SAHM on a MISSION Challenge #1



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    You're not an idiot BB! I didn't know what it was either at first. Sorry I should have explained. It's Jillian Michael's video (from Biggest Loser) called 30 Day Shred. It's a kick bottom work out let me tell you! If i get interrupted by my son I get really mad. lol. Guess I will have to do it when he's asleep! It's a good video. 30 minutes is all it takes and you feel like you've worked out for 2 hours! Whew!
    I think I may take tomorrow off from working out except from walking around two grocery stores for a couple of hours! I'll still check on you all though!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ooh! That sounds like something I'd like. When Jillian ripped into purple chick last night, my DH called me evil b/c I was laughing my butt off! LOL I love Jillian. I've always thought that I need someone to scream at me to get me to get off my butt & work. TJ's helped, but I'm bound to hit a plateau with it, kwim? Thanks, MM!

    Of to TJ as much as I can. All 3 kids are down so I have a minute to breathe!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I just did the 20 min. burn on TJ. Not the 40 min. I wanted, but I still got something in on top of our 50 min. "walk"

    Audry - how are you doing this week?

    Kim - where'd you go? how's it going this week?

    What happened to all our SAHM's?!

  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Hey! I'm a SAHM! I have one son, he's 15 months. I haven't really been working out as consistently as I have wanted to, and I just found this challenge, so WOO! I have worked out every day since Saturday. I'm shooting for 6 days a week, taking Fridays off. I really had to push myself to get to the gym today. I did 10 minutes of the stairclimber yesterday in addition to my regular 30 minutes of elliptical. :noway:

    I never knew I had muscles where I felt them this morning! Whew!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ow! 2 of my worst enemies. The elliptical & the stariclimber! My butt can't take that. LOL I can't ever make it to the gym & even if I could, I don't think I'd use most of the machines...I'm a wimp like that. I'll take my aerobics & resistance bands.

    Your little guy in the ticker is cute! Welcome to the group!

  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Thank you! Your babies are pretty adorable too! :flowerforyou:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm still here :)
    DH is away on a 3 day business trip and the kids don't have school.......HAAAAAAA
    I've still been squeezing in 30-40min on the treadmill and 1 hr of yoga
    It's not the way it should be done, but the kids love to watch me do yoga (listen to the music etc)
    So, they actually play nicely in our family room and I try to tone them out and get my yoga in...
    Eating wasn't so hot yesterday...I stressed and over-ate
    BUT today, I'm back on track!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, Kim! How difficult! My dh is barely home, but at least he doesn't have to go away on trips...yet.

    I got my 50 min. walk in today, but TJ looks like it isn't going to happen. I used nap time to clean & pay bills today...would have rather been exercising.:grumble: Never thought I'd get to a day that I'd say THAT! LOL

    Happy Thursday!

  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry ladies - I've been a little MIA this week.

    My 4month old got her shots on Tuesdays and my brain has been elsewhere...

    So as for my workouts this week...I had a 4 day break Sat - Tues and got back in it on Wed TJ for 40 mins - boy did that kick my butt, my legs and tummy were still burning the next day
    On Thurs day I only did the burn section on TJ (because my body just hurt) so only 20 mins but that's better than nothing at all
    Today is friday and I will get my 40 min TJ workout in tonight

    I'm glad everyone is doing so well & welcome to LokiFea!!! It's always great to meet new mommies!!!
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Well, yesterday did not go so well for me. Thursday is our scheduled pizza night because of The Office being on TV. I know, kind of silly, but I had to make a compromise with my husband about dinner menus. We were at the store buying some basics (dish soap, laundry detergent, etc.) and the nom monster hit me full on in the face, and I decided, you know what? Tonight will be my cheat night instead of tomorrow. So I ditched the gym and settled into pizza and Dove bars for the night. Not the best move. I was only planning on one cheat day a week, but then the leftover pizza called my name this morning, so I had it for breakfast. I don't think that two cheat days a week are bad, and it's mostly hormonal issues that are making me want to eat (TOM), and I am planning on going to the gym tonight. Hopefully it will help with the cramps too. Just wanted to stay accountable with all you lovely ladies. And I AM going to the gym tonight, so at least my 6 days a week won't be sabotaged by my little hormonies.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Loki, don't feel bad. I had two pieces of cake last night! I rarely get cake so I splurged. I wished I would have been thinking because I will get another piece on Tuesday at a party! Oh well, I can't fix it now.
    I was planning to go for a walk and I might still, but I'm not sure. I will Shred after Alex goes down for a nap. My walk might include lunch at the park. It's kind of windy though. But it's nice out! I also have house work to do. I'd better get started!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I had pizza for lunch today with my super skinny friend & her little girl. We all get our day, right? It had pineapple! That counts for something! LOL

    I got my 50 min. walk with the kids in & did 20 min. of TJ cardio party before people started doing silly things around my house & I had to quit. I might try to more tonight. We'll see. Or, I'll just go for another walk. BEAUTIFUL day here in our part of Ohio.

    Oh, and I opened the M&Ms I was saving to make cookies with next week. Oops! Guess I really will need that extra walk tonight.

    Audry - my 6month old got her shots this week, too. She deals with them better than the boys did, but she turns into velcro! I can't put her down while she's awake! That makes for difficult exercising, too. :P I hope your litle one is feeling better!

    LokiFae - I think anything consumed while The Office is on, really shouldn't be counted at all. That's usually my ice cream night, be we had a friend over last night for a little bit so we didn't get to sit down & watch like we usually do. I want a Dove Bar! Yum!

    MM - You have a busy day today! I was just telling my friend that I need to find money somewhere in our budget to be able to pay professionals to clean my house weekly. That would make my life a lot easier! Happy Shredding! :)

  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Yay!!! I made it to the gym last night! That's my six days a week! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm proud of myself. I've never actually made it six days in a row before. Of course, I've also gained 4 pounds of water weight from bloating this week :frown: , but at least I know what it is and know that it will go away.

    Poor babies getting shots!!! I hate when Darrell gets his, at least this year we don't have to do the RSV shots! That was really difficult, because there was one every month and it never failed to make him scream. The good thing is, since he turned a year old, every time he gets them, he just looks at the lady giving them like she's a real b*tch. It's pretty hilarious, actually.

    BB - I :heart: Dove bars. Before I started on here, I literally would eat a box a day. :noway: I can only buy them when I REALLY want them, or I will eat the crap out of them. Definitely not good for weight loss.

    MM - I'm the same way about cake. If someone goes out of their way to make a cake, I feel like, well, I better have a piece. Because I sure don't make it at home!

    Looks like everybody did really good on their exercise this week! Yay! Let's keep going, ladies!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Got my "walk" in last night...with my husband, 3 kids & our dog that I'm currently training. That was fun. My arms got a work out, though! geeze!

    LokiFae - way to make it to the gym 6 times! That's awesome! If I ever had to leave my house to exercise, it just would never happen. I'm really bad about not liking to drive anywhere. lol

    What should our challenge #2 be? any ideas, ladies?
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    I was kinda thinking our Challenge #2 should be to add a day to our previous work outs (ie, if you worked out 3 days make it 4, if you worked out 6 make it 7) and see how much water we can drink all week (see if we could drink at least 36 oz a day!!!)

    What do you think? Anyone have anything to add!!!

    ***LokiFae - Congrats on working our 6 times last week!!! that is great!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    Sorry, Audry! I didn't see a new post yesterday so I started one. :blushing:
