TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    My ticker seems to have bit the dust :( I can't get it to come back!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio 45min 4/wk-1pt
    Stretches: 1pt
    Lunges and crunches-1pt

    5 points total and I believe 1pt if all challenges 6pts per member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!
    jwl : 6
    Jennifer: 6
    Melanie: 6
    Devin: 1

    Total points for team:25pts

    Good job guys!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Food Challenge:
    Each person submit a recipe to your Team Thread then Teams submit ONE recipe to the main thread that you all agree could win by Monday.
    Tuesday we will take a vote and there will be a winner by Wednesday and I will post that point along with the weight loss point.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I didn't lose but didn't gain so Im happy... I consumed about 1000 calories just in cough drops over the last 5 days (no Im not even being sarcastic lol) so Im glad I didn't gain.. I was unaware cough drops even had calories until someone mentioned it yesterday LOL. I had been eating them like candy but had none today so far.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Highest weight at 9months pregnant 265lbs 12/10
    Starting MFP Weight: 247
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 225.5
    Week 1 Weight: 225
    Week 2 Weight: 227
    Week 3 Weight: 223
    Week 4 Weight: 221

    2lb loss this week!!!
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    Ugh, I dont know whats going on at all! I hope I'm losing inches because the weight is going no where.

    Starting MFP Weight: 320
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 320
    Week 1 Weight: 320
    Week 2 Weight: 313
    Week 3 Weight: 313
    Week 4 Weight: 312

    1lb!!!! Only 1lb! I dont know whats going on?! Thank God, the pool is up and running already cause this no dropping is not good for me :-( I guess on the bright side it is one pound...Hope everyone is having better luck! Yeah!! on dancing cause booty shaking doesnt require much legs work lol...feel much better!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Weightloss for Week 4

    Stacey: 2lbs
    jwl_Boatie3: 1lb
    mlpaint: 1.2lb
    Devin: 0

    Great job everyone!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Soooooo I am so dissappointed..but its my own fault cuz I didnt eat good on the weekend. But on the upside I didnt gain any weight. I also, out of curiosity, took some measurements because I had finished 15 days of JM 30 DS and I lost 2 inches from my waist!! Whooo!!! Hey at least I'm losing something and not gaining anything.

    So Jennifer is 0lbs loss.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Stacey: 6pts Completed everything this week!
    jwl : 6
    Jennifer: 6
    Melanie: 6
    Devin: 1

    Total points for team:25pts


    Stacey: 2lbs
    Julissa: 1lb
    Jennifer: 0
    Devin: 0
    Melanie: 1.2lbs

    Total loss: 4.2lbs

    Still good cuz we did'nt have any gains!! Great job team!!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I am feeling about 90% better today. I still cough from time to time but its not nearly as bad as it has been. Im so hoping I can get more than 11 min workout in today. Yesterday I was just drained after that 11 min. I know Im not ready to do 30DS again but I have my own circuits I can do which get my heart a goin lol
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am very glad you are feeling better Devin!!!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    I am ready to cry... My DH just recommended that I go get my foot xrayed because it's been swollen for 2 days and is still very painful even to the touch. He thinks I might have a hairline fracture. My shin splits are now painful in my entire calf. I know they can't do anything about my shin but crap I will be so annoyed if I fractured my foot.
    What stinks is that I can't really go into the clinic today to have it checked out because they will xray which means I can't take my son. My DH is working and can't leave and I can't leave my son with anyone because he is in the middle of potty training.

    :( Sorry to rant but I am upset. I was so excited to start this journey and I started off too hard. My body is pretty much giving me the middle finger right now.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am ready to cry... My DH just recommended that I go get my foot xrayed because it's been swollen for 2 days and is still very painful even to the touch. He thinks I might have a hairline fracture. My shin splits are now painful in my entire calf. I know they can't do anything about my shin but crap I will be so annoyed if I fractured my foot.
    What stinks is that I can't really go into the clinic today to have it checked out because they will xray which means I can't take my son. My DH is working and can't leave and I can't leave my son with anyone because he is in the middle of potty training.

    :( Sorry to rant but I am upset. I was so excited to start this journey and I started off too hard. My body is pretty much giving me the middle finger right now.

    Hang in there Melanie! This is just a bump in the road of will get thru this!! You probably overdid it and it just is extremely swollen! Ice it and elevate as much as you can! Do you have a walk-in clinic by you that is after hours when hubby gets home?
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    I am ready to cry... My DH just recommended that I go get my foot xrayed because it's been swollen for 2 days and is still very painful even to the touch. He thinks I might have a hairline fracture. My shin splits are now painful in my entire calf. I know they can't do anything about my shin but crap I will be so annoyed if I fractured my foot.
    What stinks is that I can't really go into the clinic today to have it checked out because they will xray which means I can't take my son. My DH is working and can't leave and I can't leave my son with anyone because he is in the middle of potty training.

    :( Sorry to rant but I am upset. I was so excited to start this journey and I started off too hard. My body is pretty much giving me the middle finger right now.

    Hang in there Melanie! This is just a bump in the road of will get thru this!! You probably overdid it and it just is extremely swollen! Ice it and elevate as much as you can! Do you have a walk-in clinic by you that is after hours when hubby gets home?

    Thanks! My hubby is otw home now from work so I can go. I am going to a walk-in type clinic that is attached to the hospital so if they need xrays I won't have to go anywhere else. The only problem is, this clinic takes FOREVER! I guess I better pack my dinner :) Thankfully it's "leftover" night. Ill keep you posted!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I am ready to cry... My DH just recommended that I go get my foot xrayed because it's been swollen for 2 days and is still very painful even to the touch. He thinks I might have a hairline fracture. My shin splits are now painful in my entire calf. I know they can't do anything about my shin but crap I will be so annoyed if I fractured my foot.
    What stinks is that I can't really go into the clinic today to have it checked out because they will xray which means I can't take my son. My DH is working and can't leave and I can't leave my son with anyone because he is in the middle of potty training.

    :( Sorry to rant but I am upset. I was so excited to start this journey and I started off too hard. My body is pretty much giving me the middle finger right now.

    Awww I hope you feel better! I get really bad shin splints too. I never got them before until I started doing JM 30DS. I did my research on it and you need to get a better supportive shoe. It will help out a lot. Also I found this guy who blogged about doing stretches for your calf and it really helps build up that muscle. Here is the blog:

    Hopefully there is not a fracture in your foot. Get better soon!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Thankfully it's only tendonitis! I guess this is the one time that heat compresses should be used rather than ice and I have been using ice. She said using the ice probably has prolonged the pain. I have a heat pack on it now and it does feel a ton better!
    I do however think I am going to give the Shred a bit of a break and try to get in a bit better shape before I attempt it again.
    Any ideas on some videos?
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Thankfully it's only tendonitis! I guess this is the one time that heat compresses should be used rather than ice and I have been using ice. She said using the ice probably has prolonged the pain. I have a heat pack on it now and it does feel a ton better!
    I do however think I am going to give the Shred a bit of a break and try to get in a bit better shape before I attempt it again.
    Any ideas on some videos?

    I have been rotating dvds off of Netflix......if you don't have this....I hear the Biggest Loser videos are good!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    For videos I like:

    JM 30DS
    Richard Simmons and the Silver Foxes (don't laugh, I grew up doing it with my gram and she gave me the movie when she went blind and its low key so good if you're super sore from a hard workout)
    I also like his sweatin to the oldies
    I bought Turbo Jam and am anxious to try it someday
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Nevermind lol
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Teams!!
    I hope you are all doing fantastic!!
    I have created a spreadsheet for our group. Please go to it and fill in your points and weight loss for the last 3 weeks. If you are a new person you can give yourself full points for the weeks you where not here. Captains please fill in your Team points (the ones you get for the whole team completing each challenge and the weight loss point and the recipe winner point) I am so glad I finally figured out how to do this! I started to fill in everyones info but figured it would be much easier for everyone to just go there and fill it in themselves.
    We have a pretty large group and now you can see who else is in this challenge on the other teams easier. If you need help let me know but I tried to make it pretty simple.

    If I put anyones info in wrong you can go ahead and just fix it, I am sorry if I did.

    Here is the link.