Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry I'm a day late but heres my check in for 9/18/09

    Starting weight 305

    Current weight 301
    So a 4 lb weight loss in 1 week.

    Turkey day goal 285
    Main Goal 160
    Not doing so good with water this week but I did sign up for curves and I start on Mon The lady said if I don't go 3 days a week they call you so I'm hoping it will help with motivation.

    That's amazing!! Keep up the hard work chica :smile:

    I have't had a "real" soda in years, but man I love Diet Coke and Fresca! Most days I avoid them, but sometimes I go nuts. And I think we all know that Diet's not any better for you. Today I made myself a "juicy seltzer"- 1 oz juice (REAL juice) + 8 oz Perrier. Delightful!!

    As for the sweets, I'm going to cut out anything with high fructose corn syrup or chemical sweeteners. I'm still going to allow myself healthy treats from time to time :wink:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey all... Contgrats, bwilton! You're doing so great! Very motivating to see so many people losing weight on this thread...

    I got to work out with my husband today, and boy was THAT motivating... It really keeps you from stopping when you want to, just because you don't want to look like a sissy! I did so many push ups that I can't hardly move my arms...
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    So I totally forgot that we were doing no soda this week and just ordered a large diet coke from Sonic. Oops I guess I will have to get back on track tomorrow. Oh and the no sweets is no good :laugh: I have a huge sweet tooth and I save my cals for those 100 calorie snacks and the Skinny Cow Ice Cream. But I will definately do the no soda for a week starting tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing good with al the challenges we have going on right now. Keep up the hard work!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    So I totally forgot that we were doing no soda this week and just ordered a large diet coke from Sonic. Oops I guess I will have to get back on track tomorrow. Oh and the no sweets is no good :laugh: I have a huge sweet tooth and I save my cals for those 100 calorie snacks and the Skinny Cow Ice Cream. But I will definately do the no soda for a week starting tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing good with al the challenges we have going on right now. Keep up the hard work!

    Too funny! Day 1 I just bought a diet cherry coke without thinking. Halfway through I remembered that I had given it up! Ooops! Diet coke is so automatic with me!:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    for anyone with a serious sweet tooth who is thinking about the no sweets challenge
    there is a lot of evidence that the longer you stay away from sweets the less you crave them---it's hard at first but the long term benefits are amazing.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm SICK!!! Ugh. I thought I was having pretty bad allergies, but it turned into a full-blown sinus infection. The last time this happened, I was on 2 rounds of antibiotics and sick for a month.:sick: I also had an allergic reaction to penicillin... I'm going to wait it out, and hopefully I'll get over it without having to go to the doctor's office.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Has anyone done the biggest loser cardio max dvd????
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I have the DVD and it's a good workout and tough. I havent' done it in a while though.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I started doing the Biggest loser cardio max and was wondering how do i log that into my exercise log and what should i put it under would that be general aerobics?? just wondering if anyone would know ...
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I've been back on MFP for 6 weeks this time, and I've only lost 3.5 lbs!! I know it is slow process, I know I can't go solely by scale (my clothes DO fit better). But, you know how it is - you dream of this little "magic" number that is your goal weight. I think this is the point in any diet/exercise regime where I typically start to get impatient and restless. I just want the weight OFF - I just want to fit in cute clothes and look good again. It has taken me about 2 years to lose the first 25 lbs - but I was hoping that now that I'm more focused the last 35 wouldn't take as long.

    I know the things I need to do - I guess I'm just venting b/c I know y'all will understand!! I SO SO don't want to see my family again (I live in a different country so I don't see them often) this Thanksgiving looking the same. My mom has been disappointed since I gained all this weight 4 years ago (she is 5'8", gorgeous, and always reminds me how she weighed 122 lbs until she had her fourth baby at 40 - I"m shorter than her but would have to cut off a limb to weigh 122). I don't want her to feel bad for me. She really doesn't mean to make me feel bad - but growing up with a tall, skinny mother obsessed with her weight... well... you can imagine.

    Okay! Enough venting! Going to do my circuit workout video.
    @ tammietifanie - what do you think of that DVD?? is it low impact? Easy on knees? good calorie burner? I need another cardio DVD that is just cardio and low impact but tough.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. As for the biggest loser dvd. I have two of them but not that one. I will tell you my all time favorite work out video it Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zone. It is a great workout. It hits all the places that us as women want to hit. The DVD is about an hour long and I got it for like $13 on Amazon.

    jlbay- I know what you mean. I am having a really hard time losing weight this time. I do not think I am going to reach my goal by Turkey day. It would take a miracle. I do not want to be super skinny I would like to be around 165. That is still overweight for my height and age but I think it is a good number for me. I think you should be very proud of 3.5 lbs. At least it is not like me who has gained 3.5 lbs. I have actually gained since June 14 lbs. I gained 9 while on vacation for 3 weeks and then since coming home I have gained 5 out of bad eating habits. I still work out everyday but can not get back into eating right.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think I can actually function now... The worst of my sinus infection is over, and I can actually breathe! I feel more like a human and less like dog poo... It's definitely a step in the right direction!:laugh:

    As for not losing weight... I can completely understand it, Christine. I have been kicking butt with workouts, but slacking with eating correctly. Maybe next Monday we could start letting each other read our food logs to keep us accountable. I haven't been logging anything in for a while now, and I think that if someone could READ IT:sick: I'd be more likely to hold myself accountable! Just a thought!
  • Resa,
    I'm glad you feel better.

    I ate buffet over the weekend. I skipped the dessert bar.. think it's most of empty calorie is.
    I'm so happy that I did not gain weight.
    2 more days before weight in and i still have 1.5 lbs to lose. I'll do extra 1 hour cardio workout today and tomorrow to see it helps me to reach my week goal.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    i love the dvd i rented it from my library but im looking into buying it!! it has different strengths so if you want to do it low impact you can or if you want a high impact you can also!!! they show difference ways of still moving but at your pace!!! I feel like it really is toning my body and burning calories also!!! You can always check out your local library see if they have it that way if you don't like it you didn't waste any money!!!
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    It makes me feel a little better to see I'm not the only one not losing as much weight as I would like! The funny thing is I stay within my calories and work out at least 3 days a week but I'm not sure what's going on. I have days when I feel like I'm making progress then I get on the scale and it's up 2 lbs or so! I keep trying to tell myself that I'm getting healthy and probably gaining muscle but that doesn't always make me feel better!

    Weigh in is tomorrow and I think this might be my 2nd week of no weight lost!! Oh brother :cry:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    The scale has a mind of it's own and as long as you are feeling better about yourself just keep working at it and the numbers will start to drop eventually.

    Tomorrows weigh in! :noway: I hope everyone did good this week! I feel like I had a good week and I am still doing all the challenges; water,crunches, no soda. I guess I will see how much of a difference drinking no soda really has. To be honest I can't wait for the no soda challenge to be over. :ohwell: I drink so much water all day over the recommended amount that I feel I deserve that 1 diet coke with dinner. :laugh: Good luck everyone!
  • i'm a lil worried bout weigh in i drank 128 oz of water today in hopes it would help! :laugh: due to my ankle i haven't been able to work out as hard as i want. i dont dare touch the scale until our thursday weigh ins:tongue: , so i never know how i'm fluctuating...but definitely fitting into smaller sizes, so we shall see! i have stuck with the water & crunch challenge and feel great about that. looking forward to starting week 3 tomorrow. just finished my post 2nd week exhaustion test and looks like i'll be hitting the middle column of the week 3 challenge! starting to see some definition lines...yay!! :drinker:

    good luck to everyone tomorrow! *crosses fingers for some type of loss for everyone* :flowerforyou:
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you for letting me know I was on the post from a year ago! :laugh:

    Let me introduce myself!

    I'm Audry (26 - I'll turn 27 nov 9) I am a SAHM of 2 girls (3 & 1yrs) I am a Premier Designs Jeweler to get out of the house & have "adult" time :laugh: it's a great way to meet people & make extra "fun" money! ha ha - not why I'm here.....I get carried away sometimes! :)

    Anyways...after having my babies I weighed in at over 200 - I started working out & got down to 194 by the time I came across MFP since that time in 2008 I worked out really hard & watched what I ate from Sept 08 - to Thanksgiving 08 (along with the BIggest Loser season last year) during that time I tracked my calories & workouts on MFP & lost 30 pounds!!!! :drinker: I stopped working out @ thanksgiving 08...I shouldn't have done that since January 09 to last tuesday (9-15) I gained 10 pounds of it back :grumble:
    So here I am starting my hard core workouts again! I'm cutting my eating back again as I normally eat about 2000 cals a day and being 5'3" & 170.5 pounds I'm over I am working on making healthier's difficult with 2 very picky eaters but I'm making them & me something different to try & keep my meals healthier! I have a wiegh in day on Tuesdays already set up for myself, but from reading ya'lls post yours is Thursdays, right? I can make that work! :smile: Thanks for a great group!!!

    My goal is 30 pounds gone by Thanksgiving! I did it last year from September to Thanksgiving - so I am hoping I can do it again!
    I started last week at 174
    When I wieghed in this morning I was at 170.5
    a 3.5 pound LOSE!!!!
    YAHOOO!!! If I keep up the 3.5 wieght lose a week I will be about 28 pounds lighter by thanksgiving!!

    Current Wieght: 170.5
    Hieght: 5'3"
    Age 26 (until Nov 9)
  • Audry,
    Welcome to the group and congrats on the 3.5 lbs weight loss!

    I hope I will do as good as you for tomorrow weight in

    One more day before weight in and I 'm still .5 lbs short so I did not eat starch after 3 pm, dranks lots of water and will do extra 1/2 hour rowing tonight.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK so today is weigh in day! I am skipping weighing in today. I just need to focus on something besides the number on the scale for a few days. I have had company and we have been eating out. So good luck everyone! Also I will not be here all weekend so that is why I will be MIA.
    Resa- Yes I will try and start Monday posting my food. I need someone to hold me accountable. I am just eating what ever I want. I am living like I am still on vacation and I can not live like this. I have Christ mas pictures on November 4th and I want to look good, not like a blimp from last year.
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