TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey ladies,

    So every challenge that we have for this week are done. Jillian is majorly kicking my butt with level 2. But I feel so much better after I finish. I have 7 more days of level 2 then on 2 level 3.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hey everyone. Ive been sickish since Saturday so all Ive done is water lol. I can't breathe out my nose so working out is nearly impossible. Im pumping the Vitamin C hoping tomorrow I will be better so my mom and I can work out since both my kids will be in school starting tomorrow. My 3 year old is starting preschool Mon thru Thurs from 8-11.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio......4 days down this week!!!! Today I split it up with a walk, cleaning and did a little Wii Sports. today...I have been slacking on this lately!!!

    Anybody else do the Emotional Challenge yet? Guess I better get on that!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Got my cardio/strength/water and sleep in yesterday. Today I am taking it easy. Jillian gave me a shin splint lol. I am walking tonight so that will be my semi-cardio. Hopefully tomorrow Ill be starting level 2 30d shred!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio done for the week.....eventho' I will do more by wed!! 32minutes of Crunch: CardioSculpt which included my lunges and crunches so that is done also for the week. I will do something else later to take up the extra 15 minutes of cardio!

    Water: Yes, I will get it down today!!!
    Stretches: Included in my workout!

    Emotional: Okay I don't know all of you too well but I will try my best!!

    mlpaint (I would love to know your 1st name...I feel funny calling you this!!) You always say nice and positive things on my posts and I appreciate this!! Thanks girl!

    jwlBoatie_3 ( Can I get your 1st name too??? Please?) I admire the fact that you keep going despite your injury....this is REAL dedication to getting something that you want!!! Go girl!!

    Jennifer: You and I are alike in the fact we SAHM do so much with our hubbys being gone so much! It is hard to find time for us as far as working out and finding a balance when we can only depend on ourselves!!

    Devin: One of my 1st MFP gals!! I love ya! We have alot in common and it is great to have you with me on this journey! Hopefully by next summer we will have reached our goals and be so proud of our selves!!

    You guys are all inspiring to me in your own ways and I am glad we have a good strong team!! Here's hoping weighin goes awesome and we kick some *kitten*!!

  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Well.... Water is the only thing Im doing right so far this week lol. I started getting sick Friday with just a sore throat. Saturday and Sunday the sore throat was gone but I had congestion and a cough.. Today I wake up and my cough has settled in my chest, making it hard to breathe.. Im sooo sorry if this disqualifies me but I will not risk getting pneumonia again or worse if I try to really workout while this is in my chest.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Dont forget gals to do your Emotional Challenge tonite about your teammates so I can get it turned in!! I will post names list later on this evening so everyone can tally thier points up for each challenge completed like before!! Tomorrow is weighin....ahhhh!

  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Weigh in this week will be boatloads of fun. Ive spent around 200 calories each day just on cough drops. Got 10 min of cycling in this morning and that wore me out. that is all the exercising Ive done since Friday.. Im soooo depressed this week :(
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio 45min 4/wk-1pt
    Stretches: 1pt
    Lunges and crunches-1pt

    5 points total and I believe 1pt if all challenges 6pts per member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!

    I know we had some issues this week but that's okay, we won last week!! I am hoping to show some progress on the scale!!!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I got a whopping 1 pt for my water.. I haven't done any "real" exercises since I got sick Saturday.. I feel like a loooooserrrrr
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    mlpaint: I always look at your food diary and you always eat so clean.

    jwlBoatie_3: I admire you as well. I love the fact that you try your hardest to do your exercising even though you have an injury.

    Stacey: Like you said we have our "single mom" status that we have in common. So when u say u have a hard day cuz of your kids I always know exactly what you mean.

    Devin: I know your sick right now, but you still managed to to do at least one day of exercising. I know its hard to do anything when you are sick.
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Cardio 45min 4/wk-1pt
    Stretches: 1pt
    Lunges and crunches-1pt

    5 points total and I believe 1pt if all challenges 6pts per member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!

    I know we had some issues this week but that's okay, we won last week!! I am hoping to show some progress on the scale!!!

    Water completed...I've been drinking out of a pyrex measuring cup to make sure I'm getting the correct amount. lol
    Emotianal: Just completed 2 seconds ago.
    Cardio: Complete
    Stretches: Done with JM 30 DS and also other stretches on Free On Demand
    Lunges and Crunches: Also done with JM 30DS

    Hopefully I have lost some kind of weight this week. I will real dissappointed if I havent!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio 45min 4/wk-1pt
    Stretches: 1pt
    Lunges and crunches-1pt

    5 points total and I believe 1pt if all challenges 6pts per member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!
    Jennifer: 6
    Devin: 1
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    OMG I've been hungry all day today!!! :(
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Here it is gals.....lets kick some butt!!! Not sure what I will give up tho'....can't do chocolate!!

    SAHMU Challenge Week 4

    Your Normal Routine x3 days
    Dance!!! Dance with your kids, your Husband or by yourself. Have fun with it! x1 day
    Try something New! - be it take a class somewhere, try a new workout video, give running a shot, etc. etc x 1 day

    Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?)
    Different Heights Work Different Muscles
    A basic height step works the hips and thighs. A higher step works the hamstrings harder, while a lower step targets the quadriceps. However, the basic height for a step obviously differs from person to person, depending on the person's height. To set a step to work your leg muscles to the max, you want to be able to easily place your leading foot flat on the step. When you bend the leading leg at the knee so that your thigh is parallel to the ground, the foot of your other leg should be able to touch the ground while still keeping the heel elevated. Basically, your step up should not be higher than your knee when you stand in front of it.

    Food Challenge:
    Give something Up for one week! Make it good ladies, something you really enjoy!

    Relaxation Challenge:happy
    Do something for yourself this week that has nothing to do with food. Take a bubble bath or read a book or give yourself a manicure. Almost like a congratulations for the hard work we have put in.

    Emotional Challenge:
    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

    A special thanks to MichelleLydia,Purplefly,sisa2324,Jwlzboatie, and Lovenevrnds. You all made this challenge this week! You are awesome!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    OMG I've been hungry all day today!!! :(

    Haha! That was me yesterday! I just had to force myself to eat yogurt and fruit! Somedays you will have this!! I hope weighin goes good! Then I am eating some salt....been so watching sodium so the scale does'nt go up!!
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    Hey all! Well I'm out of the hospital, YEAH!!! Man, I hate having cellulitis :-\ I'll be getting flare ups for a while but it could be worse :-) First of all, my name is Julissa Barco but i prefer Jwlz; hence my screeen name JwlzBoatie! I've completed all my weekly challenges except one. so, here goes, my final challenge:

    Stacey: You, are awesome! I'm glad that you volunteered to be our group leader, you definitely have great leadership skills and are very supportive. I love that I have been able to come to you and have your support no matter what my situation. Thank you!

    Jennifer: The same to and Stacey are so supportive, even when I feel I am having a bad food day or exercise day, you post a supportive comment and make the frustration a bit less annoying because I feel I DO have a good support system and this push is for you guys as well. Thank you!

    Devin: Though you've been under the weather and sometimes aren't able to do the challenges or workout, you log in and let your friends know. It makes me feel that you consider us as true friends and supporters. When you have a crazy fever or sore throat and are still here shows how dedicated you are. Dedication+Motivation=Inspiration. You are one of the reason I found a way to get on here even when I was in the hospital. Though you may think its different, it not. You made the effort to let your supporters in MFP know why you may not be on here but that your support was, I wanted to do the same. Thank you!

    Mlpaint: Unfortunately, we've only been friends a couple of days but in reading your posts and blogs I feel that I'm fortunate to have someone on the team who understands my frustration when our legs have a mind of their own. I was reading about your splints and how you still try and push yourself to get a good workout and I thought to myself, "She'll get me". The situation may be different as to the degree of weakness or illness but the drive to achieve is the same. I'm glad you joined you our team. Thank you!

    I thank each and everyone of you because without your constant support, motivation and friendship, I don't think I would have remained so involved in the challenge. All of you, inspire me in your own ways and I hope to have your continued support and vise versa even after the challenge. Hope we all have a great weigh in tomorrow!! xoxox

    Jwlz: 6 pts yeah!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio 45min 4/wk-1pt
    Stretches: 1pt
    Lunges and crunches-1pt

    5 points total and I believe 1pt if all challenges 6pts per member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!
    jwl_Boatie3: 6
    Jennifer: 6
    Devin: 1

    Yeah!!! Jwl.....glad to see you back!!!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    I have completed all of my challenges and had a 1.2lb loss! I am sooo excited because I had to take a few days off because of some major shin splints and tendinitis in my right foot. I've been stretching it and icing every night and it seemed to have faded until I did level 2 on the shred yesterday and then walked for 1.5 hours with my neighbors... Ouch!

    poesch77: I would love to know your first name as well :) haha my name is Melanie! You seem so sweet as well and can always count on an encouraging word from you. Thank you!!!

    Julissa: You are rocking it girl! I am so glad you are out of the hospital and hope you are back up and at-um asap! I'm glad we are friends on here now and can't wait to follow your journey. Thank you for all of the encouraging comments with my leg issues!

    Jennifer: You are kicking butt with the shred just a few days ahead of me. It encourages me when I see your update that you had finished it. Keep it up hun!

    Devin: I LOVE that you have been aware of your challenges even while you are sick. Keep it up girl and I hope you feel better soon!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Cardio 45min 4/wk-1pt
    Stretches: 1pt
    Lunges and crunches-1pt

    5 points total and I believe 1pt if all challenges 6pts per member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!
    jwl_Boatie3: 6
    Jennifer: 6
    Devin: 1

    Yeah!!! Jwl.....glad to see you back!!!