

  • I just started running a couple of weeks ago. I used to run in high school, cross country and track. After doing the elliptical forever, I was surprised at how much my joints hurt when I started running. I've worked up to a 1o minute mile and the joints don't hurt much anymore, but all i can manage is a mile!!! I walk…
  • Waltham! Go Hawks :)
  • I have used circuit training, general. Good luck :)
  • It says 4 egg whites
  • Hi there, I'd like to join the fun! I've been doing 30DS on my own and just finished L2 D4. I'd love to have some motivation to keep going as the days get busier coming up to the holidays. This is my second go at the Shred and I have to say it's much easier. That's not to say it's EASY, but I'm not struggling quite as…
  • Here's a link to my blog with my Indian friend's recipes for chicken curry and vegetable paneer. You can definitely do the curry with tofu or just a bunch of veggies. http://bringingupfoodie.wordpress.com/2010/08/09/i-feel-like-curry-tonight/ here's a link to a friend of a friend's very authentic recipes:…
  • my sweet potato fries have the same carbs per serving as my fries (24g/3 oz) they have 10 calories less (140 vs 150). But as another poster said, the sweet potato fries will have other goodness in them :)
  • The pushing a stroller calories in the database is a joke. I think it assumes you are strolling through a mall gazing in windows or something. Since I don't have an HRM, I just log it as a fast paced walk (which is pretty much what I do when I go for a stroller walk). I consider the extra weight I'm pushing up and and down…
  • My little boy just turned 1 the other day and I still have the gut... I also have a 3 year old. I keep losing weight but still have the belly... and I'm actually below my pre first baby weight. It is slowly getting better though, so there's light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there!
  • I have one called "Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone" by Deborah Madison. It's huge and has a great variety of recipes.
  • Yum! I usually shred them too but saute with slivered almonds. I'll have to try it this way. Thanks for sharing!
  • I read somewhere you can measure the marinade/sauce that you put in to the food and then what's left when you're done cooking or eating. The difference is what you've consumed. That's probably a pain to do though so I like the other suggestion of just counting it all just to be safe and not under count your calories.
  • We have mice too as we live near the woods. With 2 cats they still come in the house when the weather is really bad. A guy at my husbands work said to put mothballs in the areas where they come in. He went and got 2 boxes and threw them all under our porch.... BIG mistake. You couldn't breathe in the house! He had to use a…
  • I don't have a quick answer (6:25 am here - too early for math) but one thing you can do is measure the stride on your elliptical and then figure out how many strides you take in a km. Then you can double check your distance using your steps/strides. My cheapo elliptical doesn't even give me distance so that's how I have…
  • Yay! These are such great NSVs :) I was at Costco yesterday and when the checkout lady gave me my card back she said I looked like I'd lost weight from when the picture on my membership card was taken. None of my friends have said anything about my weight loss, so this comment just made me feel so great!
  • Congrats on the coming baby. there are lots of moms and moms to be here so you should find a supportive community. Having a healthy pregnancy is definitely important! Take care of you and baby :)
  • LOL! Maybe I misread my tape measure. I still have bit of a belly so I'm planning to start again soon, as soon as my ankle feels better. Maybe I'll try to add some elliptical to help burn the flab :) Keep it up everyone!! You're almost there!
  • OK, so here goes. I just finished L3D10 and took photos and measurements. I have only lost 2 lb and 1 inch off my waist and 0.25 inches off my hips but my abs are definitely more toned and I have noticed a marked improvement in strength and stamina. I'm going to try to post my pictures from day 1 and day 30. Hopefully they…
  • Just did L3 D9. One more day to go!!! I'm glad to see more activity here again :) Jellybean, level 3 has some hard core plank/push up moves. Some are OK at the basic level. Hopefully you can power through. Last night my ankle was sore and massive but I had no idea what had happened to it. Was a little better this morning…
  • Oh geez.. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you sure though? If you can move the arm now, shouldn't you be able to build muscle - even if it's really slowly? Not to pooh pooh your injury at all, I totally understand the severity of it. My husband broke his back and ankles in his youth and had to relearn to walk. Now one of his…
  • It's going to get even heavier on the push up/plank style exercises as the levels progress so I'm not sure if this will work for you given your injury. For now, could you try to hold a plank pose (as if you were going to do push ups but stay up with arms straight - keeping arms just under your shoulders). Or a modified…
  • I say why not?? One of my mfp friends does this. You can calculate your calories burned based on your weight using this site: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
  • hmmmm, have people given up or are you all just not checking in? I know I've slacked off on checking in but I'm still doing the shred. I did L3 D8 this morning. 2 more days to go and I can't wait to take photos to see my results. Not much weight lost but my yoga pants are definitely too big now!
  • I just want to warn you about the on demand - I've only seen level 1 and 2 on it far. It's a great way to check it out without spending the money before you decide to make the investment (not that it's a lot of money). Definitely keep going. I found the first couple of days the hardest and by day 4 it was more manageable.…
  • It gets better! I was so sore at first and then again each time I leveled up but after a few days it's much easier. I'm on L3 D5 now. I haven't lost much weight but I am more toned and seeing the beginnings of ab muscles showing through the flab!!! I also have a lot more stamina and can jump and kick higher (I can actually…
  • "/quote] Yes, you really see results. And it's only about 20 mins of a workout, plus warmup and cooldown. I've already seen results in 10 days. ---- I had to have a break today. My knees are so sore from L2D1. I'll attempt it again on Sunday and if it hurts again, I'm going to have to bow out, unfortunately. [/quote]"…
  • I just did L3 D5! Almost there. I'm happy to say I'm able to do a very small rock star jump now, but it's an improvement over not being able to bend those knees at all! I've lost another lb, bringing my total loss so far to 2 lb. But I'm seeing a lot more toning so I'm not so worried about the low weight loss. I wasn't…
  • I just did L3D3 and I'm so psyched to have 1 week to go. I'm noticing a lot more stamina and height in my jumps but still struggle with some of the advanced moves. Can't even bend my knees on the rock star jumps. How sad is that? but I think it's from muscle exhaustion. I was goofing off with my 3 year old the other night…
  • Hi there, As another poster mentioned can't really comment on what's appropriate for your back injury. There are a lot of movements that work your core (abs and back). each workout is 20 minutes, plus 5 minute warm up. So they are quick, but intense. You do 3 circuits in each session: strength, cardio, abs. There is a…