

  • I'm 4.5 years out and hovering around my lowest post-surgery weight (gained back around 25 lbs but lost 'em since May, thankfully.) Now, one thing to keep in mind is that we have to deal with lingering malabsorption, which can throw us into the danger zone of having our calorie intake be too low. I actually had my hubby…
  • Slice and sprinkle it with seasonings of your choice, dehydrate the heck out of it, and use it as snack chips! Best part, they'll keep until winter! :-)
  • I was gone for 10 days last week, and "gained" 9 lbs. I got right back on track when we got home, and it all came off in 3 days. Don't fall off the wagon! It comes off so fast if you don't let it become permanent!
  • That's an excellent point. My hubby and I will probably start a family in the next year or two, and the way I see it, it's better to be in a place where one can say, "ok, gestating baby, here's an abundance of healthy food, and let's go workout!" than a "before" place where one primarily sits on the couch and gains baby…
  • I'm a fluctuator too. Once I switched to caring about measurements first, calorie count/fitness level second, and weight 3rd, getting healthier became a much more mentally satisfying process. My morning's a good example: weight: 177 ("grr, I gained a pound since yesterday, and I was so good yesterday!") If I went by scale…
  • The grocery store is just a small part of our overall eating approach, but here's our food for this week. Once we get tired of a certain type of veggie, we switch to preserving it for winter. Bought at the store: 4 lbs frozen boneless skinless chicken breast 5 lbs lean angus round steak (sale) mozzarella cheese neufchatel…
  • Wow, okay! Thanks everybody! I had no idea. Looks like RICE and a call to the doctor are in order. Maybe I'll just play rock band drums (can do that while elevating the hurt leg) so I feel like I haven't totally wasted the day. Thanks again; I totally would have tried to push through and probably made it worse.
  • I wish I could find it again, but there was an amazing post on the internet by a girl who decided to only track measurements and focus on fitness, and she showed herself in the same clothes at a fitness-minded 170 vs. just a weight-loss-focused 150-something, and not only did the same clothes fit, but she looked wayyyy…