mrsrice86 Member


  • Name: Sam. Gender: Female. Age: 26. Lives in: Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire (U.K). Want to lose: Around 80-90lb. Fave movies: So many! Fave books: A Faint Cold Fear, The Lovely Bones. Fave TV: CSI's, Supernatural, Hollyoaks, Food Network! Fave music: Don't have any specific faves. I just love all kinds of music. Oldies,…
  • Age: 26. Eye Color: Hazel. Favorite Band: None in particular. Favorite Singer: Again, none. I like a lot. Actor/Actress : Johnny Depp. Favortie Animal: Goats :) Go to food : All the "bad" stuff! lol. Any Pets? Yep. 2 cats, a doggy and some fish Any Children? 2. Boy and girl. Relationship Status: Engaged, wedding next June.…
  • [1] What is your name? : Sam. [2] Why did you choose your username? : Smilne86. First inital, last name and year i was born. Simples lol! [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? : 19th February, Pisces. [4] What is your favorite animal & why? : I don't have a particular favorite i like all animals. Although i…
  • I've been looking into getting this too. You can always download a free demo once you get your xbox to see if you like it before you buy it. That's what ive done, just haven't got round to trying it yet lol Your Shape Fitness Evolved it good, and Zumba for the kinect too :) x
  • Hello, from Cleethorpes in Lincolnshire :) Feel free to add me
  • Hey! I'm doing the 5k race in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire on 10th June. It will be my first Race for Life. I will be mainly walking, as i'm doing it with my mum :)
  • I've cut out NOTHING! lol I stopped fizzy drinks for a while but it didn't really make a difference, so i started drinking them again. Although i don't drink as much as i used to. I'm tempted to try stopping bread, but i think i'll fail big time. Toast, sandwiches, pizza, buns, don't think i could do it lol. I think you…
  • 1. Where were you born? Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. 2. Where do you live at the moment? Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire 26 years and counting lol. 3. Where else have you lived? Nowhere..... Boring lol. 4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Current - Branch stock controller for a ships supply company.…
  • I'm Sam, 26 for Lincolnshire. I've got 2 kids aged 1 and 2. Lost a lot of weight before i got pregnant, then put it all back on. 2 pregnancies in less than 2 years, crazy lol! I've got around 5 to 6 stone to lose in total. Good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me if you wish (that goes for anyone else too) :)
  • We usually spend around £350-£400 a month for 2 adults and 2 children (age 1 and 2). That includes nappies for one of the kids, and baby wipes. That also factors in cleaning products and things like that. So i don't think that's too bad. I shop at tesco. Gotta love the clubcard points :) lol
  • Sunday morning for me. First thing after a trip to the bathroom! Usually around 6am/7am. Because Sunday is treat night for me and my man so weighing i weight in the morning before, then have all week to work hard :)
  • That must be annoying lol. I hate Asda's sizing. Tops are fine, but the trousers never seem to fit. One size will be too big, so try on the smaller size and it's too small!! Only place i have that problem! lol
  • Mine is me! Taken February 19th this year, on my 26th birthday. My 2 1/2 year old daughter chose my lovely Peppa Pig cake i'm posing with lol :)
  • I was 23 when my daughter was born, and 24 when my son was born. I'm 26 now, and that's it for me! I think the whole parenting thing is a shock to the system whatever age! Slepless nights are never easy lol! But you will know when you are ready.
  • I'm getting married 22nd June 2013, and i already have my dress! I'm not hapy with the way i look, but when i tried the dress on it looked amazing! (even if i do say so myself lol) And i have room to lose weight, but not gain, so thats motivated me too! Maybe go try some on and see how you feel. I'm sure you will look and…
  • I was overweight for as long as i can remember. I never really liked the way i look, and was constantly picked on and bullied at school. Not physically, but the words hurt as much as any punch or kick! When i turned 21 i'd had enough, and in just under a year i managed to lose around 6stone (84lb). I wasn't skinny, i still…
  • 1) I love, love , love sweetcorn sandwiches :) yummy! 2) I'm getting married in just under 72 weeks (22nd June 2013) 3) I love baking (and making my dad eat my creations!) 4) I was a vegetarian for over 10 years, then i had an amazing bacon cheese burger in Las vegas and went back to eating meat! 5) I'm terrified of moths,…
  • Hater!! Can't stand the stuff. :sick:
  • Just joined this group today. I'm in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire.
  • 6,000 miles?! So only a tiny bit further than mine then!! :tongue: Just trying to organise everything 250 miles away is hard enough for me! Luckily we visit my Fiances home town on a regular basis, so can arrange to meet photographers and such, when we are around. Got my check list, but seem to be adding more to it, than…
  • Everything!! Haha!! I'm just wondering how the heck we are gonna pay for it all!! Both sides of parents are contributing, but theres still a lot that we will be paying for ourselves. Plus we're getting married in my Fiance's home town, which is 250 miles away from where we live. So organising stuff is harder than i…
  • I've had the peanut butter one before. It's well tasty lol!! But i love anything with peanut butter in :)
  • Hi, i'm in the uk (Lincolnshire). I've got two kids aged 1 and 2. We go to our local Sure Start centre twice a week. Which they love, and as a bonus, it's free! We also go to different indoor soft play centres, and parks. And to feed the ducks. We are also pretty lucky to live in a seaside town. It's not the best beach,…
  • I'm in the UK (Lincolnshire). I've still got lots to lose. I'm also shifting the weight for my wedding. Although mines not until June 2013 so i have a bit longer lol! It's always nice to have more UK friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • I've got it for Xbox Kinect, and i think its great! Gives me a really good work-out! Not sure about the Wii version
  • Such a big difference! You have done an amazing job, well done :)
  • I am fat. Fatty McFatso. That's why i'm here. To change that!
  • Just go for it and ask him. Never knowing is worse than him saying "no"! Good luck :)
  • Sam Lincolnshire UK Start: 236lb Current: 224lb (-12lb) Goal weight: Around 11st so about 155lb.
  • 1. Completed! 2. Managed 20 minutes, before injuring myself! haha 3. Yep :) Goals for 10th jan... 1. Another day without any fizzy drinks! 2. More exercise today. 20-30 mins. 3. Do not jump on the scales today at all!