melissa2807 Member


  • I LOVE body combat - I do 4 classes a week (although I'm on strictly low impact at the mo due to tendinopathy/bursitis in my knees) but it's amazing - my HRM tells me I burn about 900 cals even on low impact modifications. Dunno if I trust it entirely but it's a good burn either way! I much prefer it to attack - the chorey…
  • This is a silly suggestion but it has worked for me before! Only works when you are at home though, good for those bored evenings where you would normally just eat because there's nothing else to do 1. Get yourself a bottle of clear nail varnish and keep it handy (the cheaper the better - you want it slow drying lol!) 2.…
  • Some fantastic advice here, thank you very much everyone for taking the time to read and make such detailed comments. I am still waiting to hear from my Physio referral - I'm expecting that to be a while though, I don't have huge faith in the urgency of the NHS! But in the meantime I am going to continue my combat and pump…
  • Did you get your Kelly Holmes from Tesco? I saw the polar FT1 in there the other day and it's not much more than the Kelly Holmes one x
  • I'm glad to hear that you have been able to manage it wobbs - I was starting to worry that I'd be stuck with horrible old lady knees forever, I'm only 27!
  • I think that mine *might* have something to do with my very flat feet. I do wear motion control trainers and try to wear 'sensible' shoes as often as possible. I did mention this to the GP but he was pretty non committal about it, I will mention it again to the physio as a possibility. Just got to wait for the referral…
  • Did you do squats with weights? I've cancelled my pump classes because I don't want to risk aggravating it like you say by doing poorly formed squats. Although I guess I could just drop down a couple of weights to help keep the form.
  • Yes I meant to say before, it does have a chest strap. Wow I'm still amazed haha! Only thing I will have to remember is to change the settings when (hopefully) I lose weight! x
  • Wow - I'm really amazed at that! (and pleased - now I can eat more lol) I did have to put weight and age into it when I set it up so stands to reason it would be more accurate, I just couldn't believe my eyes I think! Looking forward to trying it at body combat tomorrow, I feel like I work loads harder in that than zumba!…
  • Fab, thank you for all the replies. So body pump will give me better endurance, burn a few calories, and make the (teeny tiny!) muscles that I do have a bit more defined - whereas if I was to start lifting heavier weights it would make me stronger and able to lift more weight. I've read all the thread on here about lifting…
  • I always see it as the following: BMR = requirements needed to just survive but do nothing TDEE = requirements to go about your daily business (will change depending on whether you have a desk job or a physical job, or whatever. If you eat more than your TDEE, you will eventually gain wait because the extra gets stored.…
  • Oh I don't mind wearing the chest strap, I know that's the main way that they work - I just wouldn't use the monitor all the time. It'd be more like, I'll wear it for a couple of sessions of body combat to get an average number of calories burned, then I'd not bother with it for a while, then check again once I'd lost a…
  • Oh I'm sure I will enjoy it, I'm well looking forward to it! Thanks guys, I'll probably log as circuit training then :) Yay! x
  • I used to really feel my neck as well when doing crunches. I've just about cracked the technique now, my tip would be this: When you are lieing in the start position (on your back with your knees bent) fix your eyes on a point on the ceiling that is level with the top of your head (so your eyes are kind of looking slightly…
  • I haven't been hugely successful yet, but I've lost more so far in 2012 that I have in a long time and I've also stuck to the diet and lots of exercise (partly why I think/hope I'm not losing). I came to the realisation fairly recently that your diet does not end if you have an off day. Previously, if I caved in and had a…
  • Hi everyone, Thanks for all the suggestions, we don't have a microwave at the mo but I might see if people fancy clubbing together to buy one for the staff room, they're not that expensive any more are they. I like the idea of weighing out the cereal and getting it ready to go, might have to try that one! I don't really…
  • I find that intriguing as well, as to how you you gain/lose small amounts of weight for seemingly no reason. I'd have though that lying in bed you would lose some through sweat possibly? One major topic of conversation in our staffroom recently was "if you eat a quarter pounder, do you put on a quarter of a pound" and then…
  • Thanks for all the replies! I must firstly say that I'm not actually an alcoholic... :laugh: I've just had a few birthdays to go to recently. Normally I will drink maybe once a month if that but when I do go out, I really go out... :embarassed: I have been drinking as much water as I can handle and most of my food is made…
  • Hello again, this is definitely a supportive place, it's really nice to get loads of nice messages! Fliegenschwein (love that name btw) your parents are very close by as I live about 5 mins drive away from there! x
  • Wow thats fantastic! You should be really proud of yourself! x
  • Well done on choosing the healthier snacks! I'm on my own at the minute as OH is away with work, but I am finding it much easier while he's not here - he always eats snacks or suggests things like pizza or take aways and it takes SOOOO much willpower not to just have the same! It's a great proud feeling when you resist…
  • Aw thanks for all the replies! I feel welcomed in already! I'm hoping that first week wasn't just a one off, I have been trying though! Weigh in tomorrow morning! x
  • I can do the plank on my elbows - you know I never thought of that *doh* I will def try that out, hopefully it will work. Only thing is if it will bring me too close to the ground, there are a few moves she gets you doing, one is like a squat thrust, the other is kid of doing the plank but then putting your legs to the…
  • Hi thanks for all the replies :) Emily, I went to Uni in Nottingham! Small world hehe. xx