep in your wallet, or stick to your mirror, something you can pull out to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Think of that girl you were before starting your weight loss journey. Think about how much better you feel now and give yourself a freaking compliment! Cuz you deserve it!!! Worth 1 point.

    Commitment Challenge:

    Log on to MFP every day! Check in on the calorie burn spreadsheet daily once you have completed your workouts. Keep on track of your points and report in daily to show all your fellow teammates how committed you are to your team (not to mention making it easier on your captain to add up the final tally)! Post an encouraging note on the main thread or your team thread everyday! Report daily 7 days a week to earn 1 available point.

    Total Available Points: Max 10

    Nutrition – 1 point
    Strength – 3 points
    Cardio – 3 points
    Calorie – 1 point
    Emotional – 1 point
    Commitment – 1 point

    Calories Burned:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hope you all are having a great weekend!!!!! Only 2 more weeks left to this challenge and I am very upset I have only lost 5.5lbs!! I was bad yesterday and didnt log or work out and ate I feel super guilty!! I need to lose 20lbs by xmas to get to my 1st goal so I gotta kick some *kitten*!!:noway:
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    Hope you all are having a great weekend!!!!! Only 2 more weeks left to this challenge and I am very upset I have only lost 5.5lbs!! I was bad yesterday and didnt log or work out and ate I feel super guilty!! I need to lose 20lbs by xmas to get to my 1st goal so I gotta kick some *kitten*!!:noway:

    You can do it girl!!! You have the will power to do this, youve been doing it for 6 wks already. Dont let a bad day or two get you off track. We all are working so hard, there will be a day we need a break. Just keep i mind that after that day its back to business. %lbs in a month and a half is great. We have all of Sept, Oct, Nov and 25 day in Dec to stay motivated. Even if you progress in the same way at 5 lbs a month you will be at your goal and exceed it; I know you will! Keep up the great work, its those baby steps that matter so much! Have a great Labor Day!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ive been thrown off lately.

    Friday I was on the phone with my MIL for 2 hours in the AM and missed breakfast. By the time we got off the phone it was nearly lunch time. Didn't work out, just didn't feel like it :grumble:

    Saturday I wass dealing with my 17 year old kitty who was acting like she was on deaths doorstep.. Missed breakfast and working out, checking on her every few min. She stays on the screened in porch in the spring/summer/fall and I think the heat got to her. Shes acting better today.

    Today I missed breakfast. Ran out early to get my shopping done before everyone else got out (we are supposed to get a ton of rain, wind and "moderate" damage from Lee so I wanted food before the shelves were clear. Got home and got doing housework and before I knew it, it was 1pm. Did 25 min workout and couldn't even get thru it.. 2 bad days killed my motivation:angry:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    348 calories burned today with Crunch:
    Fat Blasting Dance Party.......not doing so well on the calcium challenge though! :