TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Great job Jennifer...pushing thru!!! I also did my 25min of L3D6 of the "Shred" today plus did 20min of shopping...which to me is a workout with my 7 month old , who is a momma's girl, so I practically held her the whole time and it was VERY hot in the store! I was there longer than 20 min but just logged it as that! Squats were in the the jumping ones cuz I can feel my bum firming up!!! Now to stay outta the kitchen after 9:30pm tonite..........I CAN DO IT! Hope you all are having a super thursday!

  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Kitchen officially closed at 9:30pm today! Its really hard because I'm still up half the night. My hubby works nights and I'm up until he gets home which is anywhere from 2-4 am. When he gets home I always make him something to eat and its hard not munch on anything while he's eating. :noway: But I really want get down on weight..I'm determined to do this!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I know what you mean, Jennifer! I look forward to my nite snack! I made my oldest go to bed at 9pm tonite so she was'nt up in my face wanting my lil treat!! :smile:
  • Mbelzner10
    Mbelzner10 Posts: 39
    Sorry but I literally worked all day and evening yesterday and was not able to log in. Yesterday was my rest day so I did not work out..but it should not be a problem because the challenge is 4-5 times a week. Sorry about that but when work calls, I work. I'm with you guys today though! Go blue!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Sorry but I literally worked all day and evening yesterday and was not able to log in. Yesterday was my rest day so I did not work out..but it should not be a problem because the challenge is 4-5 times a week. Sorry about that but when work calls, I work. I'm with you guys today though! Go blue!

    No worries Melissa!!
  • Mbelzner10
    Mbelzner10 Posts: 39
    25 squats done
    Walking 45 minutes-Done
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    25 min of "Shred" done today but no extra 20 was tiring as baby woke up at 2:30am and didnt go back to sleep......I did get an hour nap in but that is about it!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Today was such a hard day for me!! First of all I went to the mall with my mom and kids and my mom wanted to buy some ice cream...grrrr she knows I'm trying to lose some weight lol..but I didnt give in yayyy!! Then my hubby got off around 9pm today and picked us up from my moms and he was hungry so he went to Jack in the Box...grrr I so wanted some seasoned curly fries..But again I didnt give in..2nd yayy for me..

    Anyway I wasn't satisfied with just walking at the mall so when I got home I did 25 mins of walking and then another 20 min of kickboxing (i really love kickboxing lol). After I did 25 squats with 3lb weights.

    I am now ready to watch a movie with my hubby. Hope you ladies keep up the support and motivation!
  • Mbelzner10
    Mbelzner10 Posts: 39
    Okay Blue Team checking in! I did my squats today. I did 48 minutes of low impact aerobics and 60 minutes of dance...whew I'm drained!!!!!! Anything else I'm forgetting to check in for? Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi ladies!! Im sorry I forgot to post yesterday. I did:

    20 min 30DS
    25 min other circuits (squats, crunches, etc)

    Today was my rest day but we went to a shopping mall and walked all over up and down it but idk if I should count it lol. We are in 10+ days of high 90s/110's with the heat index and it just drains us.
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Today was a good day! Did 45 mins of walking and my 25 squats with 3lb weights.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    25 minutes of the shred...which included squats and 40 minutes of dancing at my cousin's wedding tonite....
    worked up a sweat had to take another shower!!!
  • Mbelzner10
    Mbelzner10 Posts: 39
    25 Squats...60 minutes of dance..then I hurt my foot horsing around so who knows what I'll be doing tomorrow!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Today I am off.......may still take a walk later though!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Off today due to earache :( Man this sux!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    25 minutes of the "Shred" with the squats in there!! 20 min of walking/ shopping......I will get more exercise in tonite for sure!! The scale must go down...I am up 3lbs today!!!!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Did my 30DS (20min), my own circuit for 10min of squats, crunches etc and walked a little for 15 min.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ok where everyone get the team blue banner and why didn't I get one lol
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yay I feel better now lol
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Please use this to post your point totals for this week!!

    45min cardio 4x/wk
    25 squats 5/wk
    Emotional challenge
    Out of kitchen after 9:30pm
    Total points: 4 per person

    Stacey: 4

    Keep up the great work Blue Team!!! Weigh in is wed so be good!!! :bigsmile: