SAHM on a MISSION Challenge #1

Okay ladies I want everyone to try and get in 3 to 4 workouts by next Friday!!!

So between Oct. 3 & Oct 10th try and workout 3 to 4 times!!!
Let's see if we can do it - come on here and post after your workouts!!! Either that day or the next - I know with our busy lives sometimes it's hard to get on here and post so just try and get on whenever you can!!

Let's Get To It!!!!


  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Okay ladies I want everyone to try and get in 3 to 4 workouts by next Friday!!!

    So between Oct. 3 & Oct 10th try and workout 3 to 4 times!!!
    Let's see if we can do it - come on here and post after your workouts!!! Either that day or the next - I know with our busy lives sometimes it's hard to get on here and post so just try and get on whenever you can!!

    Let's Get To It!!!!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Just bouncing in to say Hey Ladies!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    10/3/08 - 40 min. TJ, 20 min. walk with the kids
    10/4/08 - 40 min. TJ

  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Oct 3 - 40 mins of TJ!!!

    Took the weekend off - Monday time to get back to working off the fat!!!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    10/3/08 - 40 min. TJ, 20 min. walk with the kids
    10/4/08 - 40 min. TJ


    Great job!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oct. 05 - 20 min. TJ...crying kids kind of cramped my mission yesterday

    So far, I got my 50 min. walk with the kids in this morning & I'm planning on getting all 3 of them down for a nap at once so I can do 40 min TJ & ... ugh ... clean.:huh:

    Good luck starting back up today, Audry! It really is difficult to get in the exercise on the weekend when my husband is home, too. He wants attention. lol
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Sounds do-able
    While kids ate b-fast, I hot the treadmill for 30min this am before getting them out to school
    I plan to squeeze in 45min of yoga this afternoon, or sometime before bed :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Great job so far ladies - let's keep up the good work!!!

    3babybeans - my hubby takes alot of attetion on the weekends, but he helps with the kids so I guess I'll have to go weekday workouts & weekend "hubby time" lol
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hi, I am an SAHM to Alex. He's almost 3.
    I have been kind of reading some of the posts this morning on this thread. I am probably not as busy as you moms have have 2+ kids, though I don't know how I can get any busier some days. lol My son was recently diagnosed with Autism and he has some sensory issues. A lot of my time is taken up with the therapists that come over and all the therapy that I have to do with him during the week. I'd like to have more SAHM's that I can keep in touch with while I am trying to fight the fat.
    What is this challenge about? I may join if I think I can do it!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, I am an SAHM to Alex. He's almost 3.
    I have been kind of reading some of the posts this morning on this thread. I am probably not as busy as you moms have have 2+ kids, though I don't know how I can get any busier some days. lol My son was recently diagnosed with Autism and he has some sensory issues. A lot of my time is taken up with the therapists that come over and all the therapy that I have to do with him during the week. I'd like to have more SAHM's that I can keep in touch with while I am trying to fight the fat.
    What is this challenge about? I may join if I think I can do it!

    Welcome Welcome!!! I kinda started SAHM on a MISSION so that I could have other SAHM's to talk to - because moms are the only ones that understand how hard it is to be home all day and never have time to ourselves - So Join in, This week we are just trying to get in 3 - 4 workouts (when we have the time). Do not feel pressured to make it to 3 if you don't have the time - believe me - we understand how crazy and unpredictable our lives as moms can be.

    My girls are K - 2yrs & D 4 months!!! I feel like some days all I do is run after one and hold the other (although there might be some truth to K is potty training, so we are working on that - we cheer and sing songs everytime she goes potty in the toilet. D is starting to cut her first tooth - as far as I can tell it's an eyetooth (ouch) but it seems to be one that is going to bug her awhile as it starts to come out and the next day it's gone again! Oh well, the joys of being a

    I wish you all the luck in your path to Healthy living as we all have our struggles and set backs we can help each other through them all!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome to the group MM! I think we all have our levels of busy and you have the added stress of threapy and such. Hang in there! Hopefully we'll all be great support to each other!

    Audry - my dh is home on the weekend, but more often than not doing homework. 10 weeks left & he's done with school. It just seems like the second I hit play on the dvd, he comes up & needs help or wants to talk about something. I can't complain, though b/c it really is the ONLY time we get to see each other without kids hanging off us. LOL

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Thanks for the nice welcome!
    This day started out a bit rough. My son has been in a bad mood this morning! We did some therapy so maybe that helped. We'll see when I tell him it's time for a nap!
    Audry, ah teething! Isn't it great? My son started drooling really bad at 4 weeks. I thought he'd start teething early then. Nope! He got his first tooth at 10 months. He will be 3 next month, and he's cutting a molar right now and has one more to go. Will it ever end? lol. He's really good natured about it though. I'm afraid to brag on him yet as far as potty training goes. He's been day trained for about 7-8 months now but night time has been hard. He's been completely out of pull ups for about 3 weeks now and has only had a few accidents at night! So he's on his way. Hang in there. Potty training can be tough!
    Babybeans, how old are your kids?

    I am blessed in that my son is a good, easygoing boy, for the most part, and he takes very good naps. Since I didn't have time to get my work out done this morning I will do Shred after he goes down for a nap.
    Check back with you all later!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Phew. Got all 40 min. of TJ in today. Don't know how I didn't fall over doing it. Stuffy head + punch kick jam = dizzy!

    MM - My oldest son just turned 3 in july, my middle son will be 2 in nov. & i have a baby girl that is 6, actually. DS #1 has been peeing in the potty for a year, but I can't get that kid to poop in the potty to save my life. he waits until nap time. Lovely. I can't get him night trained either. Quite frankly, I don't have the energy to night train him & do even MORE laundy. Eh. He'll get there when he gets there. Good luck with your son! He sounds like he's off to a great start in the potty department!

    Oy with the teething! DS #2 was the same way. D rooling & shoving everything in his mouth SO early...not a tooth until he was 11 months old. He's still a slow teether & is just now getting his last eye tooth in. GRUMPYboy!

    Just wanted to check in & report one more exercise session to bite the dust! Woo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    My son still poops in his underwear. He waits till nap time too. He's gotten better about it, but it has not been easy! Yours will get there! It's good that you started so early. Wow, three little ones, so close together. You do have your hands full! It must be great though. We've been trying for another one for almost a year. I had a miscarriage in July (early). I hope to have good news one of these days!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I am so sorry to hear of you m/c. :( I hope you are able to conceive soon!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    MM- I too am very sorry for your m/c - I have a galpal that was due on my b-day (nov 9) <I had my first d on her b-day> and she gave birth to a still born little girl in August (Odella -RIP) It was so sad ... she had been trying to get prego after her first (which took them 5 yrs of trying to concieve) and when she did we were all so excited and then for the m/c it all is just so much - I don't know how you ladies do it God must of known that I am nowhere strong enough to handle that...God Bless you and I know God will bless you with another child...He just takes his time sometimes and we have to wait on him

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    MM- I too am very sorry for your m/c - I have a galpal that was due on my b-day (nov 9) <I had my first d on her b-day> and she gave birth to a still born little girl in August (Odella -RIP) It was so sad ... she had been trying to get prego after her first (which took them 5 yrs of trying to concieve) and when she did we were all so excited and then for the m/c it all is just so much - I don't know how you ladies do it God must of known that I am nowhere strong enough to handle that...God Bless you and I know God will bless you with another child...He just takes his time sometimes and we have to wait on him

    That's sad about your friend! I am thankful that my to miscarriages (one 4 years ago) were early. I don't think I could handle losing one that is a few months along or more.

    Well, I got in a 45 minute walk this morning and I am going to do Shred now. I usually work out 4-5x a week so that's my goal. Again, I have one easy child, where many of you have multiples, so I have a little more time. Two therapists coming by today so it will be a full day. I hope you all have a good one!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I just got done with my walk. I'm having a hard time today so I'm not sure if I'll fit in TJ today or not. Just do me a favor & everyone go squeeze your little ones & say a prayer thanking God for the wonderful little people that they are.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I watched the Biggest Loser during breakfast. I know better than to watch TV first thing, even if it is about weight loss. I don't feel like working out now. I will but I don't want to. Doing the Shred again today and getting some cleaning done. Hope you all are doing well! Thanks for inviting me to your group!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    i sucked it up & did 30 min. of TJ yestday before I was interrupted by crying kiddos. There's a break in the rain, so I'm heading out for our walk. Baby girl got shots this morning so it might be difficult to put her down & work out today. She gets SO clingy. My DH won't be home until 9:30 either so it should be an interesting day. :P

    MM - I'm an exercise idiot. What is shredding? Is it a program or a routine or what? Like I said, I'm an idiot. :)

    How's everyone else doing today?