I'm in tears

memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

Sad Sad Memaw

How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/


  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/
  • Don't talk about yourself so negatively!! You can do this... but you gotta take baby steps. Put your 30-day shred on hold for a week or two and work yourself up to those two minutes by starting with 30 seconds. Do your jumping jacks in 30-second chunks for a few days, then bump it up to 45 seconds. Next week, start with one minute of jumping jacks... then bump it up to a minute and a half. Before you know it, you'll be able to do a solid 2 minutes and you can start your 30-day shred!!

    Feeling sorry for yourself won't get you in shape! Only working at it will! I'm kicking you in the pants (in a good way, so please don't be offended!)

    Those 400 lb people running on the treadmill had to take baby steps, too!


  • thats a reality show so they probably dont show you everything..plus 50 thoudand if you win...no better encouragement then money...that being said...youve lost 7 lbs...thats something...just try and do it if you cant then do a deep stretch for 30 minutes..its something then drink lots of water...

    secret diet tip: make it glasses of green tea and youll have a way easier time...

    dont give up it will happen..
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Oh hon I feel your pain I HATE jumping jacks!!!! Just keep at it and tomorrow you can do 3 jumping jacks and 4 the next day and so on and so on. Baby step your way to it hon.

  • Don't worry. The point is that you tried! I can't skip rope. I went to a Yoga class on Saturday and was so angry that it was sooo hard. You did it, you attemped it. That is what is important, the willingness to try. One day you will be able to do it. We all start somewhere. DO NOT let this beat you. Hold your head up honey! You're doing more than most people! oxoxox Big Hugs and be proud of yourself. I'm proud of you.
  • Dytari
    Dytari Posts: 51 Member
    When you watch those shows, you don't see the editing that takes place. They probably only run for 30 seconds before someone yells cut or something goes wrong in the background.

    Not everyone out there is same, so we shouldn't be expected to start at same place. Work your way there, then you'll be kicking everyones butt!
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Hang in there:flowerforyou:

    I have health issues and I have to go very, very slow with any physical activities right now. It is detrimental to me to push myself. I got a beginer video ( beginer yoga for dummies or something lol) and I could only handle 3 poses and I could only hold them for 1/2 the time. It took me a while but I slowly built up untill i could do the entire video ( I think it took me 30 days or so) and i still could not do it everyday.

    for the last 3 weeks i have only been able to walk once for 20 min...and I am still loseing weight..

    You will get there as long as you dont give up! Please keep going and focus on what you can do right now and as time goes by you will just find that you can do more and more...
  • valw97
    valw97 Posts: 80 Member
    You have to remember they're also in the gym 6-8 hours a day , eating, sleeping, and breathing exercise!
    I find if I can somehow modify jumping jacks it helps me. What I do is the arms while extending one leg at a time and then repeat with the other leg. Your still doing jumping jacks without killing yourself immediately.
    I am still taking baby steps too!
    You'll get there and it will be ok! Just keep trying!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/
    Well, here's how I see it... Hon, you TRIED a workout some folks on here that are almost at their goal say is one of the toughest they've tried yet! So try and keep that in mind. How about how many jumping jacks you did today, more than you did yesterday right?:wink: Perhaps add one each day, or do what you can do in 2 minutes and then when you're ready add on to what you've done? A timer is a great way to push yourself but keep it be able to know there is an end in sight too:bigsmile:

    It's breaking my heart to hear you so sad and feeling so dejected and beating yourself up! I tell ya I read something once that has inspired me to this day and I share it whenever I can. A woman once said (some article I believe) she could barely make it down her driveway walking, so she walked it each day, then she went to the corner, worked on that for a bit, then she continued on from there..within several months her body and her positive mind set had set her free to go 4 MILES!!

    What success we can pull from within with a positive mindset.

    Take tonight and pamper yourself, please keep in mind many on here have shared in threads they are afraid of Jillians DVD that you mentioned and like I shared these are folks that run, walk long distances, workout daily in gyms. It's perhaps not the best choice for you yet? I don't know perhaps we expect so awful much from ourselves to soon, that we end up beating ourselves to the ground before we realize we made an effort.

    That is HUGE Hon!:flowerforyou: It's very OK to skip parts or change them up a bit if there's something not quite your style yet. I've had to do that in the past with Body Pump, I've now learned to keep going and if I don't feel my knees are interested in doing squats that hour, then I use the ball and do something similar.

    Changing up eating is a great place to begin, adding in more water, being more active than we were before our journey began...those are things to truly be proud of!! There are some very wonderful challenges on MFP right now. The crunch challenge (no not chips!:laugh: :noway: :tongue: ), the pushup challenge (wall pushups counts, just make sure your feet ar far enough back..nothing wrong with modifiying!!:wink: )

    I feel so empowered now doing the pushups and seeing how many more I can do each time. Some start out with 1, some can do 5, some of the same folks are now doing 50.

    We can DO THIS Hon, together....all of us here on MFP....we're on this journey as a team!!

    A winning team to LOSE and get healthier!! To gain more self confidence, to gain it back, to become more positive in life.

    :drinker: :smooched: :flowerforyou: I about died on the gym tour when I first went on it, talk about how weird that felt to me! lol Now I walk thru the entire thing (it's HUGE) and I giggle to think how far I've come even just walking the building!

    Get some good sleep, and think a bit on some goals that might be ones you would feel better with, perhaps helping not to beat yourself up.

    Cause you are SO WORTH IT!!:flowerforyou:

  • cwalbrj
    cwalbrj Posts: 61
    I bought the 30-day Shred DVD and the first time I thought "I am going to die" and did the best I could through the whole thing. When I just could not do another jumping jack, I walked in place... I just kept moving until the next set of torture Jillian had in store. I have now done it a few more times.. and trust me, still can't keep up. But you know what ? I'm better at it than I was the first time ! So I'll just keep at it until I can do the whole thing. And I really don't care if it takes me many more weeks. At least I'm moving, right ? :happy: So don't get frustrated.. just think to yourself that tomorrow you'll do 5 jumping jacks instead of four and so on and so on. I love that DVD, feel like I've really gotten a good all over workout when I'm done ! Hang in there. :wink:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    When you watch those shows, you don't see the editing that takes place. They probably only run for 30 seconds before someone yells cut or something goes wrong in the background.

    Not everyone out there is same, so we shouldn't be expected to start at same place. Work your way there, then you'll be kicking everyones butt!
    What a great post!! So true in the editing realm!! Reality TV simply isn't real!! Yes, they are real humans but just a few moments ago, sadly I read of one of the winners of BL gaining back 1/2 his weight in a very short time. He said the limelight wore off and he quit excersing, he's started back now but had already done surgery etc.

    So I do hope we all learn to understand it's all about ratings, yes, I think some part of the show really does want to help the folks that go on..but all the advertising of products they are making some SERIOUS bucks putting that show on... so keep the editing comment in mind that was shared...we have NO CLUE just how much they are really working out at one shot.:wink::noway: :drinker:

  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Don't give up hon! Keep your head up and believe in yourself!!! You can do this!!!

    I myself put in one of Jillians Backside dvds and they do jumping jacks and a bunch of other jumping stuff in the first 5 mins....I couldn't do it either but I left the dvd on and just did what I could took breaks when I needed and started it over again and the next day I had lost 1 lb!!!!
    I'm not saying that if you do what I did you'll loose a pound a day, but you'll feel good about yourself because you tried and the next time you put in the dvd push yourself a little further and you'll get there, just don't expect to finish a Jillain Michaels dvd from start to finish in the first week or first month with out feeling like you are going to pass out! She' a tough cookie and you see her yelling at the ppl on BL and I always picture her yelling at me like that when I'm doing her dvd and that makes me want to go harder.

    Keep it up and you will make your goal!

    When you fall of the horse you gotta get back on again! Same deal with excersice dvds - you gotta try try again!

  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/

    HI, I really do not respond to many posts, and I did not read what anyone else wrote to you, but I really wanted to take a second and write you about my experience with this.

    I was not a gym person. I was a not an active person at all. I started the dvd out of breathe by the time she said Let's Begin. No lie. I was like....WHAT! Let's begin, I am pooped. I STILL have a hard time with it, but it does get easier. You are moving, and that is what is important. I modified things so I could do them. When I could not keep up, I jogged in place just to keep my heart rate up. I started this dvd in Sept. I still am not able to do Level 3, and I am ok with that. Since Jan of last year, I have lost 83 lbs, most of that here on mfp. My ticker shows what I have lost here and what I still need to lose. Believe me, I was there. I stood in front of my dvd not being able to catch up. It gets easier, I promise you.

    I did it. It took me awhile, but I did it. And now, I love it. I can do it, You can do it. I have been where you are. I still have a ways to go....we can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • DawnInOhio
    DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/
    OMG, I'm totally with you. While watching the show tonight, my dog wanted out, it took all I had to get off the couch and walk one flight of stairs to let him out, and I just prayed hubby would let him in...no such luck...I had to...my exercise today..2 flights of stairs and NOTHING else.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    it will be okay!
  • Baby steps. It takes a while to build yourself up to that level. Remember, that "reality" show is edited for TV. They are only showing you what looks good for ratings. DO NOT compare yourself to that, you are much better.
    Stick with building up your endurance, it's going to seem slow at first, but, one day, you will wake up and realize that 2 mins of jumping jacks is easy!
    Good luck!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Don't talk about yourself so negatively!! You can do this... but you gotta take baby steps. Put your 30-day shred on hold for a week or two and work yourself up to those two minutes by starting with 30 seconds. Do your jumping jacks in 30-second chunks for a few days, then bump it up to 45 seconds. Next week, start with one minute of jumping jacks... then bump it up to a minute and a half. Before you know it, you'll be able to do a solid 2 minutes and you can start your 30-day shred!!

    Feeling sorry for yourself won't get you in shape! Only working at it will! I'm kicking you in the pants (in a good way, so please don't be offended!)

    Those 400 lb people running on the treadmill had to take baby steps, too!


    What a powerful helpful post for any of us Miso...thanks!:flowerforyou: :wink:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I just want to thank everyone for thier kinds words in response to this thread. I was feeling really low last night and all of you really helped to make me feel better. I have other videos and a treadmill that I will continue working on until I am ready to tackle the SHRED again. I guess I was just feeling sorry for myself and a little embarrassed by the fact that I have let myself get so out of shape! Like my husband always tells me "No one can do anything about it but me" So it's time I do something about it and quit feeling sorry for myself and just get up and keep trying!

    Thanks again guys.

    I have wiped the tears away and the next thing I want to wipe away will be the sweat from working out!!!!!

    Go MEMAW!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    I just want to thank everyone for thier kinds words in response to this thread. I was feeling really low last night and all of you really helped to make me feel better. I have other videos and a treadmill that I will continue working on until I am ready to tackle the SHRED again. I guess I was just feeling sorry for myself and a little embarrassed by the fact that I have let myself get so out of shape! Like my husband always tells me "No one can do anything about it but me" So it's time I do something about it and quit feeling sorry for myself and just get up and keep trying!

    Thanks again guys.

    I have wiped the tears away and the next thing I want to wipe away will be the sweat from working out!!!!!

    Go MEMAW!!!!!:bigsmile:

    That's a girl!!!! GO MEMAW!!!!!! :happy: You can do this! Your awsome!!!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/

    Start slow, walking until you build up to it. FYI did you ever notice they don't tell you how long they are running, they could be doing it for like 10 sec, just enough to put it on TV!
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