Audry Member


  • Awesome Girl!!!! Keep it up I know you will see amazing results!!! Your love of the workout will help keep you motivated! And of course I'll be here!
  • As Jillan says in her commercials using the product ALONG with a healthy eating & exersice plan you will see results...the people sueing Jillian are lazy fat bums just wanting an easy dollar. All they did was take the pills/drink & not change anythng in thier unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore they are just trying to ruin an…
  • Thank you for letting me know I was on the post from a year ago! :laugh: Let me introduce myself! I'm Audry (26 - I'll turn 27 nov 9) I am a SAHM of 2 girls (3 & 1yrs) I am a Premier Designs Jeweler to get out of the house & have "adult" time :laugh: it's a great way to meet people & make extra "fun" money! ha ha - not why…
  • I'm in!!! :wink: My goal is 30 pounds gone by Thanksgiving! I did it last year from September to Thanksgiving - so I am hoping I can do it again! I started last week at 174 When I wieghed in this morning I was at 170.5 :drinker: a 3.5 pound LOSE!!!! YAHOOO!!! If I keep up the 3.5 wieght lose a week I will be about 28…
  • rofl....supermom - I thought you were the 19 yr old but I wasn't sure and when I went back to find the post I couldn't find kid at the bookstore sounds like a jerk....he should have just moved....what a A** - I hope your studies go well! Just remember your an amazing mom and woman! Oh yeah - that is great…
  • Good Wednesday Morning Ladies!!!! ((((((((HUGS)))))))) Supermom - I hope things work out for you guys ~I can't remember who wrote about being a 19yr old college kid with a kid of thier own, but do not ever feel like a failure, because YOU ARE NOT you are going to college and raising your own kid! That is a big task and not…
  • That's a girl!!!! GO MEMAW!!!!!! :happy: You can do this! Your awsome!!!
  • Don't give up hon! Keep your head up and believe in yourself!!! You can do this!!! I myself put in one of Jillians Backside dvds and they do jumping jacks and a bunch of other jumping stuff in the first 5 mins....I couldn't do it either but I left the dvd on and just did what I could took breaks when I needed and started…
  • I wondered if Indiana had any thing like Kansas - we have WIC (women ifants & children) Program that gives assitance for formula and food to moms & their children & thru then we found Healthwave insurance for our kids that we only pay $20 a month for and some moms I know have thier kids on it for free....they also have…
  • I also use Triametice Strips for my 2 yr old daughters cough and that helps her to sleep thru the night with no coughing...I hope you little girl gets better
  • OMG Joelle is about to get me to jump thru the tv - first last week where she made Bob curse...and this week when she is flat out asked if she wants to be on the ranch and she can't give a straight answer and then she cries when she gets to stay - WHAT A JOKE I agree with Bob tonight - if Joelle would have went home "Carla…
  • I'm not sure how this works, but both my girls got upper respitory infections the begining of January and I rubbed vicks on their feet and chest and they were better in 2 days and I got respitory infection too and didn't do my feet and chest for three days and after just 2 nights of vicking I was over it too So all i know…
  • I think everyone has really great goals here - I am about 5 4 and looking at being some where below 130 - right now I am at 170 & I know for some of you that is your goal weight and that is great for you and don't read other ppls post and think you need to re-evaluate your goals - goals are strickly ONE SIDED no one can…
  • Good Tuesday morning everyone!!! I don't feel tooo bad this morning after my workout last night, so I'll have to make sure I jump on my workout right after BL tonight!!!! I hope you all have a great day!!!! Keep those kiddos safe!!!
  • I am 26 and have 2 girls (2yrs & 7 1/2 mos) I am trying to loose my "baby" wieght - I work out to Turbo Jam alot and I also got a couple of Jillian Michaels dvds to work out to as well ...they really kick my butt but they work....I've dropped 20+ pounds and am working on loosing the last 30+ now - My goal is bikini body…
  • all I can say is WOW ladies you make me glad I have girls....I don't know if I could haddle on the ER trips.....although I was the 5 year old the jumped off the top bunk bed and landed on a wooden rocking chair and broke of part in my head....yeah ouch and it took 2 drs & 7 nurses & my mom to hold me down to ge t 2 little…
  • Good evening all mommies!!! Oh I am so glad to be back, but it looks like I have ALOT to catch up on!!! So to update everyone - I fell of the wagon in Oct because I got in a workout rut :grumble: when I stepped on the scale then I was at 164!!!!! :smile: and when I stepped on a couple days ago I was at 171 :noway: I…
  • Hey Ladies! I'm back!! Thank you all so much for keeping up our SAHM on a MIssion group!!! I have missed you ladies so much!! So to get ya'll caught up on my life!!! At the end of October I took a couple months break....mostly to see if I could keep of the wieght I had lose! And when I stopped I wieghed 164 and today I…
  • Absolutly!!! You can join us!!! Good luck with the water I am terriable at drinking it too!!!
  • Before I was a mom.... Okay here we go: I went to college and earned my Associates Degree in Horse Production (a big title meaning I have a peice of paper that tells people I can stick my arm up a horses *bleep* and impregnat her <as grandpa calls it> :laugh: ) Then I followed my then fiance to Pre-Med school, where we got…
  • The other best thing about Kansas is that you can have all 4 seasons in the same day!!! I have woke up and it was snowing and by afternoon you wanted to be in a tanktop & shorts because it had reached over 80 degrees I don't know many places that can say that!!
  • I think it's neat to find out all the different places people are from!!!! I've lived in Kansas my whole life... Born: Great Bend Lived: Colby & Manhattan Bought a house to raise my familly: near Colby I love Kansas, everyone is so nice - well out here in the west side of the state!!! So what part of Kansas are you all…
  • I am Kansan thru & thru Born in central Kansas - Great Bend Lived in Colby Kansas, then moved to Manhattan Kansas Now live out by Colby Kansas again!!! Country livin' is the life for me!!!!
  • 3BB - your fine - I just haven't had much time on the computer this week, my 4 mo old is teething and very clinging, & when I'm not holding her I'm trying to get caught up on house job is never done....I'm glad you started a new thread and used the water idea (it's like you read my mind :laugh: ) It…
  • I was kinda thinking our Challenge #2 should be to add a day to our previous work outs (ie, if you worked out 3 days make it 4, if you worked out 6 make it 7) and see how much water we can drink all week (see if we could drink at least 36 oz a day!!!) What do you think? Anyone have anything to add!!! ***LokiFae - Congrats…
  • Sorry ladies - I've been a little MIA this week. My 4month old got her shots on Tuesdays and my brain has been elsewhere... So as for my workouts this week...I had a 4 day break Sat - Tues and got back in it on Wed TJ for 40 mins - boy did that kick my butt, my legs and tummy were still burning the next day On Thurs day I…
  • MM- I too am very sorry for your m/c - I have a galpal that was due on my b-day (nov 9) <I had my first d on her b-day> and she gave birth to a still born little girl in August (Odella -RIP) It was so sad ... she had been trying to get prego after her first (which took them 5 yrs of trying to concieve) and when she did we…
  • Welcome Welcome!!! I kinda started SAHM on a MISSION so that I could have other SAHM's to talk to - because moms are the only ones that understand how hard it is to be home all day and never have time to ourselves - So Join in, This week we are just trying to get in 3 - 4 workouts (when we have the time). Do not feel…
  • Great job so far ladies - let's keep up the good work!!! 3babybeans - my hubby takes alot of attetion on the weekends, but he helps with the kids so I guess I'll have to go weekday workouts & weekend "hubby time" lol
  • Great job!! Keep up the good work!!!