Anything that you have cut out, thats helped with weightloss

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
Just curious to see if you have cut out on anything whether its food or drink, that has helped you to loose weight?

I have cut out bread, i have not eaten bread, naan bread, pitta bread, pizza (all types of bread!) since 31st december 2010! That was my last sandwich. It feels weird to say to people that I havent touched bread since december 2010! They look at me daft! But because I gained soo much weight in a few years from eating sandwiches like there going out of fashion, I wanted to try and cut it out completey too see if it would have an effect of my weightloss. And guess what... IT HAS! :bigsmile:

Bread stays in your system for 3 months, there for I have no bread in my tummy what soo ever!! :happy: It was hard at first! But im used to it now, I love it when my friends scoff pizzza from the Kebab house in town, yet i can stand next to them, smell the pizza and NOT crave it anymore! I used to eat 12inch pizzas from the Kebab all to myself! Now i think i would be sick at the thought of that!

Im planning of keeping bread out of my diet untill I have reached my goal weight (another 3stone to go) And from there I will take it easy, Thats if my body can cope with bread when im 10 stone! and not the old 16 n half stone that i was!! :smile:

Soo what have you completley cut out?


  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    food :laugh:
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    food :laugh:

    Im suprised your still alive then if youve cut out food!:drinker:
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Dominos, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Takeaways of any variety
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Soda, calorie bomb fast food. I only eat pasta on lifting days. If you want to find a good way to be able to eat anything you like from time to time, look into carb cycling.
  • pazzoo
    pazzoo Posts: 6 Member
    I don't think there is a particular food group I've eliminated, but one thing that has made a difference is virtually eliminating eating after 7pm. Evening snacking accounted for a lot superfluous calories. Instead I have unlimited mugs of herbal tea, and occasionally a hard candy.

    I still eat bread, pasta, rice, etc. but those are the foods I weigh/measure most carefully to limit quantities.
    I drink far less pop now as well. Probably just a diet coke a couple of times a month.
  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 109 Member
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    Since January 3, I have not had:

    Soft Drink - I could have easily drunk a 2 litre bottle of Coke in an evening. Bought a bottle of Coke Zero, had 2 mouthfuls and threw the rest away. Now I love water and if I want the bubbles I have sparkling mineral water or soda water with a hint of lemon.

    Hot Chips - Used to have a few on the side every lunchtime

    Chocolate - I work at Cadbury so am surrounded by it and could easily have 2 bars a day without even thinking about it. Who would not want to eat free chocolate??
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    I've cut out NOTHING! lol

    I stopped fizzy drinks for a while but it didn't really make a difference, so i started drinking them again. Although i don't drink as much as i used to.

    I'm tempted to try stopping bread, but i think i'll fail big time. Toast, sandwiches, pizza, buns, don't think i could do it lol.
    I think you have done amazing to go without it for so long!

    I just stick to eating in moderation. If i want something i'll have it, as long as it fits in my calories. That way i don't crave it, then end up binge eating lol.

    The food i eat isn't the best, but it's a lot better than i used to eat

  • emeraldowl
    emeraldowl Posts: 33 Member
    I tend to stay away from 'white' food; bread, pasta, rice, etc and stick to wholemeal or brown versions. I have also cut back from having fizzy drinks everyday to only have the odd one when I am in the pub. I feel a lot less bloated because of this.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    I have cut out POP, and junk food just recently. And my alcohol intake is next to none now.
  • annafonte
    annafonte Posts: 82 Member
    I havent eliminated anything from my diet and I'm losing. It's just a matter of having things in moderation.

    Why would you want to cut out something that you like? Just reduce the amount, I think. I cut out a lot of things last year, and it resulted in a huge amount of weightloss until my cravings started to increase and I ended up binging out. We all need carbs, protein, fats and sugar but its just how you go about it, is the important part.

    7 pounds of weight crept back on and now I''ve nearly rid of that thank God :). Used to have crisps and chocolate every day, now it's about 1 a week. We all deserve a treat now and again...:laugh:

    Small changes make a big change. If you like pasta, have brown instead, if you like crisps, try snack a jacks or ryvita minis :)
  • silkandsugar
    I have watched my sugar intake a lot lately and it has helped. I wasn't exactly mindlessly eating fruit but I have definitely cut back! 1 cup of grapes is like my daily limit of sugar =(
    It is sad because I sure love fruit but oh well haha... its on the list of other things I have cut back on.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Since January 3, I have not had:

    Soft Drink - I could have easily drunk a 2 litre bottle of Coke in an evening. Bought a bottle of Coke Zero, had 2 mouthfuls and threw the rest away. Now I love water and if I want the bubbles I have sparkling mineral water or soda water with a hint of lemon.

    Hot Chips - Used to have a few on the side every lunchtime

    Chocolate - I work at Cadbury so am surrounded by it and could easily have 2 bars a day without even thinking about it. Who would not want to eat free chocolate??

    im the same! I used to drink gallons and gallons of Dr.pepper, coke, fanta etc! And ever since i swapped it all for water I can hardl drink fizzy pop anymore! I can just about drink a can of coke let alone big litre bottles like i used to!!

    OMG you work at cadbury!!! Id LOVE to work there!! Seriously!! any jobs going there? ;)
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I cut out fast food, I switched my carbs from white to brown, I don't drink pop of any kind, I avoid artificial sweetners altogether. As I've gotten further along in this muscle building phase, I don't even want sweets anymore, I crave high protein foods. I drink more milk (skim) than I used to. I load up on fruits and veggies.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Bread, rice, twinkies, fried everything...
  • Rodgers2008
    I stopped drinking 5 cans of soda a day...startign drinking more water and then started lifting weights again!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Crisps (aka potato chips to you US peeps!)

    I used to eat crisps nearly every day at one point and they are literally the worst things you can possibly eat- laded with sat fat & no nutritious value at all. Once I start eating them I cannot put them away, even if it's a massive bag of Doritos or Pringles.

    I just don't buy them any more at all. Chocolate I can just about manage to restrain myself with but crisps are like crack to me, I think it's all that MSG salt crap they put in them, it's addictive.:sad:
  • surfagirl1
    surfagirl1 Posts: 19 Member
    I have heard that anything processed should be limited so our livers aren't working overtime to filter out the stuff thats in it... and I heard sugar is the main baddy and its interesting to watch where it is and what foods apparently basically turn to sugar when they get into our system. Something I was watching said to avoid bread and pasta (both white and brown) but rice and sweet potatos were all good (as carb options). I agree though everything in moderation is a pretty good philosophy
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Been cutting out excuses. helped me alot. Like a boss!

    But seriously, cutting out on eating out has helped me alot. I literally have to struggle to fill my calories alotted because when I eat home cooked meals (and delicious ones mind you!) I can stuff myself and still have low calorie food
  • Chaseyk
    Chaseyk Posts: 42 Member
    I am considering cutting out mayonnaise and cheese, they are so my weakness, love tuna and chicken mayo :(
    Have cut out bread and baked goods and sugar, only have them on cheat days.