Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I'm not sure how I let a co-worker talk me into a 5k run next month. I've never run that much! I just ran 3 miles on the treadmill and that took me almost an hour! Her goal is 5k in 30 mins!! Geez...I got alot of work to do!!! Good news...I just burned 303 calories running 3 miles! woohoo!!!
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Yeah, I think I've heard that name somewhere before. LOL!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Alright, just let me know if you what to know Him a little better! :wink:

    How are you doing on the weigh loss?
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks, akgrant :laugh: My weight loss has been slow lately. I haven't fallen off the wagon or anything, but I've had more "cheat" meals lately and then I was sick over labor day weekend. Those things, combined, have slowed my progress. I'm back on track this week and hope to see a loss soon. Thanks for asking :happy:
  • artichoke
    hey all. i had a fantastic weekend...unfortunately (kind of!) if involved birthday cake and carnitas. i added it all up today and it wasn't as horrid as i had imagined, but tomorrow starts a new week and i'm committed to tighten things up a bit.

    i hope everyone's week has started out THIN! :smile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Everything went well today... Except my darn headache came back. I know it's not due to dehydration, because I've been drinking so much water I feel like a camel. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day! My husband is waking me up at 6:00 to work out with him tomorrow morning, so I'd better get off to bed-it's almost 11:00 here!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Yesterday was much better. Worked out and drank my water. I did my core workout for the crunch challenge. I also ate much better, but not perfect. I stayed under my calories, but I could have made better choices.

    Two days until weigh in - make 'em count!
  • hgirl1021
    early bird gets the worm, right? :laugh: good morning and happy tuesday everyone! :flowerforyou: it's a beautiful morning here in south fl and i'm up and at em (pillow to gym) to get those calories off! its my last day of week 1 of the 200situp challenge. looking forward to starting week 2! gotta make thursday count! hope everyone decides to make it a great day and to be proud of themselves at the end of the day! lets make this a week of loss!! :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good morning! Started off the day with a bowl of oatmeal... Now off to run some errands, and then work out. I'm planning on being especially neurotic about my calorie intake-I want to see some loss this week. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • mrsrossi
    I did really well yesterday. I did my 10 8 oz of water. I feel really good today. Already started and well on my way.
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Ok so I didn't do so hot this weekend or on Monday. No exercise and I know I was well over my allowed calories. :grumble: I am hoping the scale won't be to horrible on Thursday. I just finished week 1 of the crunch challenge and my core is definately feeling it. I am so sore but glad to be because at least I know I am doing something. I guess the fact that I am doing great with the water and staying on track with the crunches is on the plus side. I am back on track today though eating good and already done with my exercise for the day. I hope everyone else is doing good.
  • laughingfox
    Holy moly, guys! I disappeared for a while -- sorry about that!

    But I am back, and well on my way to my Turkey Day goal. Promise to weigh in on Thursday! :smile:

    Glad to see everyone is doing well. I am pretty excited -- I found a relatively low-cal, low-carb, low-fat supreme pizza that I am going to make tonight. I was really craving pizza!

    Also bought a tape measure and took my measurements a few days ago -- ouch. :indifferent: If the numbers 44-37-45 aren't a great motivator, I don't know what is!
  • last_time
    last_time Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in!

    Current weight: 187
    1st Goal - Haloween - 178
    2nd Goal - Thanksgiving - 170
    3rd Goal - Christmas - 165
    Final Goal - 145
  • man! i have a bad cold since yesterday. I did not go work out today since i read it will make the cold get worser.. not only that i feel weak so i ate a lot. :mad: but my throat so i drank water a lot also.
    one more day before weight in... i hope i don't gain the weight back.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK so I am doing really bad. I do fine for breakfast. It is lunch where I have my bad time. I do not really want to eat. Nothing sounds good to me so I will snack on a greanola bar and pretzels and stuff that add up really fast in calories and are not one bit healthy or filling. It leaves me hungry and wanting something but I don't know what. I need good lunch suggestions. Fast, easy around 300 calories if possible and most important filing!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    OK so I am doing really bad. I do fine for breakfast. It is lunch where I have my bad time. I do not really want to eat. Nothing sounds good to me so I will snack on a greanola bar and pretzels and stuff that add up really fast in calories and are not one bit healthy or filling. It leaves me hungry and wanting something but I don't know what. I need good lunch suggestions. Fast, easy around 300 calories if possible and most important filing!

    Wasa cracker with a TBS of peanut butter and whole bag of frozen vegetables (green beans, broccoli, stir fry veggies mixed vegetables
    without butter or sauce of any sort)

    slice a bell pepper or cucumber and eat it with hummus

    celery with peanut butter

    Make a plan for your lunch, log it onto MFP the night before or in the morning and stick to the plan

    someone who lost a lot of weight said, "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail"
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow - and I just got my TOM - early. :sad: I feel so bloated.

    If I don't show a loss tomorrow....:mad:

    I did an extra 20 minutes on my work out tonight and am chugging the water. Good luck everyone!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    WATER WATER WATER!!!! i just got over my TOM and i swear water helps so much with bloating and don't let those darn TOM cravings get to you!!!!
  • artichoke
    OK so I am doing really bad. I do fine for breakfast. It is lunch where I have my bad time. I do not really want to eat. Nothing sounds good to me so I will snack on a greanola bar and pretzels and stuff that add up really fast in calories and are not one bit healthy or filling. It leaves me hungry and wanting something but I don't know what. I need good lunch suggestions. Fast, easy around 300 calories if possible and most important filing!

    my "easy" lunches are frozen leftovers from previous one-pot dinners!! toss 'em on the counter when i walk in to work in the morning, and they're defrosted by the time i eat lunch. nuke. eat. no stress...and no excuses.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    OK so I am doing really bad. I do fine for breakfast. It is lunch where I have my bad time. I do not really want to eat. Nothing sounds good to me so I will snack on a greanola bar and pretzels and stuff that add up really fast in calories and are not one bit healthy or filling. It leaves me hungry and wanting something but I don't know what. I need good lunch suggestions. Fast, easy around 300 calories if possible and most important filing!

    Wasa cracker with a TBS of peanut butter and whole bag of frozen vegetables (green beans, broccoli, stir fry veggies mixed vegetables
    without butter or sauce of any sort)

    slice a bell pepper or cucumber and eat it with hummus

    celery with peanut butter

    Make a plan for your lunch, log it onto MFP the night before or in the morning and stick to the plan

    someone who lost a lot of weight said, "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail"

    All great suggestions. Just wanted to add... Sometimes I take a banana and peanut butter for lunch :happy:
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    Yesterday was NUTS! I earned 525 exercise calories, and STILL went over by 600 calories.

    Lesson of the day: Do not eat what the husband eats! Seriously, we spent most of the day together and I ate like bachelor all day long: Buffalo wings, beer, french fries... :blushing:

    Today I'm back on track, and I'm thinking about not eating back any workout calories to make up for yesterday. Bleh. :grumble: Hopefully my scale doesn't blow up tomorrow.