TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Cardio: Add Jumping Jacks 10 sets of 10 a day (Day 2)

    Strength: Push-ups 5 sets of 5 per day (Day 2)

    done with 3d shred!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Is everyone ready for weigh-in on wed? I am scared!!! I am still up .5lbs from my lowest.....arghhhh!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Exercise: Done, Sleep: I love sleep so yea done! lol

    I'm so ready for weigh in...but I'm scared too!! Even if I just lose a lb. I'll be soooo happy, b/c that will be 1 lb i wont have to lose!

    Good luck ladies!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im nervous about weigh in.. Im always nervous about weighing in lol
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Eventhough I have done 4/4 days of cardio challenge....I will still report my exercise to keep me accountable!!

    42 minutes fi Crunch: Cardio Rescuplt.....559 calories burned!

    We need to have a water challenge next week cuz I am majorly slacking on this!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Completing all challenges for the week: 1pt

    Total of 5 pts!! Please submit your points today as they need to be turned in tonite! Also remember to go vote on main SAHM 60 day challenge part 2 thread for your favorite recipe!!! Go Blue!! Weigh in is drink up your H20 and no cocktails!!

    Stacey: 5
    Jwlz_3 :
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Completing all challenges for the week: 1pt

    Total of 5 pts!! Please submit your points today as they need to be turned in tonite! Also remember to go vote on main SAHM 60 day challenge part 2 thread for your favorite recipe!!! Go Blue!! Weigh in is drink up your H20 and no cocktails!!

    Stacey: 5
    Jwlz_3 :

    Completed all challenges! Yayyyy!!!
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    hey everyone!! Hope you all are having a great week so far!! I've done cardio almost everyday this week, with the exception of one day lol...So imtrying to think if i'm missing anything and I think i'm about done...Ive met all cardio requirements, submitted a recipe and emotional challenge, and sleep is always good in my life LOL..i'm so dreading the weigh, again! My physical therapist told me yesterday that she could see that ive lost weight..i'm hoping that means i'm losing inches as well as weight. I'm excited and I have everyone MFP to thank. This week is going to be great!!!
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    hey everyone!! Hope you all are having a great week so far!! I've done cardio almost everyday this week, with the exception of one day lol...So imtrying to think if i'm missing anything and I think i'm about done...Ive met all cardio requirements, submitted a recipe and emotional challenge, and sleep is always good in my life LOL..i'm so dreading the weigh, again! My physical therapist told me yesterday that she could see that ive lost weight..i'm hoping that means i'm losing inches as well as weight. I'm excited and I have everyone MFP to thank. This week is going to be great!!!

    So that means ..Jwlz: 5points!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Completing all challenges for the week: 1pt

    Total of 5 pts!! Please submit your points today as they need to be turned in tonite! Also remember to go vote on main SAHM 60 day challenge part 2 thread for your favorite recipe!!! Go Blue!! Weigh in is drink up your H20 and no cocktails!!

    Stacey: 5
    Jennifer: 5
    Jwlz_3 : 5
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    HERE IT IS, GALS........

    Week 3 (can you believe it!)happy

    A special thanks to Stacy (blue team) and everyone else who sends me ideas..Keep them coming.

    Cardio Challenge: 45min X 5 days this week

    Strength Challenge: Lunges 15 per day x 2 days and Crunches 50 per day X 2 days

    Stretch Challenge:
    Stretch before and after every workout this week. Here is a site that has some great stretching examples,

    Water Challenge: 64 OZ of Water a day for atleast 4 days.

    Team Challenge:
    Get to know your team: Each team member needs to read there teammates profile and make a comment on your team thread about them. Let your teammates know why they are great teammates or why they inspire you to try harder.
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Completed the cardio and strength challenges yesterday with the shred

    Weight check-in: 141lbs. Lost .8lbs since the 31st (I checked in my weight before I joined the group).
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I did all my workouts for last week, although Im late posting.

    Weigh in this morning: 247.6 so down 1.2lb from last week.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 247
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 225.5
    Week 1 Weight: 225
    Week 2 Weight: 227
    Week 3 Weight: 223

    I lost 4lbs.....yay, me!

    Goal Weight : 60 day goal 210 (ultimate goal, 165)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Completing all challenges for the week: 1pt

    Total of 5 pts!! Please submit your points today as they need to be turned in tonite! Also remember to go vote on main SAHM 60 day challenge part 2 thread for your favorite recipe!!! Go Blue!! Weigh in is drink up your H20 and no cocktails!!

    Stacey: 5
    mlpaint: 5
    Jennifer: 5
    Jwlz_3 : 5

    Total for team......25pts!!!! Rock on!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    oops...double post!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Completing all challenges for the week: 1pt

    Total of 5 pts!! Please submit your points today as they need to be turned in tonite! Also remember to go vote on main SAHM 60 day challenge part 2 thread for your favorite recipe!!! Go Blue!! Weigh in is drink up your H20 and no cocktails!!

    Stacey: 5
    mlpaint: 5
    Jwlz_3 :

    Completed all challenges! 5pts!

    Also down .8lbs from the 31st.
    I checked in my weight before I joined the group so I am a bit short. I should be on the same schedule as everyone else going into this new week.
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Is there a list of all of the active group members?
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Wed Weigh-in Losses......Week 2

    Stacey: -4
    Devin: -1.2
    mlpaint: -.8
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    We are going to add a new rule to this challenge:
    If a member does not log in or comment on your team thread for more than 3 days, they will be replaced. Part of the journey of losing weight is having support. If a team member is going out of town or need a few personnal days please let your captain know and this will not apply to you. Everyone must weigh in on Wednesdays, if you are unable to on Wednesday please post your weight along with your points on Tuesday.

    *Team Captains-please msg the person that is not logging in and let them know, give them a chance to respond if they do not they will be disqualified.

    Please post this on your Team thread.