SAHM Week #2 10/13-10/19



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    PS we bought water in gallon jugs because we didn't have change to fill up our five gallon at the machine, and the water in the jugs is NASTY! It's very plastic.:noway: :sick: I know it probably won't hurt me but it's gross. Don't know if I'll make water quota today. I may try to drink some green tea at lunch with it to see if that will help.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Somebody slap me....I'm on MFP & delaying my date with TJ. I'm SOOOO not in the mood today.

    ECH! Plasticy water. *blech*

    MM - That's so encouraging that the diet is working for your son. Autism is just something that I don't think gets the attention it deserves & there's so many people out there that say it is all one thing or all another or there's "cures" or there's NO cure, etc... Something that really needs to be straightened out. Its a shame.

    Audry - are you out there? I hope I didn't step on toes making this week's thread.

    Purdy - how's your water goal coming along & your 10 mins.?

    Kim - LOVE the new pic of the pumpkin patch! Too cute!

    UGH! I guess TJ is calling my name. "HEEEYYYY It's time to Par-TAY!" *gag* lol
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    3BB - your fine - I just haven't had much time on the computer this week, my 4 mo old is teething and very clinging, & when I'm not holding her I'm trying to get caught up on house job is never done....I'm glad you started a new thread and used the water idea (it's like you read my mind :laugh: )

    It sounds like everyone is doing great!!! I am so excited for everyone & all the life style changes!!!

    Keep up the great work and I'll try and post with my updates daily but I make no promises!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Audry - I'm glad you still doing okay! Teething is horrible. My first I didn't have too many problems with, but my second was a nightmare. :P

    I TJ'd & just about drank my weight in water in the process. I'm good on all my stuff today! lol

    Here's a bit of irony for the day:

    I get doneTj'ing & I'm sweating my butt off & chugging the water looking for a healthy lunch. I turn on PBS & catch the end of one of my FAV shows: Everyday Cooking. The chic on there is making...a giant, buttery, crunchy, grilled cheese sandwich. *drool* I'm pretty sure that would take up the rest of my cals for the day, though! IT LOOKED SOOOOO GOOOOOOD. All I have to say is thank goodness that I didn't turn on Everyday Baking! I'd probably be making something in the form of a chocolate cake right now! She did, however, tell me that it is so easy that I should make it an everyday food. LOL Probably not a good move for someone that still needs to loose 20+ pounds!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good morning, SAHM buddies! I hope everyone has a lovely & successful day!

    MM - I checked out your pushup challenge thread briefly yesterday. OMG, you are a wonder woman! 44 pushups in a row! Look at you go! I was up to 20 when I got pregnant with my last one & I thought THAT was good! LOL

    I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep right now so my "workout" time today may be interrupted by SLEEP. All of my kiddos have nasty head colds so no one was sleeping last night. The baby just wanted to nurse all night long & it got to the point where NOTHING was she starts hitting me. LOL With what little muscle cordination a 6 month old can have, she's smacking me trying to get more out. At least it was mildly entertaining at 3am. :noway:

    I'll try to check in later...I'm hoping that everyone cooperates & at least goes down for a nap together around 1.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sorry all your little ones are sick. I feel for you. That is so hard to deal with! Oh and 20 push ups is really good! I tested at a max of 50. I am hoping to break that when I test again soon!
    I did 45 minutes of Taebo yesterday with 2 pound hand weights and I am SOOO sore this morning, but it's a good sore and I feel like I accomplished something. It makes it seem like the 3 pounds the scale said I gained is nothing. lol
    I have decided to try a challenge from today until Sunday. I am going to eat more natural foods, with a few exceptions with breakfast since I have a hard time with that, until Sunday evening. I say until then because my mom, Stepdad and two half brothers are coming to visit (or are suppose to. plans often change in my family). I know we will be eating out some, so I will just have to try to make the best choices I can while out. Also Friday night we are eating at my cousin's house so I will just have to eat light. My point is to try to get away from a lot of carbs and sweets. Not all, just most for now. Maybe after my family leaves I will pick it up again. I am just starting small, with just a few days, because I could seriously blow it. :laugh:
    Oh and today is shopping day so that will probably be my only output!
    How is everyone else doing?
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    ARGH! I did not go to the gym yesterday. It was icky outside, I had just started ( I know, TMI ) and I had the cramps from hell. Now I feel guilty because today is my scheduled day off and I can't go to the gym tonight because DH has to go to some meeting with his band after work. AND it's my cheat day today so I'm like a Hoover. Grrr....I AM, however, really trying hard to hit my water intake today. I haven't made it the past couple of days. I just made my way through 27 oz. Only about 100 more to go! :grumble:

    Poor babies being sick. :frown: I know I would definitely just sleep instead of working out, or you might not make it through the day! I hope your babies go down so you can have a little mommy time.

    MM - Good idea about the natural food. I have a hard time with eating prepackaged food and things like that. It's hard to break that habit, so kudos to you for trying!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I only have a second, but in response to what happened yesterday with the giant grilled cheese sandwich & I was just happy it wasn't Everyday I switch it over after working out & the first word I hear is "STRUSSEL" :grumble: I need to stay away from PBS after a workout!

    Couldn't nap b/c of phone calls! Seriously people! I hate those automated messages urging me to vote for issue so & so blah blah blah.

    Natural foods are the way to go! We do as much of that as we can & I know a lot of people say it is more expensive, but I've noticed that the more we consistently eat "natural" foods as opposed to boxed meals, it really is just about the same. It is when we start doing BOTH that it seems expensive. But, everybody need a good Velvetta con queso dip every now & then. :wink:

    LokiFae - I'm still LOL about the "hoover" comment. HA! That explains me on a NORMAL day!

    MM - Geeze a loo, lady! 2# weights?! I thought I was doing good with 3/4# weights! Way to go!

    Off to wipe some noses.

    Hey! I have a question for all of you mommies out there...what did everyone do BEFORE they were CEO Mom?

    Check in later!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I was starving after shopping so I ate a little too much at lunch. I don't think it was bad stuff. Just too much. Now I feel like I need to work out but I was going to take the day off. Maybe house cleaning will suffice.
    3BB I hear you about the phone calls. When we moved into this house 1 1/2 years ago I told my husband we were not getting a landline and if we did I would not have a phone hooked up! I got SOO tired of the phone calls! So we use our cell phones and my husband uses Skype through the computer.
    What did I used to be before I became a mommy? I went to school and got my degree in Automotive Technology. I was a parts counter person, service writer, service manager, mechanic, office manager, and a shop manager at about three different stores. Not all at once obviously. I loved it, but the hours were long and the job was stressful. After I got married I worked accounts receivable at a dealership. So that's me in a nutshell. I still work on cars. Usually my camaro, my husband's mustang, or the pastor's jeep. :smile:
    3BB tell us about you!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    How awesome! I love the fact that you work on the Pastor's jeep! HA!

    My husband nearly has his automotive technology degree, but abandonded it to make me crazy...I switch programs & put us further in debt...I switch degree programs to let him have a more "normal" job. Like the 12-13 hours M-F job he has now, on top of still working on said degree...oops. That turned into a bit of a rant, didn't it? LOL

    Well, I went to nursing school & ran away screaming with 2 semesters left. I got my degree in architectural engineering & worked for a lovely :laugh: structural design firm. By lovely, I mean "old boys club". I was a CAD designer there. I did a LOT of field work. We were contractors for GM Powertrain, Libbey Glass, and a bunch of other factories in the Toledo area. DIRTY job when we went into the field. I had molten glass melt my shoe at Libbey if that tells you anything. In the office, I stared at a computer all day & wanted to bash my head in. I had to go back to work after our first son was born. That sucked BIG time. 6 months after I went back to work, I found out I was pregnant again & for the next 8 months, I had someone ask me every single freakin' day if I was coming back when the baby was born. We flat out couldn't afford day care for 2 kids, so I told them the only way I would come back is if I could do my computer stuff at home...this was okay with them for about a month, then they changed their minds and offered me a raise to be where I "should" be...their words, not mine...and I told them to stuff it. :happy: I'm cool like that. Luckily, my husband got a promotion right when I quit my job, so God seriously provided for us in that area. I don't know if I'll ever go back to work. If I do, I think I'll go back & finish my nursing degree first. I hate having things unfinished & that just really bugs the junk out of me that it is just sitting out there being undone.

    Well, that got long!

  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Before I was a mom....

    Okay here we go:

    I went to college and earned my Associates Degree in Horse Production (a big title meaning I have a peice of paper that tells people I can stick my arm up a horses *bleep* and impregnat her <as grandpa calls it> :laugh: ) Then I followed my then fiance to Pre-Med school, where we got married and he changed his mind on work - moved back to old college town (where he grew up) and went to work for the County Treasurer as one of her Clerks - all in all I spent many hours in front of a computer dealing with farmers complaining about how much it cost to tag their vehicles and how high taxes are on their properties (even when thier fields didn't make anything the last harvest)!!! Then there was the drama with working in an office with 5 other women :grumble: I strongly suggest if you ever think about working with more than one other lady to not do it...drama drama drama...that causes a lot of stress of which caused me to eat and gain weight!!! (I'm a stress eater) So when I found out I was prego for the 2nd time I was so excited!!! I started a spread sheet to show my hubby how much we would be saving if I stayed home!!! It took him 8 months to agree with me!!! But the day my 2nd little girl was born was my last day of work!!! And about 2 months after I quit work (about the same time all my vacation pay was up)my hubby got a promotion at the bank!!! He is now making more than we were together, so I won't have to go back to work if I don't want to when the kiddos are older!!!

    Now along with being a SAHM I also sale Avon so I have something to do when the girls are sleeping
  • Can I get in on this? I stay at home with my two kids - Jonah age 4 and Maeryn age 5 months. I'm totally up for the H2O challenge because I SUCK at meeting the water requirements. Let's do it!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Can I get in on this? I stay at home with my two kids - Jonah age 4 and Maeryn age 5 months. I'm totally up for the H2O challenge because I SUCK at meeting the water requirements. Let's do it!

    Absolutly!!! You can join us!!! Good luck with the water I am terriable at drinking it too!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome to the group! :)
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Woo! I hit 30#! WOO! :happy: I feel better's out of my system. LOL Tomorrow, I might wake up & weigh in & I'll be behind the 30# mark again (who knows with my body), but for today, I can say, "I've lost 30#!" YAY!

    My dh is home from work today on a "sanity" day so I'm sure I won't get all my exercise in. Just how it works. When he's home, I can either get my walk in or my TJ in, but not often both. Plus, the kids are still all snotty, so that's been fun. We have our church family directory pic tonight & family pics tomorrow that I schedule about 6 weeks ago. I'm not one for the camera myself, but I love having pics of my kids.

    Audry - that's a fabulous degree you have there! That's even more entertaining to explain to people than my friend that went to school to be a chicken scientist. LOL She is literally getting her PhD is poultry science...what she's planning on doing with that degree, I'll never know. Oh! And I SO know the drama of working with women. I worked in a nursing home & a hospital with a bunch of aids & nurses...the GOSSIP! I swear. Some women thrive on it.

    Happy Friday, ladies! I hope everyone has a lovely day! Bottoms up on those water jugs!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    One small task down. Just got TJ'ing...while my husband slept on the couch 2 feet behind me. :grumble: At least since he's home, I got a big batch of baby food made...yes, I make my own baby food.

    So, how did we all do with our water this week? I did...okay...I over did it the one day & paid for it by peeing constantly so I slowed down the past couple days. The extra 10 min.? forget about it. I added about 5 min. to my walk a couple days, but I just didn't accomplish it this time around.

    Off to clean something somewhere. :tongue:

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    3BB congrats on hitting 30#!!! That's so awesome! I will be glad to hit 20 one of these days! Right now I seem to be going in the opposite direction.
    Oh and I worked with 5 women in a small office room for about 9 months. I finally walked out because the hormones were so bad!
    I didn't do so great on my water this week and I didn't get to add ten minutes every time I exercised either. I think I only worked out once this week! I was busy but not with an actual work out. It seems my girly has started. I crave a lot during that time but rarely am I ever starving like I have been the last few days! I pigged out at dinner tonight and I don't regret it...just yet. I'll get back on the wagon in the morning.
    On the bright side my jeans were a little loose coming out of the dryer....not after eating tonight though. :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    MM - I about died when you said your "girly started" LMBO that just struck me funny...but I'm sorry that it did start. But hey, dryer fresh jeans being looser is always awesome! :happy:

    Perhaps we should carry the water challenge over to next week as well?

    Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    MM - I about died when you said your "girly started" LMBO that just struck me funny...but I'm sorry that it did start. But hey, dryer fresh jeans being looser is always awesome! :happy:

    Perhaps we should carry the water challenge over to next week as well?

    Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!

    Yes, let's carry on the water challenge. I need it!
    Still not sure if my girly is going to stay or not. It's been acting weird since I miscarried. I'm getting tired of it!
    Where's everyone else?
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