Ideas for breakfasts and snacks that don't need much doing

Hi all,

I'm a teacher so have been trying hard to get into good habits all summer, but I go back to work next week! One of my weaknesses is staffroom biscuits - I usually have 2 at the mid morning break :embarassed: but I am determined not to get back into that habit when I go back.

What I am after is a few ideas for snacks that I can keep there to eat instead of biscuits. I don't have a fridge to store them in though. I've though of the obvious, like fruit - I did think about getting a big bag nuts or something but I find they don't fill me up at all, I have to eat about 500 cals worth for them to make a difference! But does anyone have any other ideas?

Also, for breakfast I generally take a yoghurt, an apple, and a homemade cereal bar (like a flapjack) but does anyone have any other ideas for breakfasts that don't need too much prep? I have to eat it at work at my desk as it's too early before I leave home (leave the house at 7am) so it needs to be something I can take with me.

I'd be grateful for any ideas! (no banana's though, I hate them!)

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • PS5253
    PS5253 Posts: 13
    Do you have a microwave? My mom works in schools as well (front desk receptionist) and she has a stock of paper bowls and plastic spoons and makes instant oatmeal, it's very filling and if you make it with water it cuts out milk calories!

    I have a bowl of oatmeal (Quaker Oats Weight Control-130 cals) plus a FiberPlus bar (the caramel coconut fudge tastes like a candy bar!-130 cals) every morning and all the fiber keeps me very full and satisfied!

    Hope that can spark some inspiration!
  • crazynay96
    most people don't think that eggs are microwavable but they ARE!!!!! to make them scrambled stir them up every 20 seconds until fluffy. It doesn't take much and its easy! Bring in a toaster and eat with a piece of toast!!!!
  • lauraliz83
    Hi Melissa.

    i eat breakfast at work too. My favourite is 30g of weetabix minis, mixed up with a mullerlight and chopped fresh berries my favourite is blackberries and strawberries. To save time when i buy my cereal i weigh it and bag it into sandwich bags and pop in a tuppleware box, chop the fruit the night before, then just grab everthing ion the morning. Weightwatchers do some low fat/cal choc bars and biscuits so take 1 with you for your break. That way you are not deprived but enjoying a lower cal treat. Also try and log food before you eat it so plan ahead, then you can see what calories you have left.

    Lunches, the batchelors pot pasta (especially mild curry) is nice and around 170 cal. Have with a prepacked side salad to help fill you up. Drink plenty of water too. x
  • jennypatch9
    jennypatch9 Posts: 6 Member
    sabra hummus singles with baby carrots or another veggie (red bell peppers or cucumbers) are the BOMB!

    get RAW nut mix. the salted ones just dont hit the spot. plus they dont have chocolate in them so for some reason i just eat them more slowly and savor the flavor of the nuts. trader joes makes a great raw nut mix in single serving packets.

    I second the instant oatmeal with hot water deal but they can be high in sugar. you could make oatmeal in the crockpot the night before then scoop it in a sealed tupperware for work.

    Breakfast burritos with just egg whites and frozen veggies (or thawed out since you donet have a fridge), mix and throw in the microwave till theyre fluffy, add salsa and wrap in a whole wheat tortilla

    Whole wheat tortilla with natural peanut butter and grape nuts. Roll up and enjoy

    banana and peanut butter boat: cut a groove into a banana (so it looks like a boat) and fill with raw honey and natural creamy peanut butter. HIGH in potassium and protein so its a fabulous pre-workout snack as well.

    those yummy flavored mini ricecakes by Quakers

    make some yogurt parfaits and stick them in the freezer. grab one in the morning for your mid morning snack and by the time youre ready to eat it it should be thawed out.~ Non fat plain greek yogurt, honey, frozen fruits like blueberries rasperries and strawberries and some granola (i LOVE the organic almond granola at costco).

    FiberOne bars are tasty and they work ;)

    applesauce or pearsauce.

    Trader Joe's Just Flattened Bananas or dried pineapples. YUMMY!

    hard boiled egg

    Bagel thins with light whipped cream cheese and fresh deli sliced smoked turkey breast sandwich. make it the night b4 and keep it in the fridge to grab b4 work

    hope any of that sounds good to you. Ive been a vegetarian for 20 years so i hafta get creative with my food but i know not everyone has the same palett.
  • melissa2807
    melissa2807 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for all the suggestions, we don't have a microwave at the mo but I might see if people fancy clubbing together to buy one for the staff room, they're not that expensive any more are they.

    I like the idea of weighing out the cereal and getting it ready to go, might have to try that one!

    I don't really like oat meal because of the texture but I do like oat bran porridge - I usually make it in a saucepan but I wonder whether you can make it with boiling water out of the kettle? In fact I might go and try that in a minute!

    Hard boiled eggs is a good idea too.

    Thanks for all the suggestions you've given me lots of ideas xxx